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View Full Version : aussie player LFG [4E]

April 30th, 2012, 13:07
Looking for a 4E game either on weekends (prefer during day for AEST, which is friday / saturday evenings for US folks), or on tuesday daytime AEST (monday evening US time).

Experienced player here, both with 4E and FG2, and a mature roleplayer. Happy to fill roles where needed. Have experience playing 3.5E too but not for a while, and not in Fantasy Grounds.

Also curious to try Castles & Crusades. Bought and downloaded the ruleset, and its simplicity is pretty awesome.

Let me know if you've got a gap that might suit me!

May 7th, 2012, 00:51
Bumping, as I'm still looking. :)

May 7th, 2012, 02:25
sent you a pm...

May 7th, 2012, 02:43
Thanks damned, unfortunately AEST Saturday nights are pretty unreliable for me as I sometimes have to work. Hence a preference for a weekend daytime game our time.

May 7th, 2012, 02:52
no wories - im the opposite - with young family - late night is best time for me to play.