View Full Version : LF DM's for Multi-party campaign

February 13th, 2012, 17:01
Background (you can skip this if you want):
When Wizards switched over a "local" gaming group was considering about what the new campaign world would be, ultimately they decided simply to advance the timeline and shrink back down the world as the group had gone down in size. A concept I had stuck in the back of my mind came back out and seemed like a good idea for a local living campaign world.

This is to be a dynamic and 'living' campaign, each parties actions would be felt by all parties (depending on the severity of their actions), ideally the different parties would have little interaction as they would be moving around separately without running into each other too much. Generally each GM would have their own parties, though switching around is possible as necessary, and the GM's would conspire and plot about what actions would result in and let the others know.
Obviously this is a home brew campaign; I have not absolute definition so this would be a collaborative effort, what I do have is:

History of the world
Overall geography and a score of so of Absolute locations (some defined most open for details)
Major plot hooks and campaign storyline
1 Intro Adventure, with some ideas for others
Pathfinder will be preference, though not absolute (not sure how good/bad idea this is)

This setting is a bit atypical, but should be a grand and epic adventure, as a warning since setting is still mostly undefined creativity and adaptability will be critical skills/talents. Party size and session frequency are up to GMs and parties, but the progress between all parties should be roughly the same.

If you are interested, obviously please respond if you are interested. I will start converting more of setting to electronic format and if enough other GM's are interested find somewhere online to host information.

Eluvie: Signs point to the end of the Age of the Warping and that a new age is coming, but what will this new age be? History: At the beginning of this Age, Humanity in its pride, hope, ego made a world effecting choice; rather than allowing and fighting a third great war against the monsters and monstrous the human mages performed the first Great Work, and banished most of them from the prime plane to the shadow realm. Things seemed fine for a time, until weird happenings occurred, it eventually came apparent that much of the land was being effect and anywhere below a certain height was dangerous. Humanity performed their second Great Work and lifted 7?(have to double check) cities into the sky; the rest of humanity evacuated to the great heights or perished. Due to what happened then, no one is sure just how long ago this age truly started.

February 13th, 2012, 20:22
I love this idea, although I never played with other DMs I have been playing with this type of role playing for almost 20 years now. It is great, my world has been built completely from the players that have played with me. I literally have thousands of characters histories building up the world, and hundreds of players that some have played only one character and others that like a much wide variety.

What fun with this is that character can build history built on an other character history or campaign experience. Which can make it very fun playing a character knowing that is only available because of action from your or an other player past actions. Even had campaigns that went against each other, 2 opposing sides at war, each with its own group trying to defeat to each other armies, one group build a fortress the other would try to siege it, a lot of fun.

This type of gaming, I like to call it generational gaming is great for character and world building. Because you get so many sides of the same story and the story evolves even after the character is retired or dead, and make the world much more dynamic.

Anyway what I;m trying to say is I;m interested, I would love to know more, and I hope other DM pick up the call to see what we can create :)

February 13th, 2012, 23:23
I've never used Pathfinder but the idea does intrigue me. Would be interesting to see how it develops.