View Full Version : Savage Worlds: 1930's pulp - The Crimson Emperor

April 18th, 2012, 21:56
I'm currently running a Savage Worlds adventure set in the 1930's pulp era. Our group has been playing for about 4 sessions and one of our regulars needed to drop out for a while.

As a result we are looking for 1 or 2 people to join the game.

The game runs weekly on Wednesdays from 7:00 eastern (GMT -5) until around 10 or 11 pm (target stop time is 10:30, but it varies depending on where we hit a break point).

There are a few hurdles, however....

I'm running the game for a group of friends in The Old Timers Guild (https://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/forum.php). This means that you need to be at least 25 years old, and you'll need to apply to and join the guild in order to use the mumble server.

The Old Timers Guild is a group of people who like playing MMOs together without some of the drama and difficulties encountered with some less mature younger players. There are some of us who also like playing pen and paper games. :) There are no costs, everything is done with donations, the application is really just to make sure you are reasonably cognitive and willing to follow some simple rules.

Further information on the game is posted here (https://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/showthread.php?150057-The-Crimson-Emperor-Wednesdays-7-10-30-pm-Eastern).

One of the players has also been blogging the game from his character's perspective. You can read about it at Obsidian Portal (https://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/the-crimson-emperor/adventure-log).

If you are interested and/or have any questions, please PM me, either here or on the OTG site (my username there is also grapper).

April 19th, 2012, 02:22
I am curious, what downloads do you use to play?

April 19th, 2012, 03:51
For voice chat we use Mumble.

The rules use the core rules (SW Deluxe) and the extra stuff from the Thrilling Tales book. Nothing to download there.

April 19th, 2012, 03:53
So you dont use the SW download?

April 19th, 2012, 04:38
this group sounds fun

April 19th, 2012, 13:32
So you dont use the SW download?

Oh, I suppose I misunderstood you. Yes, I use the SW ruleset, but the players don't need to buy it; the player guide is pushed out when you connect to the game.