View Full Version : Player looking for a weekly game - DnD 3.5/4

February 20th, 2012, 03:00
Hello. I am an old DnD player that has decided to come back to role playing after a decently long (10 year) hiatus. I am looking for a game that starts around the 7 to 8 EST time frame and ends around 12 to 12am EST. I am not looking at DMing at this time since I still need to get my role play legs back underneath me.

I look forward to any replies.


February 22nd, 2012, 00:43
Rigas you're probably best off looking over the threads here where the DM's post asking for players - I find PM'ing the GM directly with a proposed character concept is most effective, even more so if you write up a PC and give it to them as soon as possible, shows that you're "serious" :) .. of course it's possible you're already doing this in which case I'm telling you something you already know :p

One thing to keep in mind - some DM's like to use voice chat a lot (using a free service, skype is the most popular) to run their campaigns - in cases like these often most of the campaign is done via voice which requires a headset/microphone combo , I found even the cheaper mike/headset combo's tend to get the job done :) (in a situation like this the FG program is used mostly to display maps and where your character is on the map,dice rolls and pic's of stuff the DM wants to show you) .. other DM's don't like this and prefer to have everything typed out in FG (description of your character's actions, role playing et cet).. still other DM's will use a combination, type out your character's actions and role playing type stuff in FG but make out-of-character comments over voice chat.

February 27th, 2012, 19:15
Thank you for the great advice Andre, I'm looking as well. I'm looking through the calendar and mailing folks, but I'll mention it here too since I haven't had any luck. I'm hoping to find a long campaign that plays weekends or Pacific time evenings. The only systems I'm familiar with so far are versions of D&D before 4th.

With the game I DM, we used Skype for the first few months but dealt with constant crashes and lag...I'm not sure why since we didn't use it for video or file sharing. We recently switched to TeamSpeak and found it to be a lot less awnry with Fantasy Grounds. We also moved a lot of the campaign reference to Obsidian Portal; I used to house it all inside my FG file but scrolling was taking too long, even with sub-sections. Now I just keep the scenario stuff in FG, and the past reference separate.

February 29th, 2012, 01:32
Took the liberty of clicking on your profile Megan - a toy and game designer ? Man you're living the dream kudos to you ! :) ...

Campaign reference stuff.. yes I'm a big believer in having a forum set up for campaign type stuff as well - not every DM or player feels the same mind you some feel it's too much hard work maintaining it and keeping up with it :P .. me personally , I find it helps the campaign a lot if you have something up where the DM can post stuff you discovered in-game (or even say a volunteer player posting recaps of past game sessions if the DM is too busy), players can post descriptions of their characters, if you're like me you post forum role playing type stuff on the website in terms of characters interacting with other characters , questions about rules can be resolved out-of-game on the forum so you don't drag an FG game session out in a boring rules dispute (no need for " lawyer - the role playing game" here :P ) ..

Hang on though , you've been PM'ing folks on here and they haven't replied Megan ? I'm sorry to hear that - cripes I guess you've had the misfortune of PM'ing all the grumpy people then, I've found that the DM's normally reply to me ... someone turning down a professional toy and game designer as an RPG player? Damn sad state of affairs this world is in ! That's like a basketball team turning down Shaq back when he was in his prime :P ..

This is just my opinion but I feel that once you've learned how to play one RPG you can pick up on other ones fairly easily simply by playing through enough game sessions (though if you have the time and get a copy of the rules say as a pdf that helps too of course :) ) ... if someone has what looks to be an interesting campaign even if it's a game I'm completely unfamiliar with I'll apply anyways, could be a fun situation that I would have missed out on otherwise :) .. (I'll warn them of course that I'm a complete newbie, I've found normally the gamesmaster does not have a problem with this :) ) .... Also, I find that there are a lot of D&D like games out there that are so similar to D&D you can pick them up fairly easily far as learning the rules - warhammer and pathfinder for example :) ..

And something just clicked, can't believe I didn't notice it before - Marty , I remember you ! You were in the D&D / FG group I was in briefly , you played the half orc , I played Sehlia the half elf female rogue.. don't know if you remember that was YEARS back ! I can personally vouch for Rigas as someone fun to game with , had a lot of fun RP'ing with him in the forum RP type threads I was talking about earlier (there was an ongoing joke in the group about the two PC's having a half human, one quarter orc one quarter elf baby :P ) ..

February 29th, 2012, 13:11
agreed it is a little supriseing to not get pm's back...one of the best things about FG is the people normally all pretty good...now if you go down the calander some GM's might not update it as well as others in closeing it if there full only players and such but if you are patient there iwll be game openings...took me a little while to get in a game there are far more players then DM's but usually once a game opens dm are more then willing to snag up a hand full of players... and I see you post in one shots which is a good way to get to know a dm and other players if you are liked they will find you also...all in all dont get discouraged it is worth the wait in my opinion when it comes together.

February 29th, 2012, 21:13
Oh no, did my long reply not go through? :D Oh well. I'll just put it in a nutshell: nice to meet you and many thanks! I also finally found a DM yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to it.

February 29th, 2012, 21:48
Oh no, did my long reply not go through? :D Oh well. I'll just put it in a nutshell: nice to meet you and many thanks! I also finally found a DM yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Awesome glad to hear it :)