View Full Version : Rippers Weapon Script Error

May 22nd, 2012, 21:28
Hi guys

We're getting one of the PCs having the following script error when trying to roll from the character sheet against certain weapons:

Script Error: [string "scripts/template_weapontype.lua"]:80: attempt to index a nil value

Both the player and the GM when controlling the character are receiving the error message when controlling this particular PC. it is not affecting other PCs within the campaign and deleting the weapon and recreating it does not resolve the problem.

Any ideas please?


May 24th, 2012, 00:43
I'm guessing from your post title that your using the Rippers module ?

I'm not too familiar with the Rippers module, or what level of weapons support it has (just text, or drag and drop weapons ?) but is it a particular weapon or weapons causing this error ? And were these weapons created by dragging-and-dropping from a module, or by simply adding a new weapon entry manually to the character sheet ?

Perhaps a screengrab of a weapon list, with those that can and can't roll might trigger a clue. Equally, if you click the link at the end of the line and grab the values in the weapon box, it might also suggest the error.

A copy of your campaign db.xml file would be great too - happy for you to PM that, or just attach it here.

May 24th, 2012, 14:41
I'm guessing from your post title that your using the Rippers module ?

I'm not too familiar with the Rippers module, or what level of weapons support it has (just text, or drag and drop weapons ?) but is it a particular weapon or weapons causing this error ? And were these weapons created by dragging-and-dropping from a module, or by simply adding a new weapon entry manually to the character sheet ?

Perhaps a screengrab of a weapon list, with those that can and can't roll might trigger a clue. Equally, if you click the link at the end of the line and grab the values in the weapon box, it might also suggest the error.

A copy of your campaign db.xml file would be great too - happy for you to PM that, or just attach it here.

It doesn't matter if it's a dragged weapon or a created one, the same script error occurs.

I will let you have more details if I get an opportunity tonight (zackspacks' Realms campaign so may have to wait until tomorrow). next campaign session for Rippers is 7 June so plenty of time to resolve.

May 24th, 2012, 14:51
If you can pull the following info together, it will help us diagnose it easier.

1. Prep steps and exact steps to follow to reproduce (is it always reproducible or sporadic?)
2. Covered in #1 but name of weapon or screenshot of screen with the weapon on it. Source location of the weapon if it was dragged onto the PC
3. Does the problem repeat if the same weapon is created and used on a different character sheet or a new character sheet?
4. Skills for affected character. Specifically fighting and shooting and any modifiers in effect



June 11th, 2012, 00:16
If you can pull the following info together, it will help us diagnose it easier.

1. Prep steps and exact steps to follow to reproduce (is it always reproducible or sporadic?)
2. Covered in #1 but name of weapon or screenshot of screen with the weapon on it. Source location of the weapon if it was dragged onto the PC
3. Does the problem repeat if the same weapon is created and used on a different character sheet or a new character sheet?
4. Skills for affected character. Specifically fighting and shooting and any modifiers in effect



Apologies for not replying sooner. We are playing Rippers again this Thursday so will reply in detail following that.

One thing that has been brought to my attention is that the Rippers version I have may not be the latest one available. My version does not have Lodge support nor does it have Reason and Status built into the PC sheets (I nhave to have them as Setting adjustments).

Also, I cannot access an upgraded version via my account on FG2. The other products purchased on the same date are there but not Rippers.

I'm not sure that having the most up to date version would solve my problem but it may do.

June 11th, 2012, 09:41

I'll re-upload the latest version I have to FTP tonight

June 16th, 2012, 01:41

I'll re-upload the latest version I have to FTP tonight

Has this happened yet? I checked my download history earlier and there is still no link to Rippers from my original purchase.

June 16th, 2012, 05:05
I just finished testing, building the installer and uploading to the web. I changed the product ID over to the newer format, but I updated all previous orders to use the new format and increased the download cap to allow it to be re-downloaded. Thanks Doswelk.

June 16th, 2012, 17:23
To all, if you tried earlier and didn't see a download link... this should be fixed now.