View Full Version : D&D Next Playtest

May 22nd, 2012, 22:25
FG gamers,

I am organizing a group for the D&D Next playtest. If you are interested, post here. Details...

Day: TBD
Time: 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm EDT (GMT -4, New York)
Players: 3-5
Ruleset: 3.5E
Voice Chat: Skype (optional)

Playtest materials were released by WotC on May 24. If you haven't signed up for the playtest, you may do so here (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/DnDNext.aspx). They are providing 5 pre-gens, including a fighter, cleric of Moradin, cleric of Pelor, rogue, and wizard, so each game can accommodate up to 5 players.

Indicate your preference (if any) for days. I currently run an AD&D game on Wednesdays, so that is out for me.

Should be interesting... :)


May 22nd, 2012, 22:51
I am interested in giving the system a run should you set up a playtest. I am available to play on Monday and Fridays during the timeslot you have indicated.

May 23rd, 2012, 03:38
Definitely interested - could do that time Friday 25 May, Monday 28 May or Friday 1 June night your time.


May 23rd, 2012, 03:47
Friday's work for me if the Scales of War thing doesn't pan out. Outside of that I will need to look.

May 23rd, 2012, 15:17
I can do Fridays, but will need to take off about 10:30 for work. Not sure if that would be an issue.

May 24th, 2012, 01:53
I will check in tomorrow after I have a chance to look at the material, and we can figure out a day that works for everyone, or most people anyway. I don't really know what kind of time commitment we are looking at right now.

May 25th, 2012, 04:24
I have not been able to access the playtest packet yet. Apparently their servers are a bit overloaded. I will hope for better luck tomorrow.

In the meantime, here (https://critical-hits.com/2012/05/23/playtest-dd-next-like-a-pro/) is a good article about how to approach the playtest...

May 25th, 2012, 06:39
I finally managed to download it... I'm quite liking the character design at first glance.

There's plenty in the supplied adventure to fill several sessions... and I actually can think of ways of running it through either the 3.5E or the 4E ruleset with a little creativity on the character sheets.

May 25th, 2012, 11:27
There's plenty in the supplied adventure to fill several sessions...
It's funny that they're returning to the Caves of Chaos (B2) from the original Basic D&D Red Box. I actually converted my old Basic B2 module to 4E for my first foray into online gaming (with Maptools) but soon switched to FG once I found it...

and I actually can think of ways of running it through either the 3.5E or the 4E ruleset with a little creativity on the character sheets.
Yeah, I think the 3.5E ruleset would be easier to use as the mechanics look more in line with that than 4E - only one defence (AC), to hit rolls and damage listed for NPCs in a more 3.5E ruleset compatible way, PC spells; to name but a few (on a first, brief look through).

Perhaps it may even easier to use one of the community old-school rulesets, but I'm not that familiar with them and it's probably a better idea to use one of the rulesets supplied with FG (so that it will be easier for MW or whoever to produce an up-to-date ruleset for D&D Next in the future).

May 25th, 2012, 15:09

This may scupper our FG2 playtesting dreams:


See the last few questions. :(

May 25th, 2012, 16:53
Without being a 'rules lawyer', my interpretation of the FAQ would be:
1. The playtest is proprietary and confidential, so they don't want the information out there where everyone could see it. (Thus they don't want it on 'the' VT for everyone to stop by and check it out, or on a PBP or such site where people again could get to it without signing the Non-disclosure agreement).
2. Whether you play at the kitchen table or on a private VT, you still need to have all the players sign up, and keep the material out of the public perview).
3. Don't make a big deal about it, don't leave a paper trail, don't post any proprietary information and you should be fine.

But that's just me.

May 25th, 2012, 22:06
I think everyone who plays should officially sign up for the playtest so that the materials are distributed directly to you. I have no intention of distributing the playtest materials in any format here or via the FG software.

I am going to use the d20/3.5 ruleset because I think that is a closer match based on my brief review of the rules. The campaign file will include a map and five player character sheets. Again, you must have your own copy of the rules to play.

Is Friday best for everyone? I might not be available June 1, so we are potentially looking at June 8. I will send you an invite for the game, and we can figure out what day works best for everyone. Interested players should feel free to apply directly through the game calendar.

May 26th, 2012, 13:04
Three spots have been confirmed. If you are listed as invited, please accept or decline to officially claim your spot (or not).

Player list:

chezcaliente - wizard or cleric of Pelor
Niven81 - cleric of Moradin
Beerholder - rogue
MikeParham (invited)
KhanArtist (invited)
Robbo (invited)
Trenloe (maybe)
mordenkainen (possible time zone issues)

If you are interested, you can still jump in. Post here or apply through the game calendar...

May 28th, 2012, 03:38
I posted on the calendar section... I could play a fighter...

I may have to put the little one down at first, but available after 9 PM for sure, otherwise in and out around then..

May 28th, 2012, 10:36
I posted on the calendar section... I could play a fighter...

I may have to put the little one down at first, but available after 9 PM for sure, otherwise in and out around then..

Showing up at 9 pm would not be a problem. I made it 8:30 pm because it always takes at least 15-20 minutes for the game to get rolling.

If you accept the invitation, then your spot is confirmed. I have invited and PM'd a couple others with no response, so just make sure to accept the invite so I know you are definitely playing.



May 30th, 2012, 01:49
Showing up at 9 pm would not be a problem. I made it 8:30 pm because it always takes at least 15-20 minutes for the game to get rolling.

If you accept the invitation, then your spot is confirmed. I have invited and PM'd a couple others with no response, so just make sure to accept the invite so I know you are definitely playing.



Sorry I didn't show... I don't mean to be a flake, but we had strong winds (almost a tornado) out here and I subsequently lost my internet. If there is another session, I am game!

May 30th, 2012, 04:24
I'm afraid I have to pull out because of a change of work plans. :(

Thanks for organising though Leozelig - hope it goes really well!

May 30th, 2012, 23:13
The first game is June 4, so we haven't started yet. But if you do miss a session unexpectedly, just post on the calendar page so I know that you still want to play. :)

No problem, chezcaliente. Let me know if your schedule changes.