View Full Version : Necropolis: UK weeknight, US afternoon

February 9th, 2012, 21:37
Hello all,

After a long layoff from around here, I finally have some time for gaming. As various folks from around here can attest, I'm a long-time GM and player, mostly of Savage Worlds. In the past, I have also done a tiny bit of writing for various SW publishers, including the "Scare Crow" adventure, for Deadlands, and part of the Necropolis 2351-55 Update, for Triple Ace Games.

I plan to start running a Necropolis (https://www.tripleacegames.com/Necropolis.php) game. For those unfamiliar with the setting, Necropolis features a mix of "hard" sci-fi and supernatural horror elements. The technology level is roughly analagous to Aliens, Battlestar Galactica, or Gears of War--machine guns, flamethrowers, air strikes, etc., but in recognizably higher-tech incarnations. Players take the role of knights in the fictional "Third Reformation Church," doing battle on a distant world to protect humanity from an expanding army of quasi-undead monsters.

Yes. That means that you can carry an assault rifle with underslung grenade launcher AND a sword. I promise you will have cause to use both.

This game features a lot of role-playing, but the focus is definitely on military squad action.

I am a graduate student and college lecturer, so my hours are a little weird. I live in Texas, and I would run this game in the afternoons, which equates to evening in the UK. I'm thinking we could start at 1 or 2 pm, my time, which equates to 7 or 8 pm in London (https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?lid=4739526,2643743,2158177&h=4739526). I ran a game on this time frame last summer and also got a few players from Oz. It would be 7 or 8 am, your time.

I would prefer to schedule the game for Thursday or Friday, but I could probably shift my schedule a bit to make a Tuesday game work (it might have to start at noon). I try to hold sessions to just two hours--we've all got stuff to do.

I've run a fair number of games around here in the past, and I think most of my players will vouch for my campaigns running pretty well. I try to focus on making sure that everyone has fun, and we keep it pretty light. Necropolis uses the Savage Worlds system, and you do not need to know the system in order to play. I have taught a lot of people to play SW; it's pretty easy to grasp the basic concepts, especially if you have any experience in other systems. If necessary, I can provide some starting characters for people who are new or need a little help.

We use a mixture of voice and type chat. I have my own Ventrilo server, plus access to a 3rd-party hosted server as a back-up.

If you are interested, please post in the thread below, and express a schedule preference. Two players is enough to get started, although I'll happily take more.

February 10th, 2012, 04:36
I would love to get in on a Savage Worlds game, and if i were to play SW, necropolis is something i would really like to try. Never played the system but i am a hound for anything and everything.

I am wounded/retired Military, so my time is my own, however; Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are the best for me. If i fit into your time frame, please give me a consideration, would love to try the game, and system.

February 10th, 2012, 18:48
Count me in, Im EST . so this is perfect for me. I am retired so have plenty of time.
Monday Wednesday and thursday are good for me as well

February 10th, 2012, 23:02
Thanks for responding! Since Thursday works for both of you, let's make that the plan. The one wrinkle is that we will have to put off starting for two Thursdays away; I will be on a business trip next week and am not arriving home until late, Thursday night. What I can do, though, is to put up the server next week, to give y'all and anyone else who decides to join us a chance to download the setting material, do some reading, and maybe take a stab at making a character.

I am currently racing to complete some material for my classes (need to post some weekend reviews before I give an exam next week), but I will try to post some more info and create a Game Calendar entry either tonight or tomorrow night. It should be fun!

If anyone else would like to join this game, or if you have questions or need me to sell you on Necropolis, please feel free to post to this thread.

February 10th, 2012, 23:11
hmm maybe i misread, I thought you wanted to play more than once a week......

February 11th, 2012, 02:50
Ok, its all good for me, give me the low down on when and where and i am there.

February 12th, 2012, 00:41
If you run it on a weekend then I am in.

February 13th, 2012, 18:03
Count me in, even though I would prefer friday. But Thursday is workable too. Can I be the damn newbie again? Not sure if that was a oneshot from you or doswelk but I loved it.

February 14th, 2012, 02:31
I played a one shot with you in this setting last year, and had fun.

I have been lurking on this thread b/c I would like to play, but of the times you suggested only Friday would possibly work for me. Even then, I would have to be sort of a "maybe" b/c occasionally (not too often) I have work projects come in on Fridays that cannot wait. The life of a working stiff...

February 15th, 2012, 12:09

I am new to this site and to savage Worlds (not to mention Fantasy Grounds) but I'd like to try my hand at this if there is room left in the group. I'm from GMT +1 and I think I can manage both Fridays and Tuesdays.


**EDIT** I, of course, managed to pick the wrong day it's Thursday not Tuesday I meant

February 24th, 2012, 13:23
If there's still room, I'd love to have a go. I can play most UK evenings/nights, except Fridays. Ta!

February 29th, 2012, 21:32
Has this group started yet, because I'm quite keen to try this setting (heck, just FG) out.

March 1st, 2012, 18:30
Has not started and have not heard from the guy, he will show up eventually.