View Full Version : Pathfinder - Looking for new group / players

May 24th, 2012, 22:10
Hey all -

My brother and I are looking to either join a group, or start up a Pathfinder campaign. Just the two of us at the moment. We may also have a 3rd, depending on whether we can cajole my wife into it - she's not much of a gamer!

We're 32 and 34 respectively. To figure out if we'd fit in (or if you would!) - we love Adult Swim (Family Guy / ATHF nut), hoppy beer, and bad jokes. A bad sense of humor is almost mandatory. Looking for a fairly mature group or players - 21+, really. Our gaming sessions are historically not too serious, but not a total mess, either! Heavier on the RP/Fun than munchkin stuff.

I can GM if needed. We can use whatever you do for communication - Skype, Ventrilo, G+, etc. If we start something, our preference is G+ for ease of use.

Looking for something weekly or every other week for a few hours. We're all US timezone - CST, looking for evening/weekend games.


May 24th, 2012, 22:46
I'm only 20 but I've got all the bad jokes in the world... I'm EST (-5), and can play pretty much any weekend nights, Tuesday / Thursday / Friday are the only nights that I actually can't play, I've only played a little pathfinder, and I'd probably only be interested in being a player, I haven't played enough D&D or used FG2 enough to run my own games, though eventually I hope to.

So if you guys ever want to chat, my Skype is spityagame - and I'm on 90% of the time, maybe we can find someone who would want to DM our group, or as you said - you could DM it.

Looking forward to hearing from ya

May 24th, 2012, 22:53
I'd be interested. What type of game might you run?

I like characters and story, but am up for some tactical, as long as its done in character.

May 25th, 2012, 02:02
i would be interested in joining in as a player and i do have a lite license and i live in the pst -8 time zone

May 25th, 2012, 02:12
Ive been looking for a Pathfindergame that I can bring my Soulknife into. I'm 55, been playing since age 23. I am available evenings on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 6PM eastern to 10PM (I'm an old fart so need that rest time on work-weekdays). Tuesdays (and some Thursdays) and Saturday afternoons I play (or assist running) in other games.

May 25th, 2012, 03:10
Potentialy interested here, if you don't mind a newbie to Fantasy Grounds. I'm 45, and am generaly availble weeknights or evenings from 8 PM EST on.

May 25th, 2012, 03:32
Hey all - thanks for the quick replies! Going to get an Obsidian Portal page up soon to start getting things organized. In the meantime ... what's everyone preference as far as the campaign goes for settings? We're torn between choosing a published Paizo adventure path (Jade Regent, or Skulls & Shackles), or something less rigid (mixup of Paizo's stuff, adventure modules, homebrewed encounters, etc.)

Let me know your thoughts, will post as soon as I get a portal page up this weekend.

May 25th, 2012, 03:47
i don't care what type of pf it is i like anything fantasy

May 25th, 2012, 03:57
I'm in a Skulls and Shackles RP myself, so I'd rather try something else, but if the group (or a majority) wants to do it, I'll obviously do it still.

May 26th, 2012, 03:10
Pretty open here. New to Pathfinder so I haven't done any of the material associated with it. Just picked up the Rulebook, in fact.

May 26th, 2012, 21:59
I'd love to join up, although I'm still amidst figuring out both Pathfinder and FG. I got started on PF about 3 weeks or so ago, joined a group out in the real world that hasn't really gotten together much since due to a lot of schedule changes, but I was digging it so far. Also, I've really wanted to get active on the FG front. I might also be able to bring the wife in if schedules work out.

We're both on EST, and generally have from about 7pm onward free most nights, although thursdays are still a tossup based on whether that other campaign starts up again. I'm working for two more weekends (1pm-1am EST Sat/Sun) but after that, free, as I'm about to go back to school.

To give a little background, I'm 32, my wife is 28, and we're both geeks for the most part, me a tech support nerd, her more of an animal nerd, and we've both played D20-based stuff for years.

May 29th, 2012, 18:55
Hi there,

I'm running a game this Saturday (June 2nd) at midday EST if you wanted to join and try out pathfinder society organised play. If you don't have a legal character you can either use a pre-generated or follow the link to the guide that explains the creation rules. https://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/v5748btpy84k4

Even if you use a pre-gen, register on the site so you havea society number, that way when you do make your own character you can still get credit and equipment for playing the scenario.

Check out this link explaining the game and message me if you have any questions.

May 30th, 2012, 03:21
Just a quick update - the holiday weekend got away from me, but I wanted to get back on this. At this point, I'm looking for 3-4 additional players and planning to GM. A few notes to bring everyone up to speed:

1) I haven't GM'd on FG2 before
2) My two existing players, who are my wife (32yo) and my younger brother (31yo), are total newbs to both Pathfinder, RPGs, and FG2 :p We've done a few casual games with friends, but that's it.

Make sure you know what you're getting into, if you're interested! I'm a longtime wargamer/RPG guy, but only really picked up the hobby again in the last year myself after (wasted) years of MMOs, so, we're not in the "advanced RPG" category right now :) But, we are a fun group and very easy going.

With all that being said...
I'm still planning to run a serious campaign. My thoughts at the moment are to keep it completely grounded in Golarion (Pathfinder's main campaign setting), along the following lines:

* Start at level 1
* Good balance of challenging encounters (combat, traps, social, puzzles, etc.), roleplay, and story. I'm a big believer in balance
* Light roleplay (this is what my existing players struggle with the most) - serious though, just not over the top
* Anything allowed from the core rulebook or APG, and other stuff as requested
* Looking for this to run 2-3 months

As to the campaign...
* Not going to use an adventure path - going to keep it pretty open-ended, and more of a "sandbox" that evolves around the group
* Thinking 2-3 sessions a month, 1 a week if possible, but that can be hard to coordinate
* Going to use Google+ for voice/video (at least voice), and Google Groups or Obsidian Portal for out-of-game communication, etc., to keep things moving.

Those are the details for now -
What I need from you if you're interested:

(1) Please tell me a little more of yourself and what you'd plan to play, along with your timezone and availability for sessions (ie., give me 2-3 times that work for you - "best day for me is Thu. nights after 7pm EST").

(2) What would you like to play? Anything in Golarion of particular interest to you that you'd like to explore?

(3) Anything else I should know for now?

May 30th, 2012, 21:24
I am interested, i sent you a PM

June 5th, 2012, 17:40
Right now Wednesday nights and Sunday nights are the best for me, if MIGHT be able to make some room if you guys choose another day, it will depend on what's going on that day.

Relic Wyverenight
June 10th, 2012, 21:19
I myself am also very new to FG 2 (saw it like 7-8 years ago briefly) but I am a fast learner and have been trying to watch all the tutorials and whatnot to become acquainted with it and would love to play with your team you have there. Most of my (roughly) 12 years of experience is from playing with family and close friends and are infamous for its good mix of serious play with a serious amount joking around. I am trying to get the hang of this system so that I can help DM whatever close knit group I eventually find. I (currently... until the fall) can play most nights and weekends (full time student). I am 26 y/o, raised in the "ghetto" as a hippie to a self-proclaimed beach bum to recently getting out of the army and omw to a degree in the medical field (so I have a very open perspective to all kinds of personalities). Hit me up if I fit your "profile" :D

*Note - I have extensive knowledge on the mechanics of 3.0/3.5E DnD, a little with 4E DnD and only very recently 3.75E Pathfinder (which is surprisingly different than its 3.5 counterpart).

June 10th, 2012, 21:23
id be interested i have experience with 3.5 but havent really done pathfinder yet so it would be fun fro me been playing dnd since i was 5 and I am currently 28.

June 21st, 2012, 21:12
I sent you a private message to see if you were seeking more players. I ddin't give much information because my schedule is mostly open depending on the game length. My timezone is EST and I am fairly familiar with pathfinder and FGII.

June 23rd, 2012, 17:41
I'd be interested as well, pretty new to FG and pathfinder. EST and free from about 7pm on most weeknights and sundays

June 24th, 2012, 03:19
As mentioned in my earlier post, I'm still interested as well.

June 24th, 2012, 20:46
I might be a little late, but I would like to throw my hat in as well. I myself am 27 and I have been playing for 9 years. I'm new to Fantasy Grounds but I have used similar programs in the past so i don't believe I would slow the game down to much

June 28th, 2012, 20:28
Played Pathfinder a little bit in the past. I mostly work nights, so I'm around during the daytime. My schedule always changes, however. I'm pretty adept with fighter/barbarian types, though I've always wanted to play a bard...

July 1st, 2012, 15:00
Just an update for everyone --

We decided to forge onwards with a smaller group of some RL friends to get started. It's a lot easier for my "newbies" to learn with folks we know IRL (which is a loaded term, as I still feel like a PFR/FG2 newbie myself!").

That being said - I am STILL going to get a game running here - it's just delayed awhile. My lack of updates is due to a project I'm working on that is, at this point, some kind of OCD-inducing black hole for my time. Long-story short, I'm building out a series of GM tools in TableSmith that create FG2 output. Should be pretty wicked in the long-term as a way to very quickly generate encounter parcels, shop inventories, NPC encounters, and so on. The only problem is -it's taking forever! :)