View Full Version : [Players] What do you want from the Con?

April 9th, 2012, 13:28
What do you want to play in a 4 hour slot, system / setting?
What would you like a 1 hour demo of?
Anything else you want?

April 10th, 2012, 03:03
Speaking from some similar experience after 10 years of high activity in the NWN/NWN2 community, where a matchmaking site called Neverwinter Connections arranged NWCon every 12ish months...

Established games/GMs can plan a 'one off' that could easily catapult the player(s) that fit best with their regular group(s) into a regular campaign.

Use the opportunity to recruit (FG2 community has an advantage here; players don't need to download 750+ mb of content to play).

Use the opportunity to expose people to a favourite ruleset (and people - be open to trying something new).

Style something specifically for the time slot or at most one more session (perhaps held later in the Con).

This is a great opportunity for everyone.

April 10th, 2012, 23:21
Like any good Con Game I like to lose lots of money.
Otherwise in the tradition of GenCon having the same module running with DMs electing their best players to move up to the next game and so on until the final game is played. You did say four days, not hours, right?

What do you want to play in a 4 hour slot, system / setting?
What would you like a 1 hour demo of?
Anything else you want?

April 11th, 2012, 00:05
Like any good Con Game I like to lose lots of money.
Otherwise in the tradition of GenCon having the same module running with DMs electing their best players to move up to the next game and so on until the final game is played. You did say four days, not hours, right?
I'm sure Doug would love to take your money...
Having never been to GenCon, I'll have to take your word on this apparent "GM Favouritism"! :)

Worth thinking on how "Game Stalls" could be made to work?

April 11th, 2012, 00:09
I'd like to be able to play several new systems and settings I haven't experienced before.

I'd also love to see seminars/live screencasts about how to better use Fantasy Grounds from a GM's perspective. Something with chat where you could ask questions.

April 11th, 2012, 02:00
as a player I would love to see different systems I think for the regulars this is the most appealing. and for knew players they will get to play with some "regular" players but all together learn a system and for some people it is meeting new people possibly for starting games fresh blood in games and getting odd timezone players together who don't check the same forums...I like the idea Dracones tossed out about seminars on how to use and FG better as a GM or player I think that would be huge and you could get good views from different GM's on how they look at FG from different system perspectives and the addons each of you guys have created to better FG's to show off the community because lets face it we are awesome

April 11th, 2012, 20:43
Personally I would like 2 things. The first of which is a given. Good Gaming with good people. The 2nd thing I would like is for a string of games run, like an order or story. Gives that feel of truly sharing an adventure with the mates you are playing with.

May 4th, 2012, 08:32
Use the opportunity to expose people to a favourite ruleset (and people - be open to trying something new).

Oh, man. I have to drop everything and respond. (The students standing in a line outside my office can wait. :D )

I really want to try Savage Worlds, but so far I have been reluctant to take the plunge. It seems to be all in or nothing. Is this a chance for me to try the system without buying the rule set? Do I need to know the game system to play? How do I sign up?

I run 4e. I would love to run a 4e game. The one thing that is going to stop me from doing it is character creation. The one time I ran a one shot adventure game for 4e, I made all of the characters. It took way too long, and I ended up leaving some bugs in them by mistake. That experience turned me off from ever doing that again. Can someone suggest a solution? I really wish there was a simple way to move characters around. I would love to take snap shots of the campaign charaters at various levels and create a pool that way for things like this. Is there already some secret way to share characters that I do not know about?



P.S. I am GMT+9 so I could run something in the quiet hours.

May 4th, 2012, 15:42
I really wish there was a simple way to move characters around. I would love to take snap shots of the campaign charaters at various levels and create a pool that way for things like this. Is there already some secret way to share characters that I do not know about?
Yes, very easy - use the /exportchar command.

This is explained in this thread (which is also a repository for 4E characters from other GMs):


May 6th, 2012, 13:22
Yes, very easy - use the /exportchar command.

This is explained in this thread (which is also a repository for 4E characters from other GMs):


Oh man... how did I miss this!!!! Thanks so much!



Ok, I tried it and all I get is a list of slash commands. Is this documented? Are there restrictions? Do I need to be the GM? A player? Light licence? Full licence? Version? One of these restrictions is preventing me from doing this.

Thanks for the help.

Second edit:

Ok. I understand that only the GM can do it. Thanks for the help.

May 6th, 2012, 16:40
Ok, I tried it and all I get is a list of slash commands. Is this documented? Are there restrictions? Do I need to be the GM? A player? Light licence? Full licence? Version? One of these restrictions is preventing me from doing this.
You need to be running as the GM - only the GM can export characters.

Also, it is only supported on certain rulesets - 3.5E, 4E and some others.

July 15th, 2012, 10:09
For me I like the idea of trying new systems in FGcon, and seeing how my own favourite is handled by someone else.

I'm also interested in other GM styles of play and to see if there is something missing from my own games.

Lastly, it's an opportunity to "meet" other people in the FG community - considering everyone is so nice on the forums.

July 15th, 2012, 18:05
I would like to see a chat room where you could find out if any games are waiting for players, or talking about the con in general.

July 15th, 2012, 18:31
I would like to see a chat room where you could find out if any games are waiting for players, or talking about the con in general.
I had thought about using the standard FG IRC chat - but unerwünscht has reported trolling activity on that recently: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16827

What I plan to do for the weekend of the convention is setup a number of channels within Teamspeak - a general hang-out area where people can just talk about anything and a muster area where people can go to look for games or get ready for scheduled games. I will be working on setting that up over the next few days and will post a thread regarding that 2-3 days before the convention starts.

July 15th, 2012, 21:27
That sounds like an excellent idea.

July 16th, 2012, 07:51
I finally got my act together (come play SWEX + DLR with the guy that wrote it ! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=855) and put a game in.

But as a player, I guess what I hoped for was a chance to get my hands dirty with a game on one of the full-featured rulesets (e.g. 4E) so I can better understand what bits I can add on to Savage Worlds ! No Oz friendly games out there though (was always going to be a challenge). Unless I cancel work on Monday morning, then one of the Sunday afternoon (US time) games is do-able :D

July 16th, 2012, 08:21
No Oz friendly games out there though (was always going to be a challenge).

You checked out the spreadsheet ? No mornings games allowed in OZ ? :D

July 17th, 2012, 06:05
You checked out the spreadsheet ? No mornings games allowed in OZ ? :D

My bad - no Oz friendly 4E games ! But actually there is only one 4E game all Con, so that's not too surprising, I guess !

Do 3.5E / Pathfinder have the same feature set as 4E (roughly speaking) ? I guess I wanted to get into a game where I was going to be exposed to the features that 4E (and others) have that SWEX might be lacking; as finding out about features by playing an RPG is more fun that finding out about them by reading the source code :D

July 17th, 2012, 06:12
My understanding is that with 2.9 the PF and 3.5 functionality really took a big step forward and incorporated a bunch of the stuff that 4e already had.