View Full Version : new campaign

March 10th, 2012, 20:53
looking for 4-6 players for Castles & Crusades campaign. Depending on overall player experience, the characters will start at 2nd, or 4th level. Sessions will most likely be on Saturday afternoons from 12-4 (cst). :)

March 11th, 2012, 17:29
I'd definitely be interested and I'm in MST - I just started getting in to C&C and I really like it a lot.

What can you tell us about the campaign?

March 12th, 2012, 01:01
Here's a little background.
5,000 years ago the forces of light besiged the god of evil, Marb in his Fortress of Isagaur. After a long and bloody seige Isagaur fell, and Marb was captured and drug to the throne of Atlur, god of law, and justice. Atlur ordered Marb banished to the Void for eternity. However, Marb had foreseen this, and had taken steps to insure that his imprisonment would not last.

Near the end of the seige, Marb had put portions of his essence in 13 vessels, and ordered 13 trusted lieutenants to hide the vessels all over Korlann until it was time for him to return.

The campaign will center on the characters attempt to find 4 of the vessels that have become lost over the centuries to prevent the followers of Marb from using them along with the other 9 to bring the dark god back from the Void. (The followers of Marb have already opened a large enough conduit to their Master to allow Marb to grant spells, and influence matters on Korlann(Indirectly)

Hope this helps:)