View Full Version : GMs: Hosting a game.

June 29th, 2012, 15:52
Due to not being able to get a fully fledged wesbite up and running in time for the convention we will be using the Fantasy Grounds calendar with a couple of modifications. After the convention these entries will be removed.

*** Update *** Smiteworks will give GMs who run at least one session with 4 or more players store credit to assist in their running games for the con - see this thread for details: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16888

The main thing to note is that your game (campaign) name must start with _FGCon_2012 so that the calendar can sort the entries properly. Please make sure your timezone is set correctly - this is available in your profile -> Edit Options -> Date & Time Options. This will help others know when you will run the game.

To post a game:

Go to the Gamecalendar (link on the top of pages on the Fantasy Grounds website).
Select "Create new campaign" (at the top right of the campaign list).
Campaign name: Please keep to the following format:

_FGCon_2012 <day> <time> <name>

For example: _FGCon_2012 Friday 8pm GMT - The Convention kickoff game!

Note: Please post the game time in GMT (remember that GMT does not use daylight savings, so New York (for example) is currently GMT -4). Using GMT across all games will help to order them in the Gamecalendar in order of the games starting. Thanks!

Number of players - the minimum and maximum number of players you will run the game for.
Description - a brief description of your game. Include the Fantasy Grounds license you have, language and voice/text communication. This is the main information players can see before they register for the game, so please try to include:

Session Day and Time and time zone: e.g. Friday 20th July 6pm EDT (US Eastern Daylight Time)
GMT Offset: e.g. -4
Duration: e.g. 4 hours.
Language: e.g. English.
Fantasy Grounds license: Ultimate or Full.
Ruleset: Standard e.g. 3.5E/PFRPG
Chat type: Voice (Teamspeak) or Text
Characters provided: Yes/No - provided details if characters are not provided.

Genre - the type of game you will run. e.g. Fantasy, horror, Sci-Fi, pulp, etc..
Ruleset - which Fantasy Grounds ruleset you will use.
Setting - information relating to the setting of the game you will run.
Starting level (if appropriate).
Server address and password - these are the connection details for your Fantasy Grounds game - you can provide these closer to the time of the game.
Press "submit"

In your new "campaign", enter the time of your game under "scheduled play times" - enter day and month as numerical values - day = 20, 21 or 22 (Friday, Saturday or Sunday for the convention), month = 7 (July). Time is in 24 hour format. Click the arrow icon to create an entry under the scheduled play times.

When your game fills up with players, please don't remove it from the list by un-checking the "Accept Players" option. Just don't accept the additional players in the players list and keep a waitlist of those who can join if you have drop-outs.

June 30th, 2012, 05:26
This topic has been stickied.

June 30th, 2012, 19:17
And the prize for posting the first GM session (other than my initial post) goes to Doswelk - perfectly posted by the way, thanks! :)

June 30th, 2012, 21:59
Ooh what do I win :p

July 2nd, 2012, 05:47
Ooh what do I win :p
I was wondering if you'd ask...

My eternal thanks! A big smile. :D

Oh, and you've probably received something from Doug too... :)

July 2nd, 2012, 07:24
Ooh what do I win :p

The permanent title of "First to post a game for FG Con!" :D

July 2nd, 2012, 16:58
The permanent title of "First to post a game for FG Con!" :D
Absolutely! Put it in your sig... :)

July 2nd, 2012, 21:08
Jumping in the water with the first super hero game! I've been gone for awhile and work is still kicking my butt, but I can make time to finally try out the M&M game and new Fantasy Grounds ruleset for M&M3e!

The details are posted in the calendar for anyone who is interested in potentially making the purchase of the shiny new ruleset.

July 2nd, 2012, 21:31
Jumping in the water with the first super hero game! I've been gone for awhile and work is still kicking my butt, but I can make time to finally try out the M&M game and new Fantasy Grounds ruleset for M&M3e!

The details are posted in the calendar for anyone who is interested in potentially making the purchase of the shiny new ruleset.
Hey Talen, great to see you - and thanks for running a game at the con. You're our 10th session - double figures, woo! :D

July 2nd, 2012, 23:46
-errr- now we need to drum up some players...

July 3rd, 2012, 00:14
-errr- now we need to drum up some players...
Put the word out - post on any related forum, blog, social media site out there! :)

July 4th, 2012, 08:51
Are we going to have a GM night on Thursday? Testing connections and the Teamspeak server etc.

July 4th, 2012, 09:01
not without a few more players!
martin might be gm'ing by himself!

July 4th, 2012, 15:35
I have one player for my game... :(

July 5th, 2012, 08:33
Absolutely! Put it in your sig... :)

Have a look! :)

July 5th, 2012, 15:26
It looks good Doswelk!

I've been thinking about the low sign up rate for the convention. GMs should probably post to the main Guild House and ruleset specific forums also since some people don't use the calendar. It might be a way to get a few more people to sign up for games.

July 6th, 2012, 20:14
I have one player for my game... :(

I bet that there is a group of GMs who will be just hovering around and waiting to join in any games that don't have enough players. They should give the GM an idea if they are waiting in the wings though.

July 6th, 2012, 23:05
One thing about the way the calendar is set up... since everyone is posting their game using 'their' time zone.. the order of games is a bit screwy. Personally.. I'd post mine as GMT.. but I'm currently confused as to whether I'm in GMT-4 or -5 at the moment with Daylight Savings.. I think it's -4.. but well.. you get the idea. I'm sure many of us are confronted with the same sorts of issues. One can sort it out if they are clever at sites like this one:
I think this tells me I'm in GMT -4.. I'll go adjust my posting.

EDIT:Whew ok.. that done.. I feel much better... but you see.. now that game at 12pm MDT is actually listed BEFORE my game at 9am EDT... even though obviously it is going to be run several hours later... just something to keep in mind. Having a standard for this might be a good idea.
(if one was set.. obviously a bunch of us missed the post)

July 6th, 2012, 23:52
Having a standard for this might be a good idea.
(if one was set.. obviously a bunch of us missed the post)
Nothing was specifically said - I was initially concerned that some people would struggle to use the basic naming format required as it was and didn't want to further complicate matters and scare potential GMs off. But, so far, we're doing pretty well with lots of GMs stepping up and posting their games correctly.

So, it would be good to have GMs modify their entry to list the time of their sessions in GMT so that they can be in order...

July 6th, 2012, 23:57
Are we going to have a GM night on Thursday? Testing connections and the Teamspeak server etc.
That's a good idea - might be hard to coordinate across all timezones. So, will need a regional co-ordinator for each of the main 3 timezone groups - East (Aus/NZ etc.), centre (UK/Europe), Americas. I can do the Americas - any volunteers for Centre and East?

July 7th, 2012, 00:00
I bet that there is a group of GMs who will be just hovering around and waiting to join in any games that don't have enough players. They should give the GM an idea if they are waiting in the wings though.
I'm of the opinion that if you are a GM running a game in the convention then join another game as a player now - no need to wait.

I know we would like this convention to bring in new FG players and get Fantasy Grounds out into a larger audience - but it should also be about current Fantasy Grounds players and GMs getting games too.

Also, perhaps some players aren't signing up to games with 0 or 1 players - thinking it might not run...

Right, I'm off to sign up for Blackfoot's Runequest game... :-)

July 7th, 2012, 00:27
Nothing was specifically said - I was initially concerned that some people would struggle to use the basic naming format required as it was and didn't want to further complicate matters and scare potential GMs off. But, so far, we're doing pretty well with lots of GMs stepping up and posting their games correctly.

So, it would be good to have GMs modify their entry to list the time of their sessions in GMT so that they can be in order...

please clarify then what my listing would be - we are in +10 timezone but it is northern summer so we are +9 to the current time in GMT... can you tell me exactly what I should write in my calendar entry?

July 7th, 2012, 00:55
please clarify then what my listing would be - we are in +10 timezone but it is northern summer so we are +9 to the current time in GMT... can you tell me exactly what I should write in my calendar entry?
You, Mr Damned in Sydney, are GMT +10, GMT never has daylight savings. The UK is currently in BST (British Summer Time), GMT +1.

Get your Current GMT offset from here:


Click on your city, or do a search using "Search For City"

July 7th, 2012, 17:41
I think I mentioned that time zones were confusing. :)

July 7th, 2012, 19:27
I'm just finishing off the Grid schedule. For lachancery EDT is actually GMT-4, you should adjust that on your listing.


July 7th, 2012, 19:45
Grid schedule can be found here:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuS4bmZlL0uUdEhLRnQyUFp3cGtkU3g5Ti1jWHZMO Gc#gid=0

Currently: 5 sessions per day, but a big hole on Saturday night (prime N.American time zones ).

July 10th, 2012, 18:00
Just a reminder to GMs...

If you hold a full license, please make this very clear in the description of your game in the calendar so that players signing up know they need at least a lite license to play...

Thanks! :)

July 10th, 2012, 19:03
Info and rules to qualify for the FGCon 2012 $20 GM credit can be found here:


July 11th, 2012, 19:35
Details here:


July 13th, 2012, 05:11
If at all possible, if a GM either changes, cancels or fills a game please make a post here. I am trying to keep track of games for the spreadsheet schedule, but if a GM makes changes, including changing the status of a game to "Not Accepting" players, or cancelling it we have know way of knowing what the real status of the session is. :)

I think GMs are better off to have a waiting list, than to change to "Not Accepting".

July 13th, 2012, 07:00
I just wanted to thank you for putting this together. I've used it multiple times. It is a very useful tool. :)

July 13th, 2012, 16:52
GMs hosting games during the Con.. please double check your listed times and correct them. I see several errors currently, contradictions between the time listed in the heading and times listed within the game as well as issues with listing the wrong day for some games.

Keep in mind that most of the US is on Daylight Time... so times would be EDT/CDT/MDT/PDT (GMT -4/-5/-6/-7) and it is BEST to list your game using military time based on GMT rather than your local time. This is a global event so people are looking at these times from all over the world. Check the one of the world clock sites or ask if you get confused.

List games as
_FGCon_2012 - <Day> <military time for GMT (not your time with an adjustment)><Your Time(if you must)> - <Name>

There is going to be some confusion... no doubt about it, but having a standard makes it much simpler.

August 2nd, 2012, 13:53
Thanks again to everyone who ran a game at the convention. If you had at least 4 players in 1 session and haven't claimed your $20 store credit please do so!

Also, we need to "tidy up" the Game Calendar - so please either delete your game entries or edit them and remove the "Accept Players" option - this will hide the game to everyone except those who signed up.

Thanks very much! :)

August 6th, 2012, 21:08
Running games in exchange for valuable credit?
Why didn't I hear this before!

When is the next opportunity!!!?!!?

August 6th, 2012, 22:49
At the next FG virtual convention I would guess. There was talk that we might do it again in October or November.

Go to this thread and give us your ideas for the next convention:

August 6th, 2012, 23:39
At the next FG virtual convention I would guess. There was talk that we might do it again in October or November.
That would all depend on whether Smiteworks wanted to do GM support in this format again. The initial feedback I got from Doug was that very few GMs had sent him an email after the con requesting their store credit.

August 6th, 2012, 23:44
Good GMs don't do it for the money!

August 6th, 2012, 23:54
Good GMs don't do it for the money!
Indeed. :)