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View Full Version : Eluvie -- looking for 3-4 characters

March 20th, 2012, 05:20
Due to scheduling conflicts and friendships the majority of the players have retired from campaign, as such I am opening up the campaign to more players. I would prefer a party size of 5 but accepting up to 5 new players. My game will be preferably be Monday, though Wednesday is an option, night starting roughly 10pm EST, if you still interested the game calendar is here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=764) and I have an Obsidian Wiki (https://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/eluvie)setup for the campaign as well.

Website: https://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/eluvie

Prefered session times: Monday or Wednesday 10pm EST

Character creation: Roll 4k3, may reroll 1 die, at least 1 stat 15 or greater, collective Stat Mods > 5; gold as per leveled characters as at level 2 no more than 1/2 for 1 item; Max HP at 1st level and rolled after that.

Important notes: Monstrous races are rare due to history (see website), will be starting in Grey Cliff, with Falisha nearby and soon to arrive and a religious festival not too long after they will probably leave.

As a warning if you post March 23-25, I will be attending a local gaming convention and will unlikely respond until late Sunday or Monday.

March 30th, 2012, 02:16
As I stated in the other post, I am very interested in joining up. I am well versed in the 3.5 ruleset and am currently catching up on the changes that Pathfinder brings to the table. I am also in est and 10 pm is fine for me.

April 3rd, 2012, 18:50
Not sure if you're still looking, the Calendar link you gave does not seem to be working.

I'm interested, both Monday and Wednesday at 10pm est work for me.

I'm Familiar with 3.5 and Pathfinder, though I've made less characters for Pf so know less of the splat content.

What Content from Pathfinder would you be allowing?

April 4th, 2012, 00:55
Currently, group is full. Game calendar shows this so I didn't think to post this in the forums. I do record those inquiring, if something should change I will let you know in chronological order.

April 5th, 2012, 22:19
I am very interested in joining your game -- I have kids and can't start playing until 9pm est (I am in the Boston area) so a 10 EST is perfect!!!!!
