View Full Version : Looking for a story-based group

May 29th, 2012, 05:36

I'm relatively new here (been on the chat channel a few times).

I am hoping to join in a game focused on characters and their stories, and including combat only as an incidental aspect of those stories.

I feel its best for players and the GM to get together and talk about the type of game they will be playing and the setting in which it will happen. Then, the players with GM can consider the different characters/story arcs they think might might like to see play out in this game.

Only after the character concepts are well fleshed out does it make sense to begin statting them mechanically. Otherwise, there is the risk of letting the mechanics dictate the character, instead of using the mechanics to more clearly portray the character.

I feel the game should be about working cooperatively; players helping the GM illustrate her/his plot and setting; GM and players helping each other play out each character's story arc(s).


After reading this, if you feel I might fit your game/group, please send me a private message.

If you'd like to start such a group, feel free to respond in the thread.

May 29th, 2012, 07:20
It is unfortunate that many groups dynamics is players vs gm. But then again some groups have fun with that. But as a GM I'm rarely satisfied with such approach. Players drive the story forward with their character, GM's should not being relied on to make a compelling story happen, they should only guide them through dramatic events.

Good luck to you in finding a well suited group my friend!

May 29th, 2012, 08:31
Hi reddir. Too bad you weren't here last year when I was trying to drum up interest a HarnMaster based game. :(

The HarnMaster system is very heavy on the role-playing and not combat but there is no ruleset for that so I was planning to use either the GURPS or RoleMaster Classic ruleset as an alternative.

May 29th, 2012, 09:24
Rolemaster encourages roleplay because it takes over an hour to complete a round of combat lol. Aaaahhh the 90's... Fond memories hehe

May 29th, 2012, 11:09
The group of players I've got are more story-led than stats. We also change systems a lot, playing a number of games.

Currently, Friday night games are a Slipstream (Savage Worlds) Buck Rogers, to be followed by a Blakes 7 game (using C7's Dr Who) and a resumption of The Ravanar Saga (Dark Ages Call of Cthulhu).

Sunday nights have been on a bit of a break, but are about to resume with The One Ring, an ongoing campaign.

June 1st, 2012, 15:27
Sorry for not responding to the posts, I've had a crazy busy week. I hope to return to a normal schedule next week.

June 4th, 2012, 21:39
Again, sorry for being out of commission last week.

Thanks for the kind thoughts everybody.

Mask_of_Winter, players vs gm....I can see how that would be annoying to the GM :)

GunnarGreybeard, I've never played Harnmaster. How does it promote roleplaying? I always thought rp-heavy vs numbers-focused was a matter of individual or group playstyle.

Valarian, that sounds like a great group :) I've never really played any kind of sci-fi game, I have a hard time coming up with compelling characters in such an open-ended setting (I know I might be making a lot of unwarranted assumptions here). Any chance I could sit in on a game, see how your group does sci-fi?

June 4th, 2012, 23:03
Hello reddir,

My group has a slot open in our weekly games.

Most of us are east coast players with over 10 years experience, and our current playing times are 1PM EST on Saturdays. We are currently enjoying two homebrew campaigns using our modified "Flex" 4th edition ruleset (Temples and Artifacts), but welcome traditionally created characters and are open to play a traditional Pathfinder or 4ED game if another DM chooses to run one for us.

We actually modified 4th edition using our Flex approach in order to create characters more in sync with our role-play concepts.

To learn more about our activities, visit this site:

If your are still interested after viewing our site, send me a reply and we can set up a time to chat. We also ask that you respond to the player questionaire located in the forums on our website.

Re's, Mike