View Full Version : LFG: I'm New To FGII.

March 14th, 2012, 18:04
After purchasing a full licence, I found myself unable to fully grasp the "Game Calendar" page of this Website to find a group to join.

I own Pathfinder supplement to Hero Lab, so I made up a character, and saw a post on the "Game Calendar" page for Pathfinder. I was lucky that the GM had an additional Website page referenced so I could contact him, but most do not. When I finally contacted him, he said the campaign ended long ago--yet the information was still showing as "looking for players" on the "Game Calendar" page.

I'm not sure why there are so few posting, and unsure how to actually contact the game master in most cases. A majority of the games listed do not specify the Time/Day they intend to play, nor note whether this is an old campaign or a new one.

I don't have a sense for the durations of the games, or what the norms are with the Fantasy Grounds community, so I'm looking through the forums here to learn more.

Its hard to figure out how "new-to-FG2" players might be treated. After 29 years of playing the game, I wish to avoid being treated poorly, as on mmorpg sites where NooBs are mistreated. In short, I'm sure I can take all the necessary steps to prepare, enlist, show up on time, and participate in the role-play, but the sign-up process is a little confusing, as without dates/times/expectations/expected character levels/Hero Lab expectations, or GM email address/website/external computer connection numbers, I'm not sure how to actually join a group that is active, nor how to confirm my character's spot in the gaming group for the session.

I will keep reading the forums, but if anyone has a moment, can they give a "NooB" a little guidance =)


P.s. I have primary interest in Pathfinder RPG, second choice would be Castles & Crusades. I hope to learn enough through participation to get a feel for GM execution of my own in the future. If there are any "really great GMs" out there--looking for a good player, please let me know.
Thanks again.

March 14th, 2012, 19:27
Unfortunately, some GMs don't remove their games from the calendar if they are no longer going. You're best bet is to PM the individual GM if there is a game you're interested in (do this from your "Profile" page).

But, inactive or rarely active GMs will probably not get/reply to your PM, so it' is work doing a bit of CSI work on the GM's profile to see when they were last active:

Click the "search" link on the community page.
Select "Advanced search"
Enter the ID of the GM in the "search by user name" and click the "Search Now" button.
This will return a list of posts by this user. Enter one of the posts and click on the name (which should also be a link)
This brings up the person's profile and you can see when they were last active (last activity in the top right).

EDIT: Noobs gets treated pretty well here, most of us are social role-players who enjoy the gaming interaction and the mmorpg mentality isn't present.

March 15th, 2012, 02:05
as trenloe said PM's work well and if you look into the person you can find out if they are actually around or not...you can pot the times you are able to play here and a GM might find you more then not most are willing to play with "noobs" so I wouldnt worry about that part at all and dont get discouraged if ya cant find a game right away jsut keep an eye on the fourms and jump on the games you can be apart of

March 15th, 2012, 02:46
Well if you are interested...
A Castles and Crusades game (Im playing not DM'ing/CK'ing) we are looking for a player for our Sunday Game 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern time.

My own game of Iron Heroes, I'm looking for another player for Friday nights 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern

Both games are Skype Voiced and we have a good "Older" group in each where we welcome noobs quite easily into our fold (Except for Aerine who is a Paranoid Huntress in my game, lol)
And the Sessions run 2 hours max
Just contact me (PM) here and I'll set you up if you can make it.

March 15th, 2012, 03:23
You can also browse through this forum section, the Guild House and look for recent recruiting postings. Those would probably be a better indicator of the currently active games.