View Full Version : RM question on Stalking\Tracking\Alertness

June 18th, 2012, 06:33
How do you guys do Stalking\Tracking\Alertness or similar long term use of skill.

Do you apply a die roll per instance or desired action

Or do you apply a dice roll for a period of time.

Just curious how the rules are applied.

June 18th, 2012, 15:20
It's been a long time since I've GMed RM but from what I remember, I never have used one blanket rule... I've always gone with what seems to fit for the situation.

June 18th, 2012, 17:55
How do you guys do Stalking\Tracking\Alertness or similar long term use of skill.

Do you apply a die roll per instance or desired action Or do you apply a dice roll for a period of time.
Bear in mind that perception in RMC is simplified to one skill vs. the multiple skills in RMFRP.

My use varies based on situations, here are typical examples:

- I ask for perception rolls to see how much each character is aware of/observes in a given situation. (Actively listening, looking for & reading tracks, passing by something to be noticed, etc.)

- If someone is trying to sneak on someone else, I use the opposed checks method suggested in RMC - stalker rolls stalk, stalkee rolls perception, including appropriate situational modifiers for both rolls.

- If the game is currently in tactical mode (combat tracker, player turns & rounds), checks tend to be bound to a given round, as opposed to be "timeless situational".

Does that answer your question?

June 19th, 2012, 04:16
It does answer the question.

I seem to be like John, but I wanted to get an idea how others did it. As I tend not to have a pattern and decide as a GM when a roll should occur.