View Full Version : Pathfinder Dragonlance

June 20th, 2012, 23:58

An epic adventure based off the popular Dragonlance Chronicles novels.

"It is widely believed that the Cataclysm occurred as a result of the Kingpriest's overweening ambition. The Kingpriest sought godhood to not only purge the lands of evil, but of anything that did not agree with his viewpoints. However, such an act would ultimately destroy the Balance, so Thirteen Warnings were sent to the Kingpriest and the nation of Istar. A storm battered the city for thirteen days, trees wept blood, and other ill omens were seen. The warnings were misinterpreted as signs from Gods of Darkness that wanted to stop the Kingpriest, and went unheeded. On the third day of the year 963 IA by the Istar calendar, the Kingpriest demanded that the gods answer his call. Instead, the Cataclysm occurred. Though it was widely believed that the gods abandoned Krynn, this was not so. Instead, most of Krynn's populace could not understand why the gods refused their cries for aid, and turned away from the gods for over three hundred years.

Ansalon felt the Cataclysm as a burning mountain that struck the Lordcity of Istar, though the changes wrought by the Cataclysm were far-reaching. The countries of Falthana and Seldjuk were destroyed; it is likely that Gather, Ismin, and Midrath were as well. The nation of Istar, as well as Dravinaar and Taol were radically altered and later subsumed into other nations. The Kingdom of Icereach was destroyed; its cities buried under snow and ice. The Blood Sea formed over the sunken city of Istar; the Maelstrom in its center supposedly sits over the ruined city. Northern Ergoth and Southern Ergoth were formed when Ergoth was separated from the mainland, while the Blood Sea Isles were formed from existing mountains to the west. Water rushes in from the Sirrion Ocean to form the New Sea, while waters recede from the port city of Tarsis." -- Excerpt from Dragonlance Nexus.

It has been around 300 years since this occured. during this time, the gods have seemingly left Krynn and new, false religions have popped up everywhere. Dragons have also disappeared, and many believe them to be nothing more than myths. Clerics with true healing powers are non-existant. It's a time of great suspicion where the peoples of Ansalon have little trust in strangers as well as in other races. The once noble and honorable Knights of Solamnia were well known and respected across the lands. Now, they are despised and hated; the people blame the knighthood for the cataclysm. This time is known as "the Time of Dispair".

The campaign starts off in a seemingly innocent fashion. The PCs are sweapt up into the lives of two barbarians that are on the run and carry a magical staff. What is peculiar about the staff is that it has the ability to heal the sick and wounded. A feat that has not occured in over 300 years. Is the staff a gift from the long forgotten true gods or is it something more sinister?

Looking For

Three to five mature players. The campaign will focus on role playing, story, and character development. There will be less of an emphasis on Combat. The campaign will have a serious tone, so players must be able to stay focused on the game. There still will be combat, don't get me wrong, but there just won't be a extreme amount. Role play on a forum will also be featured and players are encouraged to RP along outside of game.


The players will meet on a bi-weekly Wednesday nights starting around 6pm. Due to a fluctuating work schedule, the game may not always be bi-weekly. There will be times when there could be three or four weeks between sessions or there might be weekly sessions. Once again, this is due to an odd work schedule. All times and dates are posted on the calendar here on FG and on a secondary forum.

Other Information

Voice chat is seldom used. If you wanted to use something for out of character chat, pick a voice communication program. I have can have a private server setup on a machine that I have access to for almost any. Once again, almost all in character chat is done in the chat box.

There have been changes made to both races and core and base classes. For example, bards and sorcerers do not currently exist in this time frame. Orcs and Halflings also do not exist in this setting. Several of the base classes have been removed from the game due to not fitting with the setting.

Books that are allowed will primarily be what is located on the PRD and bits and pieces from various Dragonlance books that I have already converted. I do have final say on what you can and cannot have, but I am willing to work with players to build a character they want to play. Be forewarned, if a player power games, expect the same from the DM..

This will is my first attempt at DMing a game. So patience with me would also be a plus. And I do have an Ultimate License, so anyone is able to join in.

Current characters include a Wizard, Druid, Ranger and an Alchemist (maybe). A link to the calendar page for this campaign is located here ('https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=803').

How to get involved

Just post in this thread or drop me a PM if you might be interested.

Thanks in advance

June 21st, 2012, 00:18
A very nice introduction to your game setting. I admit an interest as I enjoy roleplay and am familiar with the setting. Will voice chat be an option? I am also curious as to what pathfinder character design options are available?

June 21st, 2012, 19:30
I'd be interested in a game focused on roleplay. I am not very familiar with the DragonLance history or setting, but I'm happy to play a character-type that wouldn't have that info anyway.

June 22nd, 2012, 03:31
I'd be interested, let me know if you end up having space.

June 22nd, 2012, 12:44
I might be interested depends on if my group is playing on weds

June 22nd, 2012, 16:00
I will be updating the original post with more information in a little bit, but just wanted to answer a few of the questions and comments.

Will voice chat be an option? I am also curious as to what pathfinder character design options are available?

I personally don't mind voice chat for out of character questions and banter, but I prefer most role playing be done via chat. Nothing breaks immersion more then an elf maiden with the voice of a trucker.

I have taken some of the pathfinder base classes out of the game due to not fitting the current setting and not really having a good reason for being there. I have a separate forum where I am putting most of the information for this game, so once players have been selected, a link will be PMed out.

I'd be interested in a game focused on roleplay. I am not very familiar with the DragonLance history or setting, but I'm happy to play a character-type that wouldn't have that info anyway.

When I first played a Dragonlance game, I had no clue about most of the stuff that was going on. I learned a lot by using Google and the dlnexus.com lexicon. You can learn the history and important people on the fly. I know I have one other player already making a character that is also into the dragonlance setting that can answer a lot of questions. Possibly more than I can..

June 22nd, 2012, 20:52
When I first played a Dragonlance game, I had no clue about most of the stuff that was going on. I learned a lot by using Google and the dlnexus.com lexicon. You can learn the history and important people on the fly. I know I have one other player already making a character that is also into the dragonlance setting that can answer a lot of questions. Possibly more than I can..

He might be referring to me :p .... of course I'd be more than happy if someone wants to send me ?'s on the dragonlance setting :) ... if anyone has the spare time - and if blahness is ok with this since the novels pretty much recreate all the stuff that actually happens in the campaign (i.e. you're reading as a fiction novel what happens in the campaign ;) ) - Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.. old novel but a WONDERFUL read, immensely popular and spawned a huge number of dragonlance novels and dragonlance campaign material...

Dragonlance nexus... https://www.dragonlanceforums.com/forums/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page ... is a fantastic website indeed :) ... above link is to the "lexicon" part of that website, if you look on the left under "sections" you'll see a bunch of useful links.. here's the thing to keep in mind.... the campaign (I'm familiar with what blahness will be running so that's how I know :) ) will take place during what's called the "war of the lance" era of Krynn's history (Krynn being the name of the campaign world)... afterwards there's a "Chaos War" era, a " Age of Mortals" era.. basically the info you read on that website - some of it will apply and some of it will have not happened yet.

There is a pdf, "dragonlance-war of the lance" , a campaign material sourcebook by Margaret Weis productions - here's a pic of the cover of the book


If you get a hold of that it contains a truckload of useful info on Krynn during this era ... the "Dragonlance Campaign Setting" sourcebook is also helpful


But "Dragonlance Campaign Setting" has the same issue I mentioned above with referencing "Age of Chaos" and " Age of Mortals" info as well ... also with those 2 sourcebooks bear in mind any "game info" listed (character classes for example) is in D&D 3.5, not pathfinder, format....pathfinder is pretty similar to D&D but there are some important differences...

It might be a good idea to sound off on your potential character concept since some of them are heavily impacted by the Krynn campaign setting... for example I plan on running a female human wizard, the medieval version of a "nerd" basically :p ... but if someone else decides to play a Wizard too there's an organization of wizards, the Tower of High Sorcery, that has a pretty big impact on practioners of arcane (non-religious) magic - if you can cast spells of 2nd or 3rd level or above (forget which one) they hunt you down and say " Take this Test - you die if you don't pass it by the way - or we'll hunt you down as a renegade"... I think blahness is starting us off as 5th level so you could simply say you either 1) already took and passed the Test prior to gameplay or 2) you told the Tower to go screw themselves :P in which case you're a renegade mage ... but see what I mean? If you post your character concept blahness (or me if he wants me to :) ) can fill you in on any "special considerations" for that character class given the campaign setting.

Religious types - clerics, paladins, druids, I think rangers fall into that category too - also have special considerations given that the gods have been absent from Krynn for 300 years now and people tend to regard the true gods (and any religious type magic - healing for example ) as nothing more than a fairy tale... this isn't to say you can't run one of those character classes ... matter of fact I imagine they'll be something of a "religious herald" after centuries of the gods being absent which is kind of a big deal (assuming those two suspicious barbarian types blahness mentions on the first post of this thread are on the up and up mind you ;) ) ... but there's info about how religion and magic works in the campaign you should know too if you opt to run one of those character classes.

Actually the Krynn version of the paladin runs closer to the "knight of the sword" prestige class, similar to a paladin but some differences too... "Knights of the Sword" prestige class is a subset of the "Knights of Solamnia", you also have the "Knights of the Crown" and " Knights of The Rose" prestige classes ... I believe you need to be Lawful Good in alignment to enter one of those prestige classs but if you're ok with that the Knights , as the campaign goes on, play a big role in the campaign setting so that's something to keep in mind too.

Speaking of alignment btw .. kind of a tricky situation on the one hand I know there are players who feel they shouldn't just "declare" their alignment since their PC doesn't walk around with say " Chaotic Neutral" labelled on their forehead for example :P ... on the other hand , the wizard I'm running is Lawful Good... blahness mentioned no evil PC's (he didn't mention it in the post above but he covered it in another source that has more info on the campaign, the players selected will find out more about it I'm sure ) ... but what about one who's neutral in alignment but a "cold" sort of neutral where they don't feel the need to save the innocent villagers or don't have a problem killing prisoners after they're interrogated? Since my PC has no backbone whatsoever :p she's likely react in sheer horror then do her best to keep her distance from the "clearly insane psychotic" rather than confronting him ... but what happens when you have that cold " I"m only interested in myself and no one else" PC and the Lawful Good honor-bound Knight of Solamnia who's the other PC and the two of them start having conflicts? Maybe my PC Anabella asks the cold "I"m only interested in myself" PC one too many questions (see below), the cold self absorbed PC threatens to kill Anabella (he may not really mean it but perhaps he comes out and says it anyways - or maybe he really DOES mean it :P ) , the Knight says " Touch her and I'll kill YOU " and suddenly you have a fight on your hands.... While a certain amount of this can make for good role playing too much can create serious problems within the campaign.. I dunno, up to you players and blahness as the GM but if it was me I'd go with stating a statement of alignment and a brief description of personality and motivation not just " I'm playing a half-elven rogue" ... For example my wizard(ess) Anabella the geek has made it her life's goal to research and study what we in modern terms would consider the field of "psychology" with a specialty in how the average adventurer copes with the typical life and death situations they find themselves in - expect her to follow you around and harass you with all sorts of (probably inappropriate) questions ;) ..

Barbarian, Fighter, Monk and Rogue classes are more or less the same in Krynn as they are in other campaign settings... unless blahness says otherwise no sorcerers, and bards can't cast spells since they also rely on sorcerer-type magic ... all magic is learned the "wizard" way , from books and tutoring by other wizards instead of an innate natural "wild talent" that manifests itself with no formal training (sorcerers basically)... on the other hand if you really have your heart set on a sorcerer and ask Blahness maybe he'll be willing to make you the "lone sorcerer on Krynn" kind of person , a throwback to the time centuries ago when sorcerers did walk the world of Krynn (basically what happened was persons using arcane magic nearly literally tore the world apart during a war - the gods of magic whisked them away and set up the Tower of High Sorcery which became the official "watchdogs" of arcane magic afterwards to make sure a similar situation didn't happen again). I know he listed the pathfinder "Witch" as a potential class but not sure if they go the "wild magic" or " learn your magic" route... "Noble" and "Expert" are interesting character class options too ("Expert " meaning either "expert sage", "expert craftsman" " expert peformer (as in musical)" and I think the fourth is "expert tradesman" )

June 22nd, 2012, 20:53
No half orcs or orcs in the campaign setting (unless blahness decides otherwise) so you might want to go with a half-orge instead if you're inclined towards such... minotaurs have their own island in Krynn (two actually) and are known for being ferocious pirates and having a " our race is better than the rest of you" philosophy (kinda' like the Klingons back in the old Star Trek days when they were the bad guys ;) ) so that's an option too.. given that most Minotaurs are Lawful Evil (albeit highly honorable Lawful Evil types in Krynn) you'd have to decide if you're going to stick with that (which can create some real issues if you have good aligned PC's in the group :P ) or if you're a non-evil type... Centaurs also have their own significant little bands of communities - they hang out in the "nature" type areas, there's some that are buddies with the sylvan type creatures (nymphs et al) in Darken Wood ... that could be a fun character to play but you'd start play as a lower level character than normal since centaurs are more powerful than the average human (ECL type stuff basically)... Centaurs speak archaic style - " thee " and "thou" rather than " Hey you ! " :P ...

No halflings in the campaign setting.. instead you have kender, permanently cheerful kleptomaniacs with all the innocence and energy of a child - they can't shut up, they tend to annoy the hell out of people and they can't keep their hands out of people's pockets (though they're not after monetary gain interestingly enough - it's more a matter of being so interested in other people's belongings they just can't help themselves)... from what I've heard they're a ton of fun to role play if you're looking for an interesting spin on a rogue type :) ...

Dwarves are definitely around in the campaign world, you'd have to decide if you're playing a hill or mountain dwarf (I suppose if you really want to you can play the "permanently mentally handicapped" race of Krynn the gully dwarves - dirty slobs who can't count higher than two). Hill and mountain dwarves for the most part HATE each other due to a war between the two sub races... Hill dwarves opted to leave the mountain and interact with the outside world whereupon the Mountain dwarves stayed put in their mountains, Cataclysm hit, war and famine and disease swept the land, Hill dwarves demanded food and shelter from the Mountain dwarves who had no more food or shelter to give and war erupted between the two sub races... to this day about 300 years later Hill Dwarves refer to it as the "Great Betrayal" by the Mountain Dwarves.

There are elves in the campaign world but you'd have to decide what "flavor" you want to play... the Silvanesti elves are elitist snobs who tend to keep to themselves in their own elven kingdom and regard everyone else as racially inferior - they're Lawful Good mind you so they're not likely to torture or pillage you they just think they're better than you.... the Qualinesti elves USED to interact more with the outside world than the Silvanesti.. then the Cataclysm hit and you had hordes of rampaging humans pillaging elven villages for food and whatever else they could get their hands on... a certain number of half elves resulted due to, um, "assaults" by some of those humans and needless to say the whole affair soured relations between the Qualinesti elves and the humans.. the Qualinesti elves withdrew inside the borders of their forest kingdom and started shooting any non-Qualinesti who got too close... also bear in mind centuries ago (before things got bad between human and Qualinesti elf) the Qualinesti seperated from the Silvanesti kingdom (which they used to belong to) in large part to associate more with non-elves, resulting in bloodshed between the two races... there are Qualinesti and Silvanesti elves who still hate each others' guts to this day.. you also have the Kagonesti or "barbarian elves" who live what some might call "savage", "primitive" lives in their own forests.. the "civilized" Qualinesti and Silvanesti tried to forcibly "civilize" the Kagonesti, bring them up to the "normal" standards of elven living if you will.. the Kagonesti regarded this as slavery and fought back... you've also got the sea elves if you want to go that route though I think most of the campaign really isn't spent in an aquatic environment so you might be at a disadvantage there.

Also bear in mind there's "wiggle room" in what I've described above ... while the Qualinesti have indeed adopted an isolationist attitude in the dragonlance novels there was a hill dwarf, Flint Fireforge, who was such an expert jewelry-maker that he was afforded the rare privilege of being allowed inside the Qualinesti kingdom... in the novels the half-elf Tanis , a product of a human forcing himself on an elf, is raised by the "king" of the Qualinesti elves (The Speaker of the Stars) in the royal household... things get bad for poor Tanis after that and he ends up leaving Qualinost but you see what I mean... there's room for creativity here too if blahness approves it - maybe you run a gregarious Silvanesti elf who loves to socialize and hang out with non elves for example (maybe he got sick of the Silvanesti view of things and decided there was a whole wonderful big wide world out there his brethen were ignoring)..

June 23rd, 2012, 01:28
I am interested in this also when you say wensday nights?? late or like 8??

June 23rd, 2012, 02:28
Updated original post with planned start time and date of game and other basic information that has been requested.

So far I have the following as interested in the game:

Andrepartthree - Already confirmed playing wizard.

Please let me know if the time and date works out for those interested.

June 23rd, 2012, 03:02
Don't know if there is still room...

I played the first & some of the second module in the DragonLance setting over 20 years ago (AD&D 1E). I would love the opportunity to experience it again!

I also liked the description of what players you're looking for - mature, serious, bent on role-play. I have never played Pathfinder, but I did play 3.5E; I could pick that up quickly.

Back then, my favorite characters were Tanis and Riverwind, but I'd go along playing whatever the party needs.

The proposed schedule (bi-weekly Wednesdays @ 6pm CT) works for me.

June 23rd, 2012, 03:31
sounds good for me....as long as you understand I get off work at 6 so I will be a little late in getting home now I only work across the road but gotta talk to wife high five children you know be human for as little time needed haha

June 23rd, 2012, 03:34
I am interested in this also when you say wensday nights?? late or like 8??

If I'm reading the first post correctly I think it starts 6pm central time zone on Weds nights :)



The players will meet on a bi-weekly Wednesday nights starting around 6pm. The game is slated to begin on July 11th. The server is located in GMT -5:00 (Central time currently under daylight savings).

June 23rd, 2012, 13:56
is my time conversion wrong 6 pm central is 8 est?? haha I hate time zones HA sorry

June 23rd, 2012, 15:23
is my time conversion wrong 6 pm central is 8 est?? haha I hate time zones HA sorry
Central is one hour earlier than Eastern. ;)

June 23rd, 2012, 16:56
Also I think lachancery brought up a really good point .. " Back then, my favorite characters were Tanis and Riverwind, but I'd go along playing whatever the party needs."... not trying to sound bossy but it's hard to know what the party needs however if no one is declaring what they're going to play :P

I've already mentioned I'm running a Lawful Good human wizard "nerd/geek" type... maybe the rest of us should post what we're considering playing as well ? :)

June 23rd, 2012, 17:27
I would also be very interested in playing if it turns out there's room.

June 23rd, 2012, 19:32
I can play anything....I am looking for towards a shinny loving thief-or a witch (never played one before) but in the end I am REALLY up for any class as it stands now I will put myself on the thief but if somone else would like to play one I am willing to change

June 23rd, 2012, 20:02
I can play anything....I am looking for towards a shinny loving thief-or a witch (never played one before) but in the end I am REALLY up for any class as it stands now I will put myself on the thief but if somone else would like to play one I am willing to change

I think you should just go for the theif personally otherwise we get stuck in an endless loop of " What character class do you want to play?" (other player) " Well I'm okay with anything, what character class do you want to play?" (first player) " I don't know , what do YOU want to play?" .. and so forth :p .. no offense intended to anyone though honest I think everyone's just trying to be nice :) ...

Belrik when you say " shinny" do you mean " shiny" as in " oooooh shiny I want it" ? :) .. think a kender thief would be a possibility, if not what race were you thinking? Male , female? :) .. Are you comfortable declaring alignment (good, neutral) in a "public" setting here on the forum or would you prefer not to ? I ask only in case .. well say for example you decide to play a kender and some other player decides the same thing, player number two might be like " damn, if I'd known someone else was going to be a kender I would have picked something different, now I feel redundant"... you know what I'm trying to say, right ? :)

Forgive me for the over enthusiasm, I've always been a big believer in the whole communication among a gaming group thing making it better for everyone as a whole, makes it more fun that way :) ..

June 24th, 2012, 04:05
yes I do mean shiny things not sure on race I am a little lacking in knowledge on dragonlance. and yes I would play a more N char nothing evil more just stealing

is there anyway to get ahold of you for a chat skype or such??

June 24th, 2012, 05:30
I'm going to give the post another day before finalizing the roster. I haven't heard anything back on whether or not Wednesdays at 6pm (Central Time) works for everyone...

Anyways, all those interested see the calendar page here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=803)

June 24th, 2012, 07:05
Interested here to if you have room, and yes Wednesday nights works fine.

June 24th, 2012, 10:34
After freshening up on Dragonlance and reading up on Pathfinder, I'd go for a half-elf "nimble fighter/skirmisher" type - a fighter/rogue, although neither a "tank", nor a "shadow sneak".

I'll send a PM to Blahness98 with more details on the character concept and see if he likes it.

June 24th, 2012, 14:30
I am gonna go Rogue total Robber type HA....gotta learn about dragon lance.

June 24th, 2012, 16:54
I too am interested, have FG, experience with both Pathfinder and Dragonlance and mature roleplaying. I have to check with the wife (Wed may be out for me). I'll let you know.

If accepted I'll play a Human fighter (tank).

June 24th, 2012, 18:37
The proposed schedule (bi-weekly Wednesdays @ 6pm CT) works for me.

So we know lachancery is available 6pm central time zone (USA) every other Weds - awesome ! Everyone else who's interested please, please post here confirming whether or not that time works for you as well - sounds really basic and simple to be bothering about I know but it's one of those things a lot of FG players forget to check :P , and confirming it here on this thread will give blahness peace of mind and make life easier for him :) .. or as blahness put it :

I'm going to give the post another day before finalizing the roster. I haven't heard anything back on whether or not Wednesdays at 6pm (Central Time) works for everyone... ]

sounds good for me....as long as you understand I get off work at 6 so I will be a little late in getting home now I only work across the road but gotta talk to wife high five children you know be human for as little time needed haha

is my time conversion wrong 6 pm central is 8 est?? haha I hate time zones HA sorry

Balrik , going to go out on a limb and assume you are running some sort of windows on your computer :) .. on your computer screen you'll see in the lower right hand corner the little thing saying what time it is.. double click on that... on the thing that pops up click on the "time zone" tab at the top, that will tell you what time zone you're in.. if you let us know what time zone you live in and what time you're available to start playing in YOUR time zone (don't worry about converting it or anything) that would be easiest I think... I can do the necessary conversions from there , post the time you're available to start playing central time zone and blahness can look at it and see if it works for him :) ... hopefully it all works out, I personally like the idea of having an " ooooh shiny - MINE ! " thief around :)

is there anyway to get ahold of you for a chat skype or such??

Balrik do you mean blahness or myself? Blahness does in fact have skype though I'm not sure how available he is to chat on it outside of the Weds night FG game sessions... if you mean myself .... while I will have skype on during the FG game sessions sadly enough my 2 munchkins make skype chat difficult for me :( .. it seems like I'm on the PC all the time but it's only because I type like 60 words per minute so I can easily generate walls of text :P ... but if you have the patience to e-mail me back and forth :) , PM me your personal e-mail address if you feel comfortable doing that (I find in Fantasy grounds the limit on how long your e-mails can be is a great big stumbling block for me :P ) and I'll PM you my email address too :)

MikeParham, apologies for reposting a PM you sent to me hope I don't cause any offense :( .. but nothing in there really seemed that personal or private :P and this is just me trying to keep everyone in the loop so we know which players are active and who's playing what kind of PC.. also this makes the voice versus typing thing clear for everyone just in case .. you said :

Hiya Andre,

I remember you from an earlier time when I was thinking of bringing an Astral Deva named Pyreal to your game in the same setting! Your forums were great and the players seemed very active, only that there was no voice chat kept me away. As it looks like Blahness wants to keep to a tighter DL theme, I'm thinking about a monk... Sent this to Blahness to get his thoughts, as well as to get a feel of just how "typing dependant" the game will be ((I'm) not a very good typists on a worknight...well..not ever in my case)! Soon as I get word back I can confirm. Re's, Mike

Blahness had this to say in his earlier posts however :


Other Information

Voice chat will be used, for mostly out of character communication and comments. Otherwise the chat box will the primary form of communication.

I personally don't mind voice chat for out of character questions and banter, but I prefer most role playing be done via chat. Nothing breaks immersion more then an elf maiden with the voice of a trucker.

To be honest.. it's been my experience in past FG games if we start doing the "in-game role playing declaring of actions and speaking in character " thing via voice chat things break down very quickly.. it becomes difficult to tell if someone is speaking "in character" or "out of character", out of character jokes and comments increase to the point where there's not that much focus on the game itself , and it's a heck of a lot more convenient for the GM if he has a written log of everything that happened in the game .. if you're declaring what you do and say via voice then no written log.. and quite honestly I think it makes for a more "realistic" experience if the in-game stuff is typed , sort of an immersive novel we're all co-writing... though I can see how slow typists would be bummed out by this too :( ... so Mike, if you could, taking all this into account, keep us informed and let us know what the final decision is between you and blahness? :)

Anyways, all those interested see the calendar page here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=803)

Folks, if you're interested , after confirming 6pm central time zone USA biweekly on Weds nights works for you via a post on this thread (see above), please just go ahead and put an entry in for yourself on the game calendar with your character concept , race and class.... gender would be nice too if you're considering playing a female PC (any takers ? Or am I gonna' have to be the only girl there ? :P ) ..

To those who are interested in joining but wondering if there's room available... I think you should just go ahead and post on the game calendar mentioned above - it doesn't take that much time and effort to jot down a quick character concept in there so no big loss on your part :P even if it turns out there's no room ... also it lets blahness keep track of you in case a player drops out and a spot opens up and you're still interested later on..

June 24th, 2012, 19:53
spymaster4 noticed you posted a half-orc barbarian on the game calendar.. I apologize for the pain I'm about to inflict on you by directing you to my two mini novels :P but I have two long-*** walls of text on the first page of this thread that talk a bit more about the campaign setting .. sadly enough far as I know no half-orcs in Krynn :( though if you really have your heart set on it you could talk to blahness, see if he makes a special exception maybe? )

Not sure if you'd be interested in a minotaur maybe? Blahness has it listed on his other forum as one of the playable character races.. Like orcs there's no "level adjustment" so you don't lose out on character class levels.. some racial features that might interest you:

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Minotaurs are large and powerful, but not very agile. From youth, minotaurs focus on developing their muscles over their minds. Minotaur arrogance can be offensive to other races.

Natural armor: Minotaur have exceptionally tough hides, which give them a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Natural Attack: A minotaur may use his horns as natural weapons to make a gore attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage (plus the Minotaur's Strength modifier). If the minotaur charges, his gore attack deals 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 1/2 times his Strength modifier. A minotaur can attack with a weapon at his normal attack bonus and make a gore attack as a secondary attack (-5 penalty on the attack roll, and half Strength bonus on the damage roll).

From the role playing point of view.. they have their own islands (two actually) and kingdom.. their society is Lawful Evil in alignment ... they're proud, honorable warriors who are basically racist - any non-minotaurs are worthy only of contempt (kinda' like the Klingons from Star Trek back when they were the bad guys ;) ) ... could be great from the role playing point of view.. starts out with the proud warrior aggressive " I'm better than all of you" thing going on and gradually develops a bond with the other PC's maybe :) ..

June 25th, 2012, 00:22
I'm good for Weds. Let me know if you want me to make up a character. Thanks!

June 25th, 2012, 15:34
As a long time DM who rarely gets the chance to play, I'd love to be in on this... however the timeline just isn't possible during July/August for me (very short summers here where I live - wifey no likey...).

June 25th, 2012, 20:28
As a long time DM who rarely gets the chance to play, I'd love to be in on this... however the timeline just isn't possible during July/August for me (very short summers here where I live - wifey no likey...).

Much as I hate to say it .. no matter how good the GM is or how awesome the campaign (and I'm sure blahness is going to be great :) ) .. players come and go.. some decide the campaign just isn't for them and quietly vanish, others are forced to leave due to unexpected scheduling conflicts that come up later on .. I'd just check back in September (put a reminder in on the "microsoft outlook" program or whatever you use for such on your PC to pop up come Sept ;) ) , I'm sure a long time DM would do great on the role playing end of things..and personally speaking I love having players around who will engage me in that area, most fun part of the game for me :)

June 25th, 2012, 23:48
If there is still availability I would be very interested in joining the group. I was trying to access the calendar, but the links is empty. I am interested in playing an elf ranger.


June 26th, 2012, 00:44
Link's empty? That's strange..

Actually all the open player slots are taken now (all full) sorry about that :( ... see my previous post though - if I were you I'd check back in a month or so in case any current players went bye bye for whatever reasons ;) ..

January 31st, 2013, 02:17
Due to player drop out, I am currently looking at adding another player or two to the mix.. Current party is made up of a wizard, ranger, druid, and a potential alchemist. We are currently looking for a front line person. This is an RP heavier game and we use text based chat in game and do out of game forum RP. Out of game RP is a part of the online game and does have effects on the game. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM..

February 2nd, 2013, 03:22
What is your current game day/time.

February 2nd, 2013, 04:37
Every other Wednesday starting at 6pm to 9pm GMT-6

February 2nd, 2013, 04:38
Every Wednesday?

February 2nd, 2013, 20:23
Doh, Sadly I work late Wednesdays. I love me some DL

February 3rd, 2013, 04:02
Updated initial posting with current information.. hope it helps..

February 4th, 2013, 01:45
I'm one of the newer members, so I haven't been with the whole campaign, but it's been really fun so far, and with the game every other week there's plenty of time for forum RP to expand on the character interaction, which is always fun. In the few sessions I've played, there's been plenty of great combat, but it's clear that the focus is on story and characters. There also seems to be plenty of personalized story elements taking your characters background in mind, so that's awesome. I hope we can get a few more RP-minded people in on the action. I plan to stick around as long as possible.

February 4th, 2013, 23:55
John D , blahness might have gotten back to you already but it's a bi-weekly game every other Weds.. so for example we have an FG game coming up Weds Feb 6th .. we would skip the following Weds Feb 13th.. then we would have an FG game the following Weds Feb 20th and so on ...

I've been with the campaign since it first started back around July and have been having a ton of fun myself like Vemo :) ... blahness can correct me if I'm wrong ;) but my impression is we're looking for non-rules lawyer and non-power gamer players who will be patient with a GM who is new to GM'ing (though in my opinion blahness has been doing a bang up job ;) ) who are okay with sticking to the basic pathfinder type character classes/races as opposed to the latest " KEWL look at me using variant feats and prestige classes from the zillion and one D&D sourcebooks to create an UBER POWERFUL CHARACTER " :P .. so more of an emphasis on RP basically, though combat and what not certainly has it's place too and does occur in the campaign ;) .. needless to say if you are a combat monster not interested in writing up a character background/personality then attempting to bring your character to " life " during FG game sessions via role play you will be rather unhappy as one player was who joined us whom I will not name :P .. everyone else has taken to the above mentioned campaign approach quite happily though far as I can tell ... blahness has taken steps to make sure there are pathfinder version of the prestige classes one would find in Dragonlance for those familiar with the Margaret Weis 3rd edition dragonlance campaign sourcebooks (wizard of high sorcery or knights of solamnia for example).. kender and minotaurs and the mad scientist tinker gnomes are playable character races as well (we actually have a minotaur among the characters already - cool guy, most mellow , calm minotaur you'll ever meet in your entire life who likes to smoke " weed" :P ) ..

Basically we lost a few players due to various real life circumstances.. one recently became a new dad again and you know how busy babies keep you :) .. two had changes in their work schedule forcing them to drop out ...

As Vemo mentioned we do engage in forum role playing outside of the campaign.. basically you have conversations with each other "in character" in between FG game sessions, more often than not a group thing.. one player posts what his character says, another player posts what his character sez et cetera.. to be clear "important" stuff like combat, searching a dungeon room for important stuff et cetera does not take place on the forums, that stuff happens during FG game sessions as is the norm - forum RP is more for the soap opera kind of stuff ;) ..

We have had more than one player join in the past who was not familiar with the dragonlance world/ campaign setting and it's worked out fine so please don't feel that's a requirement :) ...if you are new to the dragonlance campaign setting however I've volunteered (with the GM's approval and all :P ) to "coach" new players as far as whether or not their background write up meshes with the campaign setting.. for example it would kind of suck if you wrote up a character background that focuses particularly on how much your PC hates orcs and it's her/his main motivation in life - only to discover there are no orcs in the dragonlance campaign world :P .. or if you wanted to write up a character who has been happily dragon slaying over the past few decades of her/his life only to discover dragons have not been around for the past thousands of years and most people view them as nothing more than myth and legend :P (they make a very dramatic re-entry into the campaign world at the point in which you join the campaign mind you ;) ) ..

A bit more detail about current player characters :

- Tinos the minotaur (male) whom I've already talked about above , raised by humans from child-hood and a convert to the true gods.. even though the true gods are seen as little more than myth and legend (children's fairy tales, not real et cetera) at the start of the campaign (though that quickly changes so if you had your heart set on a divine type character it can still happen ;) ) ..

- Kyshna the "forest", " wild " Kagonesti elf (female)... practical , somewhat :P hard edged ranger who dreams of hunting and killing a dragon and earning a name for herself within her tribe ...

- Anabella human wizard (female).. scholar , "nerd", "geek", so immersed in theory and her books that she often fails to comprehend the real world around her.. guaranteed to annoy the hell out of every player character at least once if not more than that ;) ..

For those of you who are familiar with the dragonlance world and campaign setting this takes place around the "war of the lance" era covered by those dragonlance modules from waaayyy back when , the same events covered in the novels " Dragons of Autumn Flame/Winter Night/Spring Dawning" ....

February 5th, 2013, 02:23
I was one of the two players who had a change in his work schedule... After trying for a couple of months to make the scheduling work, I had to give up on the game.

While I played, it was great fun. Being a story/roleplay oriented player is definitely a must - this is not a tactical hack & slash. It's about living the story, the characters and developing relationships between the PCs.

And yes, I can vouch that Anabella, the geek wizard, can annoy any character (in character!) at least once... :p

Overall, a thumbs up to anyone if the above appeals to you.

PS: I secretly wish that evil Cyn would become a meaningful NPC somewhere down the line. ;)

February 5th, 2013, 15:57
I'm very interested in joining this game, provided their is still an open spot. A bi-weekly game would fit my schedule perfectly, and who doesn't love Dragonlance. I've PM'ed the DM (fingers crossed).

February 5th, 2013, 16:29
I'm very interested in joining this game, provided their is still an open spot. A bi-weekly game would fit my schedule perfectly, and who doesn't love Dragonlance. I've PM'ed the DM (fingers crossed).

Dropped you a PM and an invite to the calendar.

February 5th, 2013, 21:23
Yah Anabella annoyed the hell out of Cyn on more than one occasion :P ... good times :) ..

February 6th, 2013, 03:56
PS: I secretly wish that evil Cyn would become a meaningful NPC somewhere down the line.

You would have to come back as a revenant or a ghost. Ana pushed you down the river and you went over the waterfall.... and that actually has a bit of potential.....

February 6th, 2013, 20:42
I'm very interested in joining this game, provided their is still an open spot. A bi-weekly game would fit my schedule perfectly, and who doesn't love Dragonlance. I've PM'ed the DM (fingers crossed).

Hey Deep, we miss Thuul!! We're still playing in our Sunday night game; last Sunday was our 25th session.

February 6th, 2013, 20:44
You would have to come back as a revenant or a ghost. Ana pushed you down the river and you went over the waterfall.... and that actually has a bit of potential.....
Hmmm. Playing an undead NPC seeking revenge is indeed quite alluring! ;)

February 7th, 2013, 12:43
Hey Deep, we miss Thuul!! We're still playing in our Sunday night game; last Sunday was our 25th session.

That's awesome! I miss it. I hate that i had to drop the game, but every Sunday coupled with the later east coast start was just to much with my hectic work schedule.

February 7th, 2013, 20:51
Um yeah I hate to say it :P but... basically Cyn (being run as an NPC by blahness as the GM ) said something to set Anabella off, I can't remember what it was for the life of me :P , Anabella shoved him - and of course since he was right at the edge of the waterfall at the time he went overboard .. horrified at what she'd just caused to occur she then proceeded to jump INTO the waterfall despite the .. trying to remember, I think it was 300 foot drop (length of waterfall as it proceeded downwards) trying to rescue him.. she cast feather fall on herself hoping it would somehow slow her descent enough to let her survive then she tried to grab Cyn ... the end result was Anabella surviving and Cyn being dashed to pieces on the rocks below... of course there was a long epic forum RP thread where Anabella felt as guilty as all hell (let me know if you want to check it out and I'll PM you the link ;) , or if you still have the forum bookmarked check out "11th FG game session-Anabella, murderer" thread on the forum ;) .. ) ... actually if memory serves me correctly I think I was the one who first mentioned Cyn coming back as an undead bent on taking revenge on Anabella :P someone let me know if I'm wrong .. which, I agree, could certainly be fun ;) .. the question is would he take her down then go after his parents' murderer (Verminaard) or go for the big V first then Anabella ? (temporarily join forces with the PC's then turn on Anabella the moment they took the big V down ? ) .. all up to blahness at this point I guess :P .. we collected all the, um, pieces :P of Cyn , put him under a pile of rocks and gave him a funeral ... theoretically I guess those pieces could "fuse" back into a corporeal body if blahness was feeling poetic so that increases the number of undead possibilities ;) .. there actually IS a template for good aligned undead in "book of exalted deeds" I think.. then again given the whole "dark Cyn" thing going on at the end who says he would come back as a good aligned undead? :P

February 8th, 2013, 02:26
Looks like I have my player base back, so I am no longer looking for more people at this time. Anyone else that is interested, leave a message and if another slot opens, I'll drop you a PM.

February 8th, 2013, 18:23
If you have an opening later, I'm interested. I've always wanted to play a kender (a halfling with the Well-Prepared racial feat would be perfect, if you allowed halflings) :) But if you have an opening, let me know what would work best.

I'm MST (-7), and most evenings except Tues would work for me.

February 9th, 2013, 18:44
Sorry about that ric00015 I feel bad :( .. (I know I know I'm not the GM or anything and I still feel bad :P ) ... you know how it goes though, a player can end up dropping out at any time due to real life stuff like a change in their work schedule or new baby being born (two of the people in our gaming group became new dads around the same time - what are the odds eh? :) ) and so forth :) .. correct me if I'm wrong but you're familiar with the dragonlance campaign setting it sounds like ? (You've read the dragonlance novels , gamed through the dragonlance modules and/or read through the dragonlance campaign setting sourcebooks ? ) :) .. it's not an ABSOLUTE requirement for the campaign by any means but it's always helpful :)

Also how do you feel about the stuff mentioned earlier in the thread? Writing up a detailed character personality/background story then trying to bring that character to "life" via role playing his personality during FG game sessions in a way that's entertaining to fellow players and the GM - you know taking the time to pay attention to other PC's actions and comment/interact on them "in character" on a routine basis stuff like that? :) And how do you feel about forum role playing ? That is engaging in "in character" conversations with your fellow PC's on a forum (an extended group conversation basically :P ) in between FG gaming sessions on a routine basis (a post on the forum once every day or every 2 days that is in the 2 weeks in between FG gaming sessions) ? Sorry for all the ?'s but if someone's into and enjoys this sort of thing then I do my best to remember/keep track of said player and remind blahness of him/her if there's a future opening :) .. especially if they want to play a kender :) (balrik did an awesome job doing just that he is sorely missed :( ) ..

I am also very handicapped as far as figuring out someone else's time zones (a bad thing to suffer from for sure here on FG :P ) so I'm hopelessly ignorant as far as the MST-7 thing :P .. I know I'm in the eastern time zone USA and for me the game starts 7pm Weds nights once every 2 weeks - do you know the whole time zone converstion thing well enough to know if that would work out for you ? :)

February 9th, 2013, 19:22
Sorry about that ric00015 I feel bad :( .. (I know I know I'm not the GM or anything and I still feel bad :P ) ... you know how it goes though, a player can end up dropping out at any time due to real life stuff like a change in their work schedule or new baby being born (two of the people in our gaming group became new dads around the same time - what are the odds eh? :) ) and so forth :) .. correct me if I'm wrong but you're familiar with the dragonlance campaign setting it sounds like ? (You've read the dragonlance novels , gamed through the dragonlance modules and/or read through the dragonlance campaign setting sourcebooks ? ) :) .. it's not an ABSOLUTE requirement for the campaign by any means but it's always helpful :)

Also how do you feel about the stuff mentioned earlier in the thread? Writing up a detailed character personality/background story then trying to bring that character to "life" via role playing his personality during FG game sessions in a way that's entertaining to fellow players and the GM - you know taking the time to pay attention to other PC's actions and comment/interact on them "in character" on a routine basis stuff like that? :) And how do you feel about forum role playing ? That is engaging in "in character" conversations with your fellow PC's on a forum (an extended group conversation basically :P ) in between FG gaming sessions on a routine basis (a post on the forum once every day or every 2 days that is in the 2 weeks in between FG gaming sessions) ? Sorry for all the ?'s but if someone's into and enjoys this sort of thing then I do my best to remember/keep track of said player and remind blahness of him/her if there's a future opening :) .. especially if they want to play a kender :) (balrik did an awesome job doing just that he is sorely missed :( ) ..

I am also very handicapped as far as figuring out someone else's time zones (a bad thing to suffer from for sure here on FG :P ) so I'm hopelessly ignorant as far as the MST-7 thing :P .. I know I'm in the eastern time zone USA and for me the game starts 7pm Weds nights once every 2 weeks - do you know the whole time zone converstion thing well enough to know if that would work out for you ? :)

Yes, I am familiar with Dragonlance. I have read a bunch of the novels, but haven't really played any of the game modules.

I usually create a character around a concept, and fill in the rest. I do typically have a background for the character.

As far as posting on the forums, I am in college right now, so posting every day may not be feasible. And I haven't played any games using the forums either, so it's new to me.

MST is Mountain, 2 hours behind Eastern. 7pm EST would be 5pm MST.
Monday, Wed and Fri I get done with work at 5pm. Tues I'm done at 7pm. Thurs I'm done with classes at 3:45pm. So the only weekday I would be able to reliably attend on time is Thursday.

February 13th, 2013, 14:15
Yes, I am familiar with Dragonlance. I have read a bunch of the novels, but haven't really played any of the game modules.

I usually create a character around a concept, and fill in the rest. I do typically have a background for the character.

As far as posting on the forums, I am in college right now, so posting every day may not be feasible. And I haven't played any games using the forums either, so it's new to me.

MST is Mountain, 2 hours behind Eastern. 7pm EST would be 5pm MST.
Monday, Wed and Fri I get done with work at 5pm. Tues I'm done at 7pm. Thurs I'm done with classes at 3:45pm. So the only weekday I would be able to reliably attend on time is Thursday.

Ahhh I see .. yeah the scheduling thing might be a problem then :( .. you see our GM has by some miracle been able to run the campaign for us despite working full time and the birth of his bouncing new baby boy - I'm serious man his time management skills leave me in awe (that's meant as a compliment if you're reading this blahness :P ) .. so his schedule really isn't that flexible I think so rescheduling to Thurs probably wouldn't work (I've gamed with him before as a fellow player too in the past, Tues and Weds are his "good" days to game ;) ) .... and given how short the FG game sessions are (typically a few hours) if someone was late an hour or what not to the game you'd end up basically gaming for one hour or an hour and a half tops - probably not the most fun experience for you as a player :P and I'm guessing blahness would want players who can be there from the normal game time start :( (I'm taking what you posted above to mean it's unlikely you'd be there 7pm eastern time zone on Weds though I could be wrong?) .. and my understanding (I'm sure blahness will correct me if I'm wrong ) is the ideal candidate for blahness is someone who can post on the forums on a routine basis though most of our people post like once every few days instead of every day ;) though I've found with players new to the forum thing once they get past the "this is WIERD because it's so new" thing :P - if they put forth enough effort and aren't afraid to "ham it up " a bit :P prior forum experience isn't necessary and you don't have to be a shakesphere-level writer or anything ;) , we value participation and enthuasiastic effort more than anything else on the forums ;) .. though my comments about the forum part are kind of academic at this point since it sounds like you would not be free during normal game start time - sorry man :( .. posted a reply here so you'd at least get the 411 and know what's up ;) (and as a heads up for anyone else reading this who might be interested in joining up later on if a player slot opens up :) ) ..