View Full Version : New Widget, is it possible?

February 13th, 2012, 22:37
I would like to know if it is possible to create a new widget in FG II. What I would like to create is a in game calender of the fantasy world that is being played. It would be a simple calender that the DM would have control over.

Example, have a small box, and in this box it would display,


The DM would have an extra option that the players would not see to increase the day by +1 or -1, after X days it would become week 1 and so on.

My knowledge of of fantasy is getting better, but to this extent I don't know how to proceed. I learned XML to create my own rule set, but I think this would require me to learn a little more.

Any help would be great. Also if anyone is interested in this project I am willing to work with the person to learn side by side to make this project into a reality, I think it would be a great tool for DMs to use.

February 13th, 2012, 23:11
Have a look here: https://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/Campaigndate

It's what I use, you just update it and drag to chat window when you want PCs to know time/date