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View Full Version : looking for a gaming group

June 19th, 2012, 04:47
Hello all!

I am looking for a campaign to join.

I am open to anything, I am 36 and I have played on and off various things since I was 11. Now it's almost a year I haven't touched anything and I am in withdrawal.

I have just bought a full version of FG2 and I am currently joining the pathfinder society gang. But I would like to join a campaign.

I am located in Boston. In general evening eastern are probably the best for me, but I have a quite flexible schedule.


June 19th, 2012, 06:55
If you're up for a semi-realistic western game (think Red Dead Redemption) set in 1866 Nevada & California (deserts, Sierra Nevada mountains, oceans, lumber & big trees, gold mining, still unsettled lands, etc.) we have a bi-weekly game that runs on Thur 4:30pm to 8:30pm Pacific, and Friday 8pm to 12pm Pacific. The system is a homebrew set of classes & skills based heavily on Castles & Crusades (which is like a hybrid between AD&D & d20, I suppose). The game is still youn and characters just getting started. PM if you're interested.

June 19th, 2012, 07:34
Our group could probably take one more person. We have several campaigns going which we switch between from time to time. We play weekly on what would be a Saturday evening/night in Boston.

Our campaigns:
Cyberpunk (Shadowrun)
Epic Fantasy
Historic (The Crusades)
Star Trek

In all cases we play using the GURPS system.

June 19th, 2012, 11:02
my group has had a drop out. we play every second saturday night AUS time which during your summer runs from 730am till about 11am saturday. our next session is this saturday. we are also using castles&crusades but playing a fantasy setting. c&c is old school d&d with improved mechanics - just 13 classes and 6 races, fast and fun. currently the party are in the large fantasy city of Kadan. the characters are doing some investigative work, trying stay alive and not get into too much trouble with the law. now the resistance movement has also made contact with the party. tensions in the city between the local populace majority and the ruling minority are starting to heat up again.

June 19th, 2012, 16:33

Thanks guys for the great answers.

I think simply for the time slots and commitment I am going to go with Ronke offer. The red redemption game and castle and crusades sounds both fantastic, but twice a week and saturday 7.30 am is a bit problematic for my probability to survive "wife attacks".


June 19th, 2012, 23:40
Definitely gotasta keep the wife happy! The old west game is bi-weekly or twice a month - one group is the 1st and 3rd Friday, and the other is the 2nd and 4th Thursday, which about maxes me out as a GM.

If you're interested in checking out the C&C rules, the 'quick start' rules are available for free from the publisher here: https://www.trolllord.com/cnc/ccqs.html

Personally, I just love how simple and familiar and modifiable the rules are - can't believe it not more widely played.