View Full Version : Test Run? (Newbie)

March 16th, 2012, 12:34
Hey, I just made my account a few days ago, and I just verified it today. I was wondering if any of the... really-powerful-awesome-guys-that-can-grant-me-game-access could let me play a game to find out if it's a good buy or not. Thanks for the help! :D

March 16th, 2012, 18:42
What days and times are yo available to play, and which time zone are you in?

March 16th, 2012, 18:51
What systems are your preferences or are you just wanting to look around and see how it works?

March 17th, 2012, 03:54
yeah there are a few of us "Ultimate" doods... but currently I have only my Iron Heroes game which uses ancient FG technology. I might scrum together a Castles & Crusades one-off adventure. Thursday night possibly... all the rest of my nights are booked or I work work work....

March 18th, 2012, 01:23
I'd be interested in joining the one-off if there is room, Magnatude...

March 18th, 2012, 03:01
K, we'll hopefully see you on the Sunday game and I'll get some things set up for the Thurday game idea in 2 weeks time. (not this Thurs but next)

March 18th, 2012, 12:28
My timezone is Eastern Time, Sunday/Saturday/Monday (after 4) all work for me. Thanks for the help, guys! And when you say "we'll hopefully see you on the Sunday game", I hope I can figure out how to get to it :P Next Thursday would probably work okay for me, just not in the afternoon (5:30-9:30). Also, yes, this is my first time on the site, and I just want a test run to see if this would be a good buy. Some guys on the forums said that it was a good idea to ask for a test run in the forums, so, here I am. And I've been playing role-playing games for two years, I basically know how to play D&D 3.5/4, Call of Cthulu, Pathfinder (the original and Society), and a few others that name I am forgetting.

March 18th, 2012, 19:02
K, we will arrange the Thursday game first because you can join it without buying FG2, the Sunday game is being DM'ed with a Full License so it requires a lite license to join.

My calandar is here: Castles & Crusades: Legends of Vraos (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=763)

March 19th, 2012, 14:00
Alright, cool :D The following morning I have to get up early, so I may or may not be able to stay the entire time, plus I've never played Castles and Crusades... I'll look into it. Also, I will probably be somewhat late. March the 29th, alright, I'll mark it on my calender... I'm going to have to figure out how to get to it when it begins, though... Also, quick question. How will the character sheets be operated? Will I have to photo copy a sheet that I print out, will the GM supply unmarked sheets that I have to fill out, will the GM supply characters themselves? (And, on a side note,) I just went from a Serf to a Peasant. What in the world?!

March 20th, 2012, 03:47
When you join the server you will get the "Create a new Character" choice, and it will default your persona as "Unnamed", Double click the Character Icon in the Top left and a Sheet will appear... nice and blank, but everything is there.
Here's a screenshot:


And the happy DM, er um... "Castle Keeper" will be chatting with you in skype letting you know what to do next.

March 20th, 2012, 21:54
(Sorry, I don't know how to delete messages so just skip over this one)

March 20th, 2012, 22:52
Do I need a premium account to Skype and a Web Cam to do this? Neither of which I can probably get for a while. (I'm kind of broke...)

March 21st, 2012, 01:25
Do I need a premium account to Skype and a Web Cam to do this? Neither of which I can probably get for a while. (I'm kind of broke...)I'm pretty sure the standard (Free) Skype is all you need. The wife, kids and I all video chat with our families spread out across the US and we've only installed the basic version.

March 21st, 2012, 03:16
Yeah Skype is free, nobody uses the webcams, its just voice chat so you need a mic or a headset with a mic (is best, no feedback echo)

March 21st, 2012, 15:19
Okay, cool :D I actually haven't downloaded Skype, so I hope that it won't take long to download. I hope to RP with you guys soon!

March 22nd, 2012, 02:34
Okay, real quick. You earlier stated that I needed to join a server to play the game, so I was hoping that you would explain to me how I would join the server without having any issues. Sorry to be asking so many questions! (I'm probably going to make a Hafling Fighter. With his Fearless ability and Dexterity bonus, he should be able to maneuver around the battle field easily and silently, and I can dump the rest of the points evenly between Strength and Dexterity to build myself a decent assistant to a the party's tank, or a second rate tank if the group needs one) Also, I will be late. I have an obligation that goes til' 9:00, (I'm at -5) and I won't get home until anywhere from 9:15-9:30

March 25th, 2012, 03:05
no prob, I havent seen any players yet making characters except my old crew from my Iron Heroes game... who want take advantage of an extra day of my GM'ing... lol...

So... when you get FG2 fired up at the time my server is up, type in "undead zone just jump" without the quotes. You will instantly get ported into my game, which may take a bit of downloading files.
There will be a bit of Town roleplay for the first session so getting your character into the party at the later time is ok.

March 27th, 2012, 21:05
How do I launch FG2? Where on the site is that?

Moon Wizard
March 27th, 2012, 21:09
You can install Fantasy Grounds from the Downloads section of the web site (see top navigation bar).


March 27th, 2012, 22:01
How do I launch FG2? Where on the site is that?I've copied this on other forums for recruiting players but it couldn't hurt to add it here (I might have even pilfered from here on the FG forums to post elsewhere, can't remember). :D

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

For those who may not be familiar with it, getting involved in an online RPG game using the Fantasy Grounds II Virtual Table Top program is relatively easy.

Here are the basic steps:

1) Download & install FG from:
Fantasy Grounds II Installer/Setup File (about 50MB) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/filelibrary/FantasyGroundsII-Setup.exe)

2) Watch the player quickstart video to learn the basics of the UI (ignore the portions that are specific to the D&D 4ed rules):
4E Player Quickstart (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/filelibrary/tutorial/4EPlayerQuickstart.wmv)

3) Launch FG sometime anytime before your 1st actual designated game night and hit the button "Check for updates" to get the latest fixes (Note: the un-registered version does not always update this way but as long as you download the latest version in #1 above you should have the latest).

4) On the designated game night and time, launch FG and hit "Join Game". Type whatever username you want to use and type the alias for the GM's server in the host address (this will either be an IP Address or a 4 word combination depending what the GM gives you).

5) Upon connection, everything you need to play will be automatically downloaded to your machine in a cache file. It could take a few minutes to download everything, depending on your connection speed and the ruleset involved. You will eventually be shown a list of characters to pick from. You would either use a character you have created earlier working one on one with the GM or if you have a full license FG copy you can select one you have created on your local machine and that has been approved by the GM. You can also choose a pre-generated character the GM has created for you if you just wanna play without the pregame character generation headaches.

March 27th, 2012, 23:05
welcome fellow n00b !!!

March 28th, 2012, 16:37
You said something about using Skype to communicate? I just now downloaded Skype, and I wanted to know who I should contact/connect with.

March 29th, 2012, 04:49
sent you a PM :)