View Full Version : cWoD Vampire game interest

June 24th, 2012, 21:00
Last week I was looking through my garage and stumbled across my old role-playing books. One of them was my 2nd ed Vampire the Masquerade books. It took my back to all the great times I had with my old gaming coterie facing down Sabbat infiltrators, mortal hunters, and Angry Lupins. So I decided I wanted to remove the dust off these old books and try my hand in running a vampire game again.

But before I get myself too involved in creating anything i wanted to get some feedback from anyone who would be interested in playing this type of game. I am in the central time zone (-6) and my work scheduled is mostly morning till noon so afterwords I am free to do whatever I wish. The game would be taking place in '95 allowing the Gangrel to be a Camerilla race among other reasons. So if this intrigues you or if you have never played a World of Darkness game or any D10 system for that matter, then feel free to try it out. Most can tell you that it is not a difficult game to learn and very RP oriented so it can be a lot of fun. Hope to hear back from anyone :-)

June 24th, 2012, 23:44
I'd be interested.

June 25th, 2012, 02:40
I'm down with this, as well (schedule permitting).

June 25th, 2012, 04:20
I'm also down, schedule permitting etc.

June 25th, 2012, 06:06
Lol OK well seeing as how I usually ask for at least three players for any game I guess I should start creating something for it then. I will be posting a story for the game by tomorrow along with a background, mood, and theme of the story. I hope to see you guys then :-)

June 25th, 2012, 09:34

On a whim tonight I did a search for Online tabletop games, on the off chance I'd find a WoD game to join. When I saw this thread and it's date, I had to register and post.

I'm interested in joining this game.

June 25th, 2012, 10:21
Dude. Total respect for your namesake. Fire and Ice. Epic badass.

Sure hope we can all come together on a workable timeline.

June 25th, 2012, 15:14
Charleston. Back in the 40's it founded some of the most prosperous lumber mills in all of Georgia. Employing almost 300 lumberjacks; this small but prosperous town had a bright start and an even brighter future. No one would have known that by the late 70's the local woods would become National Reserve property and would no longer be able to be use as the source for the town's only viable resource.

By the late 80's to early 90's Charleston was only a shadow of it's former self. Without a tax base the city lost nearly 50% of its population. With abandoned neighborhoods, boarded up shops, and an entire industrial area filled with large unused buildings, Charleston has become a breeding ground for crime, drugs, and prostitution. In regional magazines Charleston is considered one of the most dismal and decayed city's in Georgia. For most, that would be a reasonable excuse to avoid the town, but not so for the Kindred...

During its early beginnings Charleston has been ruled by a young but ambitious prince known as Max. Although young he was able to gain an understanding with Benison Hodge the prince of Atlanta which was just south ot town. Max would control the workers Unions and Benison would control the big businesses of Atlanta. However, due to the fall of Charleston's main source of profit Benison has, on more than one occasion, asked Max to simple pledge loyalty to Atlanta and become one of his Lieutenants. Max has seen these offerings as a great sign of disrespect and the two have had a bitter rivalry ever since.

In modern day Charleston, it has become a perfect hunting ground for kindred. After all who is going to miss a bum off the street or notice another face gone from work when the population dwindles on its own everyday? And because of the state of most of the buildings in the industrial quarter, which most kindred now refer to as the Graveyard, the Kine of Charleston have condemned the area as off limits making it a perfect place to go to ground in almost complete safety. The Kindred population has been on a slow but steady increase in the last 18 years since Benison banned the creation of neonates in Atlanta in an attempt to gain more control over the Anarchs. This has led to kindred fleeing to Charleston to create there progeny without suffering the wrath and oppression of the Malkavian monarch.Max has welcomed all newcomers with open arms into his domain (the fact that they dislike Benison almost as much as him doesn't hurt). Yes in fact the only thing unlikable about Charleston is, well there is nothing really to do there. That is why most of the Kindred go to Atlanta for there fun and entertainment. However, due to the hostility between the two cites most kindred on ether side don't see eye to eye and some of these interactions have led to open acts of violence.

This is where your characters come into the picture. As neonates of Charleston, you will have a responsibility as the newest lords of the city to help mold its future. with your help will Max be able to keep his seat as Prince or will Benison get so fed up with the conflicts that he will simply force him into submission? Only time and perhaps you will tell...

*We will be using 2nd ed Vampire for this game. If possible I would like to get with everyone over PM to discuss there background and character creation before we start the actual game. If you are unfamiliar with the system or need a refresher then by all means let me know and I can help you. Thanks and here is to hoping to get this game off the ground :-)*

June 25th, 2012, 21:03
Your earlier mention of 1995 still has me giggling a little. Clubbing people to death with the cellphones of the era has a certain quaint appeal.

Also wanted to ask, at this point, how much do you wish us to share with the group regarding character intentions? Are we to be strangers from each other? Should we compare notes so as we have a reasonable mix of muscle, mentality and mysticism (Max would surely wish a well-rounded crew of neonates)? I mean, everyone's likely to have secrets but among the tight-knit vampire community, I suspect that no one is Embraced in a vacuum...

Lastly, regarding your gaming style, are you going text- or voice-based? I would imagine a specific schedule still remains...nebulous at this point. I am pleased at how quickly this thing is coming together.

Dr Babylon

June 25th, 2012, 22:04
Hey this is awesome that this is coming together. I haven't table top gamed on my computer in awhile, with only one other limited time experience. I'll need info on how to get myself ready for our first game night, if anyone wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction. Thank you.

Also, I have an idea already in mind complete with a background. My only questions will be limited to any restrictions regarding clans? etc. We should know of? Or are we free to choose?

June 25th, 2012, 23:08
I'm planning on getting a pdf of the sourcebook that ill be able to share. Should have that later tonight

June 25th, 2012, 23:23
Both excellent questions. As far as character intentions that would depend on your characters natures & demeanor. If they are the type to be not so forthcoming to others then I suppose less is more;however, it is a good idea to keep deep prejudices towards other clans to a minimum. After all it would not help if there is constant conflict among the group the entire game. But you don't necessarily have to be the best of friends ether. After all true friendship among the kindred is a rarity.

If you all wish to share notes to have a well rounded group I have no objections to that. I find that it sometimes helps , especially with players unfamiliar with each other, to find out the others player styles and preferences. as far as the game style, currently I have a non-working headset, but I am planning to rectify that soon, but until then we will have a text based game to start out with. Hopefully it will only be for 1 game session, but if anyone has a particular preference then feel free to do what you wish. I have played games with both text and chat players and I have found no problem with it.

And as regards to clans. There is no real restrictions with the exception of some clans that are non-existent during this era. If however anyone has a concept they want to run by me then feel free to do so. I am nothing is not adaptable:-)

Finally about the game time table. My Fridays are unfortunately booked do to a prior engagement but any other days would be acceptable to me. Like I mentioned above my weekdays after 12 (CMT) are free. My weekends are so-so, but are doable with enough heads up.

June 25th, 2012, 23:49
I'm generally free Mon-weds after 7pm est and Sundays are often good. Thursdays are sometimes free as well. I occasionally have to work late, but generally not.

June 26th, 2012, 08:10
Evenings are open for me. As long as it's not keeping me from Breaking Bad or Walking Dead, I'm good.

I'm thinking Toreador or Brujah. And though I'm a dude. I may play a Female character.

June 26th, 2012, 09:17
Well it seems I will definitely be playing a female character. I strongly favor the duplicitous, social butterfly types (with a soupcon of tragedy) so someone else may have to do the heavy lifting and tech stuff. After deep soul-searching (walkin' around town "Dust in the Wind" montage), I believe I have settled on the Lasombra clan, which is to say an Antitribu. Forever an outsider, largely distrusted by the Camarilla, reviled more than most by the Sabbat. Feels right. In terms of the role she will play in any given task force (coterie?), she sees herself as a sort of would-be information broker. Background pending...

my name is Dr Babylon

p.s. In the event that someone has their heart set on playing a similar character (persuader / deceiver), I could whip up a fairly palatable Malkavian. I can certainly do megalomania, for starters.

p.p.s. I will go on record as being against the use of voice-chat. I am a text fan, but my wishes should not stand in contradiction to the majority rule.

June 26th, 2012, 09:20
Oh and I am available every weeknight after 10:00 pm EDT or Saturdays and Sundays after 7:00 pm. Sorry. Work schedule slides a bit. Would prefer to leave Tuesdays free.

June 26th, 2012, 13:17
I was leaning towards Gangrel or Brujah, and I'll be playing a male. Likely Gangrel. Gotta read up more though. I'm ok with text only, or voice-chat used only for OOC.

June 26th, 2012, 15:45
Ok I think that's good.

June 26th, 2012, 16:25
Okay well it looks like everybody seems to be okay with Sunday 8 PM Central mountain time(which is to say 7pm est) so if there are no objections. We can make that the standerd. So when everyone is Comfortable with there choices then go ahead and start sending me your background info. If it might help I have created the Charleston kindred so if you want to use one as a sire or anything like that then let me know in your background.

Max Angles
Clan Toreador, embraced in 1906, apparent age 30s.
Slightly less than average hight, but above average build. He looks like Jude Law except with darker, longer hair and dark brown eyes. Although friendly and understanding max can sometimes be quick to anger and can fall into a heated rant at the drop of a hat. However these spats are quick and often leave him a little embarrassed afterwords.

Alice Hanner
Clan Toreador, embraced 1940, apparent age late20s
The childe of Max. Short average build. Alice is a dark haired beauty of apparently mixed European diescent. Her wide, full eyes are a shape near emerald green that shines against pale skin. She has thin lips, but a wide, gentle smile. She wears the clothing of the early 19th century and always wears a lace shawl. Alice is very shy to strangers. She only speaks to people that she is Comfertable with and even then it is only one or two word sentences. The only one she ever has full conversations with is Max and most of them are in private.

Clan Brujah, embrace unknown, apparent age early 30s.
Reggie is of slightly above average height and light build. He has short, dark red hair and dark green eyes. He could remind a lot of people of a young John Travolta. But most people find him a little unnerving for the fact that he no longer blinks. He is considered the anarch of Charelston. He often speaks out of place with the prince and sometimes is Down right rude twordes him, but for some strange reason Max gives him a lot of leeway. Some suspect that it's because MAx owes him a dept but if it is true nether talk about it.

Clan Malkavian, embrace unknown, apparent age late teens.
Bengi is tall and thin built. His thin black hair makes his large ears look like wings. His eyes are wide and baby blue, while his teeth are broken and crooked. He moves around most of the time like a scared child as it is apparent that he is mentally disabled. He is very strong, but even when in danger he never kills. Although he lives on his own at the Graveyard he seemed to be able to feed himself and has a very warm and friendly disposition to almost everyone he meets. He has made a friend in Daniel who sometimes looks after him.

Daniel Kanker
Clan Nosferatu, embraced 1782, apparent age 30s?
Daniel is tall, with less than average build for his height, he has a wide face with deep set green eyes. His eyes are the only part of him that is attractive; otherwise he is a gross creature, with hard, wrinkled skin, a distorted, hideous face and only a few patches of hair. Max suspects Daniel of being part of the Inconnu as he has Proclaimed on more than one occasion about the theory of Golconda, but wether this is true or not remains to be seen.

That's what I have so far. Use them if you like, or not. Just let me know in advance so that I may plan occordingly.

June 26th, 2012, 17:15
Almost definitely going to be a gangrel, just as an FYI. Don't know if that changes anything.

June 26th, 2012, 23:10
I'm thinking Malkavian Newsman, with a fantasy complex, looks like Edward R Murrow. Extremely conservative and traditional, embraced in the early 60s, when he investigated something he shouldn't have. Been asleep for a long time, does not except that he is even a vampire.

Character would primarily be an investigator, eyes and ears of the group.

June 26th, 2012, 23:25
Hmm not a bad idea. I think Dr. Babylon has got his Lasombra along the lines of an information broker, not sure if he is planning on run ing his character along the same lines. But still I like the concept :-)

June 27th, 2012, 01:43
Oh btw Sunday night is excellent for me.

OK lets rearrange this a bit, I still want to go with the Malkavian newsman unless everyone thinks this will overlap with Dr. B I'm thinking a knowlege based investigator more then a decivier, dominator. Kind of be tough to be a vampire who doesn't believe they are a vampire. Derrangement will be paranoia.

June 27th, 2012, 03:09
I am interested to see how our dear Malkavian co-conspirator's delusions would handle experiences with our less subtle play-mates. I think it sounds like a great addition. I was planning to play from the perspective as a manipulative pusher who gathers secrets and favors. She wishes to be the spider at the center of the web (is rather more used to being the fly tangled within). Frankly, an ally who is more of a naturally talented observer would prove a great asset to this pursuit.

Still hammering out the details, but I am comfortable explaining that young Cecilia "Cessy" Wentworth spent the majority of her childhood in California. Discovered at a young age, she was something of a precocious television child-star. Remembered best as the loveable Penny Crawford on the family adventure-comedy show "Thicker Than Water" (1982-1985). After that she saw some other limited success on television, her domineering agent/mother touting her, with hyperbolic aplomb, as "America's little sister". With adolescence, Cessy matured a little too swiftly (physically, at least) to be considered for conventional family roles. Symbolic of her desperation at the time, those who know her name might remember her unfortunate comments during a 1989 interview on "Media Mile". Branded almost overnight as an entitled and ungrateful "troubled former star", so went Cessy's downward spiral. The elder Wentworth tried her best to resell her daughter in film and modelling projects which led ever deeper into that seamy and uncompromising world. Most recently, Cecilia had largely broken off ties with her mother and moved to Atlanta for a promising television series called "Sword of Light" in which she was to play the teenaged hero's potential love interest. Unfortunately, this production run never made it beyond the pilot stage (audiences had trouble committing to the supernatural elements; this would be about 1993 or so). Cecilia's natural talent for attracting the wrong kind of attention brought her into the arms of a Kindred named Tolomeo, a Lasombra of respectable age who had grown fairly disenchanted with the Sabbat company line (sort of a vampire mid-life crisis). On a whim, Tolomeo turned Cecilia and, for a time, they were happy. Recognizing the likelihood of his own demise at the hands of his ravenous affiliates and showing great remorse for having introduced the girl to this life, the Lasombra called in a favor and left her in the care of an easygoing (yet enigmatic) Camarilla-friendly Nosferatu named Rüdiger (taking Mentor background trait). She hasn't heard from Tolomeo since and has really only taken baby steps as a vampire (a kitten with eyes barely open?). Cecilia understands little of the politics of this existence and, in fact, still has thoughts and feelings very much rooted in her abandoned humanity (though her affinity for manipulation seems to translate well). She finds it interesting that she had never really felt like a worthwhile human being until she no longer was one.

That's me in a nutshell. Recommendations welcome. Too complicated/unlikely/self-aggrandizing?

Aside, one of the elements I enjoy about this sort of grouping is the notion that we never really know just how expendable we are to our masters. Being given assignments behind which we may never understand the true motivations ("You didn't really think we expected you to succeed, my pet...").

Dr Babylon

June 27th, 2012, 03:32
Well first I just want to say Bravo Dr. You did a wonderful job creating not just a character, but you also have her a backstory that opens a lot of potential story arches. Most Kindred (Lasombra inperticuler) tend to become more detached with there former human existence. The older they become the less they see humans , for lack of a better word, equals. So your maker would have seen something in Cecilia that would have sparked his interests. Perhaps you could elaborate more on that. As far as everything else; it's perfect. Bravo sir bravo :-)

And as for our Malkavian newsmen. I personally love malks for there sheer diversity when it comes to rping as well as concept. Someone who loves Solving mysteries and getting the "skoop" would be perfect for the chronicle. Good concepts so far. Let's keep me comming!

June 27th, 2012, 04:28
Additional detail:

-It was less about who she was and more about her sire's nihilistic frame of mind (I've read it's relatively uncommon for Lasombra to create numerous "offspring"; hence early Generation background trait); Cessy's natural beauty, youth and perceived fragility surely offered Tolomeo an escape from the brutal, treacherous machinations of Sabbat dealings; during their short time together I imagine he struggled internally with the notion that it would be best to kill his adorable little experiment (old-guy-young-girl relationships are creepy...)
-Cessy doesn't understand that she will have the enmity of both sides by virtue of her bloodline (doesn't know which table to sit at in the vampire cafeteria)
-There is a certain delightful incongruity in playing a semi-famous (infamous?) character who will not show up on camera (love a challenge)
-As a swindler/deal-maker/honeypot she is a most promising novice; she has never felt "in control" of her life (thought of as a particularly well-cared-for pet) and discovers that dominance suits her
-Physically, think of her as having the vibe of a friend's sister who sure got hot since the last time you saw them (mostly non-threatening and largely unassertive and all the more beguiling for it)
-She is still laying out the moral groundwork for her vampire self, though she will always have a soft spot for children and would sooner die than see a child harmed
-Violence does not come naturally to Cessy; her first in-game frenzy should be loads of fun!
-Is young enough as a vampire that she still speaks with a slight lisp ("The fangs are new...")

June 27th, 2012, 04:31
Sorry to be a pest filling this thing up. I hate folks who do that.

Just wanted to say mgholson's Malkavian might be operating under the delusion that he's only pretending to be a vampire to fit in. He believes he's successfully under deep cover ("I can't stop now! Much as I hate drinking blood and hiding from the sun, I'm so close to the truth!").

Just sayin'.

June 27th, 2012, 13:16
I haven't had time yet to flesh out a character concept but will be thinking about it as the weekend approaches etc.

June 27th, 2012, 17:49
Okay Dr. Babylon brought something to my attention that I think I need to address to the group. There are two versions of second edition, the original and the revised. I liked some of the things from the revised version but not all of them so I think ,just to keep it simple ,let's go ahead and use the original second edition rules. it's not that different there's only one or two minor differences. If no one has any objections to that then we can go ahead and do it ;however, if somebody wants to use the revised second edition rules just let me know and we can proceed from there thanks.

June 28th, 2012, 05:11
I only have the 2nd edition book so that works for me.

Charles Black has spent his entire life searching for "the real story." He's a skeptic of almost every accepted fact. While working on a piece about illegal aliens for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution he took interest in a urban legend that several of the the migrants told, they called him, Mr. Chupacabra. A mysterious man who stalked homeless migrants in the night, taking those who wouldn't be missed and sucking their blood. He became obsesed with the story and spent his nights searching the rougher parts of town for this Mr. Chupacabra.

He didn't like what happened when he found her. His sire is a Malkavian woman called Lisa, she was amused with his search for truth and decided to see if he could handle the truth. She has sent him to Charleston to unravel a consperacy within a web of mystery. Once he uncovers the truth she will remove the vampire cover and allow him to publish the story, win a pulitizer prize and become the world's greatest journalist. She has warned him that all over kindred he meets will lit and tell him vampirism is foreever, but she alone has the power to remove it.

Charles mental state was never exactly ship shape and now its truly sprung a leak. Charles is a big fan of 1950s and early 1960s culture in fact Charles believes his new vampiric condition could possibly be an episode of the twilight zone. He has take to dressing in a smart mod jacket, narrow tie, and slicked back hair of the Twilight zone narrator. He believes if he can get to the bottom of things the bizarre twist his life has taken will iron its self out and he can go back to normal.

June 28th, 2012, 06:14
Very nice MG. A perfect example of a classic Malkavian since most don't even realize that they are a clan or vampires for that matter. Definitely like the look you gave him. A Reservoir Dogs look lol. Were you still going for the Paranoid derangement or will you be going with the fantasy world that you had said prior?

June 28th, 2012, 06:48
I currently don't have access to my books, they are in storage and getting them will take me some time. If they haven't been thrown out!

It's been a number of years since I played. Would it be possible to get a bit of help with my character creation? If you know a good online source I can use that as well.

Also, is this site the one from which the program being used is obtained?

June 28th, 2012, 13:30
Yeah I may need the same, but DarkWolf, check your messages, I think I sent out a link with .pdfs...

June 28th, 2012, 15:18
Absolutely. If there is anything you want to ask just PM me and I will do what I can to help. If you need a step by step process here it is in a net shell.

STEP 1: Concept
Come up with a concept for your character. Are they male or female? What did they do during there mortal lives? Any family, friends? What where there Nature & Demeanor? This step helps define the rest of your character so do it first.

STEP 2: Attributes
Now assign the dots to your attributes. This determines everything your character is as a whole. You priorities your attributes by primary, secondary, and tertiary depending on what you feel best fits your concept. Your primary gets 7 dots, secondary 5 dots, and tertiary gets 3 dots. Every attribute has 1 dot already because every living creature can naturally use them.

Step 3: Abilities
Your abilities determine what your character knows rather than what they are. Each ability you put a dot in determines how good the character is in that particular ability (i.e. how much dice you roll for that skill). Your Talents describe all your natural abilities. Even if you don't have a dot in a talent it can still be used with it's corresponding attribute. Skills are things your character has learned threw training of some sort. Like talents, skills can be used if there is no dot in it;however, the difficulty for a unskilled task is raised by one. Knowledges are the abilities that are gained by studying and training the mind. Unlike the previous two abilities, this one can not be used untrained. A single dot is required to use a knowledge. Like attributes, abilities are categorized by primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary gets 13 dots, secondary gets 9 dots, and tertiary gets 5 dots.

STEP 4: Advantages
Everything up to this point was to determine the human side of your character. Advantages determine you supernatural, historical, and moral side. DISCIPLINES are your vampirice powers. You have 3 dots to allocate to them. You can only choose the disciplines of your clan, but you may place them in any fashion you choose (ex. placing all three dots in a particular discipline and leaving the others blank for now). BACKGROUND is to help define your characters concept. You have 5 dots to allocate and can do so however you wish. VIRTUES are you characters moral strengths and weaknesses that are vital in V:tM. Self-Control is rolled to resist your vampire urges, Courage is rolled to resist the vampires natural fear of fire and the sun among other things, and Conscious is rolled to see if remorse is felt for certain actions you do and to see if you loose humanity for it. Like attributes you start with a single dot in all three of them, and you have 7 dots to allocate.

Step 5: Finishing Touches
Now it's time to fill in everything else in the sheet. Your WILLPOWER is based of what your starting Courage is so it will be based anywhere from 1 to 5. Your HUMANITY is based of both your Self-Control and Conscious so it can be anywhere from 2 to 9. Your starting BLOOD POOL is done on a D10 roll. Then there are FREEBIE POINTS. You are given 15 FPs to allocate anywhere on the sheet to help strengthen your character. You can even use them to give yourself a Discipline that is not of your clan, but they are not used in the same way as you have been placing dots before this. they have a purchase system:
Disciplines (any): 7 points per dot.
Attributes : 5 points per dot
Abilities: 2 pints per dot
Virtues: 2 points per dot
Willpower: 2 points per dot
Humanity: 1 point per dot
Background: 1 point per dot
Once that is done you are pretty much set. All that is left is to give some minor details about your contacts, retainers, and Mentors (if any). As well as equipment such as weapons or vehicles (if any).

Also I am allowing traits and flaws in the game. Traits use FP and Flaws give you more to spend. But if you do choose them I ask that you get an equal amount of the two ( I don't want to have a character that has nothing but flaws or vise versa)

And yes DarkWolf it is :-)

June 28th, 2012, 15:20
Well making a vampire character isn't too complicated, much of the information you need is on the sheet.

Clan information can be found here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clans_and_Bloodlines_in_Vampire:_The_Masquerade#Ca marilla),

Right now we have two characters who aren't combat oriented which isn't really that big of a deal I think, but if you guys like tough guys that could be handy.

June 28th, 2012, 15:30
This grp full?

June 28th, 2012, 17:02
No I think we have room for one more :-)

June 28th, 2012, 17:14
Again, ill almost definitely play a gangrel so that's one combat oriented character

June 29th, 2012, 00:49
Thanks for the replies. I remember much of the game, but specifics escape me. I'm learning my complete collection of Vampire first and second edition books may have been thrown out. Heartbreaking.

I'm still so torn between Brujah and Torrie. I love both of them. I'll work that out and get a copy of my character complete with BG to you asap.

The only other question I would have is, are their any traits or flaws you would rather not see being used?

Thanks again for the info all.

June 29th, 2012, 01:36
First one that comes to mind is True faith, but if there is another one I'll let you buys know

June 29th, 2012, 02:40
I'd love to play, but ive only played nWoD.. can someone give me the books?

actually i do need em lol

June 29th, 2012, 02:47
Okay. I've done my character and filled out a sheet. Spy, I've sent you a copy of the character sheet. Check your messages when you get a chance.

The background is entirely in my head and I'll get it written out and to you asap. It covers the specifics of her background choices etc. I need to be sufficiently motivated to type that all out, but I will soon and you can review it.

June 29th, 2012, 04:13
depending on when the game is running id be down to join in the vamp fun :)

June 29th, 2012, 04:15
that is if there is space

June 29th, 2012, 04:31
Another one of our players ,Dan, has access to the PDF he can give you. You can also get the books on 4share.

DarkWolf I just read your sheet I sent you a follow up message

June 29th, 2012, 04:33
Unfortunately Shroud. I think we are maxed out, but if we have anyone drop out I'll be sure to let you know :-)

June 29th, 2012, 04:55
Dark how did you send your sheet? did you find an interactive one?

June 29th, 2012, 05:00
I used the interactive sheets here:


Seemed to fit my needs. Lotsa space for details.

Not to sound daft but I'm sort of looking forward to this.

Dr Babylon

June 29th, 2012, 05:21
Im super excited to play with all of you, ill have my character made shortly.

June 29th, 2012, 12:27
Another one of our players ,Dan, has access to the PDF he can give you. You can also get the books on 4share.

please dont encourage piracy....

June 29th, 2012, 13:58
Almost done with my character

Cant seem to think up any good allies / contacts though...

I can get 2 moderately powerful allies / and 2 major and minor contacts, any advice?

June 29th, 2012, 15:13
Well your allies could be someone from Atlanta. Perhaps a clan mate from Atlanta, or a friend/family member from life. As far as Contacts Charleston has a mayor, chief of police, and a fire chief. But as far as underworld it has two gangs. The Eastern Hoods and the Downtown Lobos. I have more details about everyone I mentioned if you want details I can PM you

June 29th, 2012, 15:43
How bout 2 allies in some gun manufacturers?

June 29th, 2012, 15:51
My character is mostly made, ill post info and send char sheet (if I can figure out how) tonight. Any word on what extensions or whathaveyou we're going to use?

June 29th, 2012, 16:03
He didn't, the PDF's are name marked, so were payed for. Its the same thing as lending the books in person. Most pdf's when you buy them now are marked with your name to be tracked if you mass spread them.

hi ReikaMichiko, when you buy a hard copy book you have exactly one copy and you are allowed to lend it to another person as there is still only one copy. when you copy that book and lend it to someone it is theft/piracy.

White Wolf now only publish electronically and this is from their distributors website:

What can I do with my ebooks?
First, the one thing you should not do is make a copy of the ebook for another person. Contrary to what many file-sharing sites would have us believe, doing that is a copyright violation and more importantly, it seriously erodes the ability of publishers to continue to offer the best products possible. It's not like our publishers are minting millions as it is, so your support against copyright infringement is always appreciated. You may print your ebooks, and copy as many selections to the clipboard as you wish.

have fun with your game - it looks very interesting.

June 30th, 2012, 00:24
Great news personally, I found all my 1st and 2nd edition rule, player guide, and city source books in storage. That would suggest all of my Werewolf and clan books may have also survived.

Hope to have my background complete this weekend.

June 30th, 2012, 08:57
I am new to all this but am a huge fan of CWoD would it be possible for me to get in on it. Also what all would I need to play?

June 30th, 2012, 21:05
Whats going on with this game, is it dead?

June 30th, 2012, 22:03
Whats going on with this game, is it dead?

The GM replied yesterday,

he has called Sundays 8PM Central for the session, but hasn't actually set a starting date yet, I was thinking we would be starting this Sunday but maybe not.

Would like to know what extension we are using, I've got the nwod ruleset installed by Stuard Woodard, but I didn't have much luck looking for a cwod ruleset.

June 30th, 2012, 23:04
Yea I have been trying to get a rule set than can help. But for now I will be suggesting foundation. More as it develops

June 30th, 2012, 23:34
I still have no idea how to actually play online. Which program(s) do I need? Last time I played online it was with a tabletop program. Are we using the one listed here?

July 1st, 2012, 04:08
Just an FYI if we're trying to play tomorrow night, I could have a character rolled/ready with background and all by then. That is, however, assuming I know we're trying to do that.

July 1st, 2012, 06:23
I am available and largely prepared for Sunday evening, if it is our bold leader's will. Should we wish to convene for even a minor meet-and-greet, I would be game. If more time is required before we can begin, I will also understand. Haste yields few benefits.

(Happy Canada Day?)

July 1st, 2012, 12:25
I still have no idea how to actually play online. Which program(s) do I need? Last time I played online it was with a tabletop program. Are we using the one listed here?

Yes we will be using Fantasy Grounds, which if you don't have you'll need to buy, and the GM mentioned the Foundation ruleset which if i remember is a basic ruleset without any game specific features. You can read about it here.


July 1st, 2012, 13:04
Yes we will be using Fantasy Grounds, which if you don't have you'll need to buy, and the GM mentioned the Foundation ruleset which if i remember is a basic ruleset without any game specific features. You can read about it here.


Thankyou, I downloaded and stuck the folder in the rulesets folder, anything else?

July 1st, 2012, 15:35
Ok chaps. I am currently working on a ruleset for CWoD with a friend of mine. If all goes well we will have something to use. I would prefer it over foundation so we will get more out of FG. If we can't get it to work then foundation will be the system to use. As for a game today. I would like to postpone untill next week if that's alright with everyone so that we will have the time to work on it. Thanks for your understanding :-)

July 7th, 2012, 01:55
Confirmation on date and time please?

July 8th, 2012, 07:35
I've been slacking on my background with the holiday vacation but I hope to have everything to you before start time, if the game is still on for Sunday night.

July 8th, 2012, 18:47
Yeah ill have all my stuff in before game time tonight too

July 9th, 2012, 02:27
whats going on...

July 9th, 2012, 03:20
Nothing this week apparently. Radio silence from Spy.

July 10th, 2012, 01:54
I did a rather rushed job on my background and sent it in early evening last night. No replies. Guess everyone is caught up in the Summer.

July 10th, 2012, 06:00
Maybe he died

July 10th, 2012, 06:43
Hrm. Classy.

Frustrating as this setback is, life does intervene whether we wish it or not. Let us hope this is merely a temporary rain delay or hiatus for retooling and not a complete abortion.

Or does that make me a doormat?

July 10th, 2012, 09:21
I'd like to give this game a shot if theres still room. Where can I get the PDFs?

July 11th, 2012, 04:54
i hate to say it but my money is on this game never starting.

i have no idea where on the internet one could get pdfs but VtM is an old game and my local game store has many used copies of the book.

July 11th, 2012, 05:45
pdfs available here:

July 11th, 2012, 06:21
Game never starting? Oh, quit talking crazy. Though the shadows grow long and our day may be nearly at its end...

July 12th, 2012, 05:55
Time of death, 12:36 am -5gmt.

Next game.

July 12th, 2012, 21:13
Thats too bad I would have liked to try this game out.