View Full Version : Experienced Player

June 3rd, 2012, 02:28
I am an experienced player and DM looking to join a game. I only play 3.5e for obvious reasons. My times are fairly stable so I would most likely be at every game barring an emergency. My email is [email protected]. Please feel free to email me with information.

June 3rd, 2012, 04:27
check out the game calendar there are allot of 3.5 games there


June 4th, 2012, 13:23
Have you played Pathfinder?

Basically 3.5 with save very minor changes to skills and combat maneuvers (trip, grapple, ect)

The Pathfinder Society Organized Play group is looking for new GM's and players.

(Society play is broken up into 4 hour one shot campaigns with familiar themes)

here is the Yahoo groups page where we are organized:


send me a PM if you are interested