View Full Version : 3.5 D&D / Pathfinder Player

June 25th, 2012, 22:01
Hi, Im Reika <3

Im a 3.5 and pathfinder slut xD and I havent played in FOREVER.

Im 22 , Female , -5gmt time zone, and have been playing D&D since I was 10.

Im available pretty much every day of the week at any time (bum xD).

Hope to play with some of you!

June 25th, 2012, 22:29
whoever takes her plz take me too!!!:p

June 25th, 2012, 22:37
hahahaha xD

June 26th, 2012, 02:21
The FGII Pathfinder Society Organized Play group is always looking for new players and GM's.

It is similar to Living Forgotten Realms, you play series of one shot games with the same character (or different) and she/he advances. most of the scenario's have similar themes/settings

There are 4 scheduled games this week, we are getting more GM's and more players all the time. I am having lots of fun with it.

PM me if you want more info.

June 26th, 2012, 03:16
It's a trap...

Sorry I couldn't resist.

June 26th, 2012, 05:52
It's a trap...

Sorry I couldn't resist.

Next time try harder?

The FGII Pathfinder Society Organized Play group is always looking for new players and GM's.

It is similar to Living Forgotten Realms, you play series of one shot games with the same character (or different) and she/he advances. most of the scenario's have similar themes/settings

There are 4 scheduled games this week, we are getting more GM's and more players all the time. I am having lots of fun with it.

PM me if you want more info.

I dislike pathfinder society, its basically one giant dungeon crawl, and I like RP.

June 26th, 2012, 16:05
Hey Reika,

I'm running a semi-realistic old west game set in 1866 NV & CA (think Red Dead Redemption). We play 4 hour sessions every other week - 1 group plays from 8pm to midnight (Pacific) on the 1st & 3rd Fridays, the other from 4pm to 8pm (Pacific) on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays. The game system is based on Castles & Crusades (think early AD&D, but streamlined) with a homebrew of classes built from other RPGs. The groups are small, characters low level, and we use FG text chat to play... although I suppose that could change in the Friday night group, at least.

Are you looking for a long-term game, or are you killing time between college semesters this summer playing the game of kings (and queens, and orcs, and gunfighters, and spaceships, etc.)?

PM me if you're interested. Good luck in your quest for a game!

June 26th, 2012, 18:41
Hey Reika,

I'm running a semi-realistic old west game set in 1866 NV & CA (think Red Dead Redemption). We play 4 hour sessions every other week - 1 group plays from 8pm to midnight (Pacific) on the 1st & 3rd Fridays, the other from 4pm to 8pm (Pacific) on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays. The game system is based on Castles & Crusades (think early AD&D, but streamlined) with a homebrew of classes built from other RPGs. The groups are small, characters low level, and we use FG text chat to play... although I suppose that could change in the Friday night group, at least.

Are you looking for a long-term game, or are you killing time between college semesters this summer playing the game of kings (and queens, and orcs, and gunfighters, and spaceships, etc.)?

PM me if you're interested. Good luck in your quest for a game!

I found a group <3 thankyou for the invite though!

June 26th, 2012, 21:12
Ugh , N/m =/ , need a grp again

June 28th, 2012, 06:06
I'm thinking of re-forming and starting my campaign over, if you're interested. 3.5, maybe PF rules instead, Forgotten Realms game.

June 28th, 2012, 06:12
I might be , depending if I get into this WoD campaign or not, ill tell you tomorrow <3

June 28th, 2012, 20:20
I used to play in a real-life group of around seven individuals; our game was 3.5e with some integrated Pathfinder terminology.

I'd be more than happy to join a game.

June 28th, 2012, 21:53
I used to play in a real-life group of around seven individuals; our game was 3.5e with some integrated Pathfinder terminology.

I'd be more than happy to join a game.

Lol for future reference, thats called hijacking a thread... <3 but its fine just dont do it again please

June 28th, 2012, 22:29
You've failed to let me know...today is yesterdays tomorrow when you said you'd let me know. :P

<3 But it's fine...just don't do it again, please.

June 28th, 2012, 22:32
You've failed to let me know...today is yesterdays tomorrow when you said you'd let me know. :P

<3 But it's fine...just don't do it again, please.

Sorry not interested, I've been told you may not be the best DM choice for me

June 29th, 2012, 00:48
Interesting that my reputation precedes me. Must have been someone who got kicked out of my game for stupidity or generally being creepy.

Goodluck in your search.

June 29th, 2012, 04:58
Dafaq have I just been reading. >.>

June 29th, 2012, 16:57
Dafaq have I just been reading. >.>

excuse me?

July 1st, 2012, 03:42
Hello! I'm interested in running a game, if you are still looking to join one. I've only really ran games online with people I knew well before hand, but I'm looking to broaden my horizons so to speak. I want to keep the game kind of small, 3-5 players preferably while I get to know everyone and the way people like to play. I'm planning on pathfinder, though if you are in love with something from 3.5 it can probably be worked in. I'm more role play based than hardcore rules and dungeon crawling, though there is a time and place for everything. I also am in -5gmt and my evenings and weekends are open. Hopefully everyone is ok with using skype. Let me know if you are interested.

July 8th, 2012, 19:55
Well shame on me for not posting this earlier so it would show up immediately here , like in the first couple of posts here when someone first looks at this thread :( .... I'm getting brain dead in my old age :( ... though in my defense I have 4 grownups and 3 kids on my wife's family who have been vacationing with us in addition to caring for my own 2 munchkins and I don't multi-task well to begin with so that's my lame excuse :P ... anyways just occurred to me to post this and better late than never I say :P , so ..

I've had the pleasure of having Reika in my campaign back when I was running a Dragonlance / D&D version 3.5 game.. she was really, REALLY good at the whole role playing, getting into character type thing, which to me is like one of THE most important parts of the whole RPG thing, it was really a pleasure having her in the game :) .... basically if you're a GM looking for a group of solid role players who focus on the "storyline" aspect of the game she's an excellent choice ;) ....