View Full Version : 2.9 Drawing Image Bug

June 24th, 2012, 03:25
I get a console message: Runtime Error: Snapshot image size (750,750) does not match base image size (500,500)

I can get this in the 4E, 3.5 and Savage Worlds rulesets so it seems more like a general image error though the SW player is the most screwed when it happens.

The clients are the only ones effected, though both the host and clients can get the error message. You need to start a second instance of FG and connect to the host to see the problem. To recreate the host should create a new drawing and put a grid on it. It's easier to see the problem on the client side if you draw a square around the rim of the drawing or an X that runs corner to corner. Next share the image with the clients. Everything should work fine.

On the host expand the drawing adding one length to the width and another to the height to just make a bigger square image. If you move the view on the host down to the bottom right and you sync the drawing up with the clients everything is still fine. You can also draw another square or X so you can see where the drawn corners overlap.

To recreate the bug, on the client close the drawing. On the host re-share the drawing. You should get the Runtime Error in a console on the host and the client will see a blank gridded map apparently 500 x 500 instead of the 750 x 750 image the host is trying to share.

There are other variants where if instead of the GM sharing the drawing after its been closed on the client, if the client opens the drawing on his machine he'll get the console error instead of the GM and still have the empty gridded map.

In the 3.5 and 4E rulesets the grid comes in on the same scale. In the Savage World ruleset the grid came in larger than originally, actually filling the default 800 x 600 window FG starts in so you couldn't see anything but the grid.

Moon Wizard
June 26th, 2012, 22:22
Thank you very much for detailed notes to recreate. I was able to find the issue, which I think affects the image layer extensions that DrZ built also.

I'm going to build a v2.9.1 beta to test the fix.


Moon Wizard
June 26th, 2012, 23:03
v2.9.1 beta test version is live. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16789)