View Full Version : New player looking for a game

March 3rd, 2012, 02:46
I don't have any books or anything yet but I can order the edition that the group is using as soon as we get things sorted out. (I hope to buy whatever I need for around 50 USD)

I have a fairly basic understanding of the game and I'm interested in playing with some decent people (Which is why I'm searching online. Locally my luck has been poor..) I'm honestly just looking to have a good time and try something new. I played once before but our group was really large and nobody had played before. Long story short it went really poorly.

I can play on the weekends in the evening. I think Friday/Saturday would work best. My time is US Central. I might be able to work out some other time I would just need to check my schedule.

Edit: If anyone is interested in picking me up I can PM my email or skype with you, I'm just not comfortable posting that on a public board tonight.
Edit2: Skype posted below

March 3rd, 2012, 07:26
There seems to be quite a few weekend games going on around here lately. Do you have a system preference, Savage Worlds D&D 4e, etc?

March 3rd, 2012, 08:33
No I haven't got a set preference but I don't want to spend too much money on books is the only thing. And I would like a fantasy setting more than say sci-fi. I honestly don't know the difference between the systems you mentioned otherwise.

March 3rd, 2012, 09:16
Well I am looking for more players, if you are interested please let me know.

right now I have a game that is on Sundays 8pm Eastern with 8-9 players but will be looking for 1 or 2 more. I am also going to be starting a second pickup group, of smaller, 1 time campaigns. I still haven't got an exact time for the second game yet.

A little about me, I have been a DM for almost 20 years, I play a custom rule set that I wrote myself(based from 2nd), and I play in a world that has been shaped by players for almost just as long. My setting is fantasy based, and I use mumble to host the games. If your interested in knowing more please send me a message I would be more then glad to go over the custom rule set, and game style with you to see if you would be a good fit in the campaign.

March 3rd, 2012, 09:35
No I haven't got a set preference but I don't want to spend too much money on books is the only thing. And I would like a fantasy setting more than say sci-fi. I honestly don't know the difference between the systems you mentioned otherwise. I am working to start up a Rolemaster or GURPS campaign and am in CST as well but I work nights and weekends so my times are odd and will not likely match yours. If you ever have any free mornings open I can fire up my copy, let you connect and have a look around and do a short demo so to speak. I have an ultimate license so you can use the any Fantasy Grounds level copy to connect.

March 3rd, 2012, 09:39
@demo100 I'm very interested in playing with a veteran player like yourself but unfortunately I can't do Sundays if we start at 9pm my time. I would possibly be open to another time though for the other campaigns you had in mind.

@GunnarGreybeard that would be interesting! I have midterms coming up this week but Spring Break would be a nice time to do that. You all seem like fine people so I have no problem posting my skype.

I'd prefer doing a smaller group with 6 or less PC's but I'm really pretty open. I'm more drawn towards the storytelling aspect than the actual roleplaying.


March 5th, 2012, 21:56
Welcome to FG Sigrosa I think you'll have a lot of fun :)

If you don't mind some advice though? One thing you might want to clarify is the "I'm more drawn towards the storytelling aspect than the actual roleplaying" thing :)

To most people involved in role playing games, "roleplaying" is a code word for "getting into character"... in other words you draw up an at least somewhat detailed background and personality for your character and make an effort to act out that character's personality in-game... if you're a "role playing fiend" like me you might even go so far as to post on a forum dedicated solely to that campaign with stuff that occurs between campaigns... solely "role playing" by which I mean no actual combat or clue discovering or important stuff takes place, just you talking "in character" to another player's character... you post something, they post a reply, you post a reply back et cetera...

But not sure what you mean by "storytelling"... do you mean that you're more interested in sort of the "strategy" aspect? Defeat the monsters , conquer the dungeon the best way possible, soundly trounce the enemy via master strategies used during warfare? (other players enjoy focusing less on the role playing end and more on the strategy end :) ) .. Or perhaps you enjoy a mixture of both? :)

March 6th, 2012, 06:11
Ah yes, well I played in one of demo100's sessions and had a good time. What I mean by storytelling is listening to how the DM describes the environment and seeing in what ways they decide to take the story. I also Like the open-endedness of combat in that creative individuals can find unorthodox solutions to problems. I don't enjoy in speaking like my character as much but I enjoy impacting the game world in ways that my character would given the situation. So maybe that helps clear up your confusion a bit?

March 10th, 2012, 18:43
@GunnarGreybeard that would be interesting! I have midterms coming up this week but Spring Break would be a nice time to do that. You all seem like fine people so I have no problem posting my skype.

I'd prefer doing a smaller group with 6 or less PC's but I'm really pretty open. I'm more drawn towards the storytelling aspect than the actual roleplaying. I actually prefer to GM smaller groups mainly because I prefer text chat to voice and I find (IMHO) that is easier to stay in character for NPC's and such as the GM. Plus its generates a log of all information that is input into the chat screen which makes it easier for me to to do AAR's and plan for future sessions.