View Full Version : Modifying ref_abilities (3.5e)

February 10th, 2012, 18:19
I am modifying ref_abilities and have come to a halt. ref_abilities has one subwindow named stats. In my ref_abilities i want 4 subwindows, visibility being determined by the value of an iconcycler.

I can happily get the subwindows to cycle using the iconcycler, however I can't get it to open to what the icon cycler is set to.

Any help greatly appreciated! :)

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2012, 20:14
I'm not sure if I'm following what the problem is. Are you talking about the initialization not working, but otherwise the cycler is working?

If so, you can write an onInit handler for the cycler that calls super.onInit before calling onValueChanged to set the window. (assuming that you are handling onValueChanged to change your windows)


February 11th, 2012, 23:40
Thanks JPG, i'd already sorted it and not posted. I ran an onInit for each of the subwindows, depending on the state of the iconcycler.