View Full Version : Old School Feel, (New Games Starting)

February 24th, 2012, 05:29
I am curious how many people would want to play in some Old school D&D or AD&D adventures that have been converted for Pathfinder. These games would be like 4 hours long, and some of them may run over into two or three sessions. The idea is more of a pickup style game. Short notice jump in and play type of thing. Not Sure what days they are going to be. Mon-Sat After 7PM EST most of the time, and might be 2 or more times a week. I am in the planning stages at this point and checking for interest. Seems to me like there ought to be like 50 people who could be around on any given day of the week to play.


On a side note, you will need at least a lite license to play. I have not forked out the extra 110 bucks for an Ultimate license yet.

Should anyone decide to make characters (1@3rd, 5th, 7th) will put you ahead of the game.

Anything that is official Paizo/Pathfinder is ok to use. Don't make RP characters that will not survive. Make viable characters that you can roleplay. NO BROKEN CHARACTERS WILL BE ALLOWED. (You know what I am saying if you made one)

25 Point Buy (only one stat at 8).
2 Traits.
Hit Points Max 1st Level + Avg. (1/2+1) after.
Free Trained Skills (Profession (pick one...), Knowledge (Local) 1 Rank each.
Starting Gold 3000 lvl 3, 10,500, lvl 5, 23,500 lvl 7.
Max item value 2500 3rd lvl, 4500,5th lvl, 8500 7th lvl.
If you need help with your characters then find me on Skype (madmanfg2) and please tell me who you are when you send a contact request.

First Game:I had a lot of fun running the first game. Thanks guys!

February 24th, 2012, 05:39
If I don't have to be there regularly or all the sessions that sounds interesting to me, Weekends are usually busy from either work or running a real life Savage Worlds campaign.

February 24th, 2012, 12:30
lookin for fresh blood to spill are ya madman?? haha you know im in

February 24th, 2012, 23:30
Definitely interested depending on the days and timing

February 27th, 2012, 18:56
That sounds neat, though I don't think my schedule is as free as you need (Pacific time and mostly just weekends.) I've been buying the old D&D games on GOG lately, definitely in a gold box / TSR / old school dungeon crawl mood lol.

February 27th, 2012, 21:41
Game Info:

Should anyone decide to make characters (1@3rd, 5th, 7th) will put you ahead of the game.

Anything that is official Paizo/Pathfinder is ok to use. Don't make RP characters that will not survive. Make viable characters that you can roleplay. NO BROKEN CHARACTERS WILL BE ALLOWED. (You know what I am saying if you made one)

25 Point Buy (only one stat at 8).
2 Traits.
Hit Points Max 1st Level + Avg. (1/2+1) after.
Free Trained Skills (Profession (pick one...), Knowledge (Local) 1 Rank each.
Starting Gold 3000 lvl 3, 10,500, lvl 5, 23,500 lvl 7.
Max item value 2500 3rd lvl, 4500,5th lvl, 8500 7th lvl.
If you need help with your characters then find me on Skype (madmanfg2) and please tell me who you are when you send a contact request.


February 28th, 2012, 00:33
Cool, I'll start working on some characters. I'm thinking Druid, Cleric, or maybe a Monk. Also, I only really have Monday and Tuesday evenings free (and sometimes Sunday evenings).

February 28th, 2012, 00:47
After a few games i'm sure there will be extra characters to pick from. I have also created a bunch of well made pre-gens.


February 28th, 2012, 01:26
Are the characters to be different characters at the different levels, same character at different levels or either/or?

February 28th, 2012, 01:44
Either or works for me. The adventures are going to jump around, so having more than one character will make it easier to run lots of games on the fly. Not being held to running 1st through 3rd adventures is part of my goal. If this becomes popular then I will run higher level stuff, if there is a want for it.


February 28th, 2012, 01:50
I want I WANT

February 28th, 2012, 01:54
I would be interested in sitting in on some of these games throughout the week. I will put something together for you to take a gander at.

February 29th, 2012, 23:24
I have a 3rd lvl Cleric and a 5th lvl monk mostly built.

March 1st, 2012, 16:42
I am curious how many people would want to play in some Old school D&D or AD&D adventures that have been converted for Pathfinder. These games would be like 4 hours long, and some of them may run over into two or three sessions. The idea is more of a pickup style game. Short notice jump in and play type of thing. Not Sure what days they are going to be. Mon-Sat After 7PM EST most of the time, and might be 2 or more times a week. I am in the planning stages at this point and checking for interest. Seems to me like there ought to be like 50 people who could be around on any given day of the week to play.


On a side note, you will need at least a lite license to play. I have not forked out the extra 110 bucks for an Ultimate license yet.
I would be interested in playing irregularly. I have the occasional free night but can't make a regular game.

March 5th, 2012, 20:56
I'd love to try a game! I started with AD&D a long time ago, so it may take me some re-learning efforts but other then that I'd love to try it out. PM me if you are interested in having another player.

March 9th, 2012, 01:12
check other fourm or calander please Ts info is ther and server is up

March 9th, 2012, 01:15


March 16th, 2012, 01:21


March 20th, 2012, 00:11
Only four people signed up for the next game. Please vote in the calendar if you are going to be there.


March 20th, 2012, 19:08
Only four people signed up for the next game. Please vote in the calendar if you are going to be there.

Room for one more? :)

March 20th, 2012, 23:42
I was giving the players from the last game some time to vote in the game calendar before I make that call. They should vote if they are going to be there! cough...cough... I think the game is full and maybe +1 at this point.

Though I am not working Wednesday this week and may run another game for grins.
Any takers please vote in the calendar! I will add another slot. If there are enough people I'll make something happen.


March 21st, 2012, 05:03
Definitely interested in joining up, but sadly not free this week due to travel. See you next week hopefully, free after Tues.

Cleric or Wizard available.

March 21st, 2012, 19:08
I was giving the players from the last game some time to vote in the game calendar before I make that call. They should vote if they are going to be there! cough...cough... I think the game is full and maybe +1 at this point.

Though I am not working Wednesday this week and may run another game for grins.
Any takers please vote in the calendar! I will add another slot. If there are enough people I'll make something happen.

No worries - don't let me muscle in and take other people's places or overload your game. :)

March 21st, 2012, 23:06
Big games don't bug me, I've run old school games with 10 players. Players just don't get as much face time. I just wanted the players from last game to have a chance to use the calendar. Next Time? Would definitely like to have you in a game! Cause if my math is correct I will have 7-8 players this week.


March 21st, 2012, 23:50
Cool - no problem at all, I'll keep an eye on the thread and see if there's room in future. Enjoy your game tomorrow...

March 24th, 2012, 14:52
Ah, so this is where the madman hangs out. lol Hey all. For my first two fantasy grounds games, madmad really showed me the ropes. Thanks for your patience. I hope to learn as much as I can. I'm already looking forward to next Thursday. Thanks again!

April 4th, 2012, 18:12
Hey Chris,

How is the game capacity looking for this Thursday (5th April)? Space for a small one? I could play a halfling or gnome! :D

April 5th, 2012, 01:14
We have room at this point. Vote on the calendar and you got a spot!
As long as you don't mind me tossing you in like a grenade!


April 6th, 2012, 00:12
I have interest, but am a total noob. So, not really sure where to start. Feel free to PM me.