View Full Version : Looking for a GM

February 16th, 2012, 17:35
Well as the title of the thread says I'm not looking for a group but rather just someone willing and able to act as a gm for a already assembled group. I and a few of my friends have been trying to set up a game on our own to no avail as although most of us are skilled with D&D acting as a host seems to be beyond our technical abilities as it requires configuring various factors with our computers. We hope to use either 3.5 or pathfinder as that is what we have experience with. Most of us have some level of experience with D&D 3.5 and pathfinder although two among us are veritable novices. As gm you would naturally be in charge of what campaign setting is used, how long sessions are and other such factors controlled by the gm in any other campaign. A couple of us would like to use homebrew content which is balanced and well made although if that is not something you would allow it is quite alright. The timezones for the six of us are below we have already found 5-8 pm pacific time to be a good choice for our schedules although we are open to a different time if needed.

Ren and I: pacific -8gmt
Moon: mountain -7gmt
Faldne Vaerge and Hime: eastern standard -5gmt
Hunkat: +7gmt

I know this is a tall order and I am unlikely to get a response still thought it was worth a shot if not well then at least I tried.

February 16th, 2012, 17:39
I know this is a tall order and I am unlikely to get a response still thought it was worth a shot if not well then at least I tried.
You never know. DnD and Pathfinder are pretty popular, so I would expect someone would speak up.

February 16th, 2012, 17:48
Well I guess we can hope.

February 16th, 2012, 17:51
What days are you guy's looking for? I've been thinking of another game I was considering using castles and crusades, however if we could work out times and personalities match we could figure out what we wanted between the two.

February 16th, 2012, 18:02
Well I guess we can hope.
If you guys ever get the urge try out another system like a hombrewed Rolemaster game let me know as I`m having the opposite problem of finding a group that fits my available game times.

February 16th, 2012, 19:25
The weekend is most suitable although most days would work the troublesome part is the time as although most of us are in the usa hunkat is overseas currently and there is a large time difference.

February 16th, 2012, 19:44
I've been wanting to get a group together for a while, and I think I can work with your time frame. Shoot me a pm sometime and we'll see if we can figure out something that will work.

February 16th, 2012, 20:09
Yea sadly my weekends are currently very very full.

February 16th, 2012, 20:25
Well I have a small group already but I am looking to expand to more players.

I play every Sunday 8pm Eastern, for some of your guys this may be hard, but really without the offer you never know :)

My Campaign setting is medieval, with my own custom rule sets that I have written. We just started the campaign last week so it would be easy to get new players introduced, and every one would still be level 1.

A little about me and what I look for in my players. I have a been a DM for almost 20 years, I generally run game between 6-9 players, I have written my own rule books, and other books, but never got anything published. I play a very open ended game, for me the game itself is more about social aspect then the RP aspect however, we do develop the characters and the story very deeply in my world. My world is completely built from players that have joined it in the past. Cities, lore, and deities are all a constructs of characters that have been played in my world, so I am always looking for new fresh ideas to improve and update the vast world that has already been created. All that I ask for my players is that they use mumble (a voip app) to communicate.

If you are interested please contact me, and I will make an arrangement to meet with you and your friends before the game.