View Full Version : Player LFG: Weeknights

May 1st, 2012, 06:34
Just like it says on the Thread Title: I'm looking for a group that plays on weeknights, Mondays preferably. :D

I can play either in the morning or night, as long as work doesn't mess it up. If the session wraps up at Midnight (Eastern Standard Time) I'm set. If I'm lucky enough for a Monday night, it can be all night!

As for game systems, I'd rather 4e, but I know a little 3.5e/Pathfinder, 2e, Savage Worlds, AllFleshMustBeEaten, and QUAGS. Other than that, I suppose I could learn other systems, so long as I can get my feet wet before finding myself waist-deep into trouble. I've played FGII for almost 4 years now (Holy crap that's a long time) and almost all of that time staying steady with one group.

I await the endless amounts of PMs that will no doubt fill my inbox with requests to join their game! :cool:

Flak goes to check inbox. Empty. :confused:

I have a feeling I might be here awhile... :cry: