View Full Version : 2.9 Issues with items(4e)

June 21st, 2012, 21:33
1) Fairly minor but its of note. All the chracters items, on every sheet, that are magical show up as 'unidentifed item' in inventory tab (weapons are normal in the combat tab).

You can click the link box and it shows the actual item...appears to just be a naming issue on the inventory tab. Easy to fix...just retype the name but I thought I would note it. One additional note: I had item ID set to OFF in the options as I don't use it.

2) A bigger problem: I can only add a single power and single ability to a new item. I also don't see any way to delete these entries. I assume I am doing something wrong with items but it used to be a right click to add power or delete.

At first I didn't know how to add a power or ability with out the right click window but then I double clicked, on the item window, and it added one. How to add more or remove them? Bug or user problem here?

See attached image.

Moon Wizard
June 21st, 2012, 22:00
Thanks for the report.

I've identified the create/delete issue; it's a bug. I need a little bit to track down the other one. (Unidentified text on character sheet when identification option is off.) I'm hoping to push a small 4E patch with this fix in the next day or so.

For now, you can add/remove properties by using Enter key or Backspace key on existing property field; but there will always be one there. On the powers, you can add using Shift-Enter, but not delete right now.


June 21st, 2012, 22:01
A little update.... for item #2:

I figured out pressing enter will add more lines to the item abilities tab. And backspacing deletes them.

I also figured out I could delete powers by clicking on the linking box for that power and right clicking the delete record in the resulting window. {Talk about unintuitive!!!}

But I'm still at a loss for how to make more then 1 power for an item. Suggestions?


Thanks!!! See above for how to delete powers. Apparently that's not what you had in mind but it does work to delete powers.