View Full Version : Pathfinder Town Extension

May 16th, 2012, 20:03
Okay! A far cry from what it was when I first posted here, I give you town.ext version 1.0 for 3.5E / Pathfinder ruleset. Hopefully it covers most everything of what you want to see in your towns. If anyone would like to post requests for additional features I'd love to hear them. Enjoy!

May 16th, 2012, 20:34
Looks like you may have some malformed XML, try removing the second < character in the window class definition for town_stats:


<<windowclass name="town_stats">

<windowclass name="town_stats">

As for embedding the code or attaching it: if your post is asking for help in debugging, its best to post up the code as you have done (easier to read inline), if on the other hand your post is offering code for use in other users games, probably best to attach the file as a regular ruleset xml/lua file.

May 16th, 2012, 22:05
I caught the double << after the post, sorry about that. It's not the cause of the problem though.

May 17th, 2012, 17:13
Ran the code through NPP's xml check and it doesn't find any bad code. What is the actual error?

May 17th, 2012, 17:51
If your referring to the extension not being listed when you select a 3.5E/PF campaign. try changing the <root version tag to the same version as is used in the 3.5E/base.xml file.

E.g 2.8 if your running current release version or 2.9 if your running the test version.

May 17th, 2012, 21:52
No, the extension runs fine, looks good and is setup the way I told it to be, except for the "name" part of townsmall, or at least, that's where I think it is. The name part of townlist bugs out whenever you create a new town. It claims there's a problem with name not being anchored to anywhere, but I don't see where it needs to be when I compare the files from 3.5E of itemlist or npclist.

I updated it to 2.8 just to be safe. No change.

Moon Wizard
May 17th, 2012, 23:52
The template for the "name" field in the townsmall class is anchored to a control called modified which is not in your windowclass definition for townsmall .

If you include the modified and access fields in the townsmall class, the errors go away and it works.

In general, if you are using a control tag that is not one of the built-in control types (stringfield, numberfield, etc.), that tag is a custom ruleset class and may make assumptions about other controls on the page.

<windowclass name="townsmall">
<nodelete />
<link_control name="open">

<icon_access name="access">
<icon_modified name="modified">

<string_campaignrecordname name="name">
<empty>« New Town »</empty>


May 18th, 2012, 02:27
Excellent! Thank you so much for the proper fix. I had it working with an improper fix which is still in my code commented out for those that want a laugh.

Since it's working I'll post what I have in case anyone wants to use it. I think there's still some issues with sharing, so once I have it tested and all of the fields the way I want them I'll post the final version. Enjoy Pathfinder/3.5E players!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<root version="2.8">
<name>Town sheet</name>

<author>Brash Entertainment</author>
<description>A town plugin for 3.5E/Pathfinder.</description>


<icon name="button_towns" file="button_towns.png" />
<icon name="button_towns_down" file="button_towns_down.png" />

<windowclass name="town_stats">
<genericcontrol name="columnanchor">
<invisible />

<string_column name="size">
<tabtarget next="alignment" prev="population" />

<string_column name="alignment">
<tabtarget next="gplimit" prev="size" />

<number_column name="gplimit">
<tabtarget next="assets" prev="alignment" />
function onInit()
self.onSizeChanged = sizeChanged;

function sizeChanged()
local winwidth, winheight = getSize();

local gplimitwidth = math.floor(winwidth - 60);

<static>GP Limit</static>

<number_column name="assets">
<tabtarget next="population" prev="gplimit" />
function onInit()

<number_column name="population">
<tabtarget next="size" prev="assets" />

<!-- Spacer -->
<relative />

<windowclass name="town">
<dynamic />
<sharable />

<!-- NAME -->
<genericcontrol name="nameframe">

<stringfield name="name">
<empty>« New Town »</empty>

<!-- Frames -->
<genericcontrol name="statframe">

<genericcontrol name="noteframe">

<!-- Stats Window -->
<subwindow name="stats">
<activate />

<scrollercontrol name="stat_scroller">
<invisible />

<!-- Notes Window -->
<stringfield name="notes">

<button_close_charsheetmini />

<windowclass name="townsmall">
<nodelete />
<link_control name="open">

<icon_access name="access">
<icon_modified name="modified">

<string_campaignrecordname name="name">
<empty>« New Town »</empty>

<windowclass name="townlist">
<dynamic />
<dynamic />
<softclose />
<nodelete />

<list_campaign name="list">

<gmonly />

<filter name="filter">
<button_filter name="filtertrigger">

<button_close_scrollbox />

<script name="towninit">
function onInit()
if not User.isLocal() and User.isHost() then
DesktopManager.registerDockShortcut("button_towns", "button_towns_down", "Towns", "townlist", "town");

May 20th, 2012, 04:49
Town 1.1 is up for 3.5E / Pathfinder !

I made some changes such as the NPC list, and the main data is structured much better for towns in this ruleset. Enjoy!

May 20th, 2012, 18:47
Great - thanks for converting. :-)

I've added an entry in the 3.5E/Pathfinder forum extension list: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=124702

Hope this is OK.

May 21st, 2012, 05:37
Yeah that's totally cool. I started a new thread since I'm now adding revisions and changelogs, so I wanted it to be all formal, so you can link there too.