View Full Version : Tales of Valor

February 4th, 2012, 19:18
I'm wanting to start a Roleplaying based game. it will use D&D 3.5 system. I'll want to get together with each person individually and create their character with them. I want these character to be flashed out and real.

A list of some questions that you'll need to answer are:

Character Name / Nicknames / Aliases:
Birth Date:
Place of Birth:
Clothing Sizes / Styles:
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Eye Color:
Handedness :
General Appearance:
Relationship with Family:
Key Family / Relatives:
Relationship with Friends:
Key Friends:
Key Enemies:
Educational History:
Work History:
Phobias / Fears:
Bad Habits / Vices:
Best Qualities:
Worst Qualities:
Key Childhood Experiences:
Key Teenage Experiences:
Key Adult Experiences:
Sexual Background:
Favorites (food, clothing, art, music, TV show, movie, book, etc.)
Personal Goals:
Professional Goals:
Morality / Ethics:
Style of Speech:
Commonly Used Words / Slang / Jargon:
Lies / Misinformation:
Other Important Details:

Some important information about the world is:

The world is Segregated, the humans keep to their cities, the elves to their forests, dwarves to their mines, etc. Adventurers are rare.

this will be a low magic setting, there was a great war that nearly brought about the destruction of the world, so the gods abandoned this world. nobody know where they are. There are no wizards, I'll use clerics from dark sun setting, and sorcerers must have a patron Dragon to teach them. Each dragon only has one pupil at a time, and there are only a few of each color left. I will be using the no magic variants from complete warrior for ranger, and paladin.

I will also be using incarnum and some psionics as replacements for magic, but those interested must ask because the information is not commonly known about these things but for practitioners.

Starting level is 1, 36 point buy.

post here or pm me if you are interested.

February 4th, 2012, 20:05
Definitely interested, sent a PM with some questions about times / days / duration.

February 5th, 2012, 08:32
More info. It is weekly, right now looks like maybe Saturday mornings, but that can change. My time zone is EST (GMT -5). We will be using voip. My Skype is Buttatakibuddha. And I only have a full license, so you'll need at least a light to play.

February 5th, 2012, 09:27
I really, really want to play in this. I wish I wasn't in 4 WoD games at the moment.

February 8th, 2012, 02:20
Character Name / Nicknames / Aliases: Cail
Birth Date: approx. 28 actual date unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Residence: Vagrant
Height: 6'1"
Clothing Sizes / Styles: Dark leathers, studded leathers, plate
Hair Color: Midnight with streaks of white
Hair Length:
Eye Color: 1 gold eye 1 red eye
Handedness : ambidextrous
General Appearance: Gritty but well kept
Relationship with Family: N/A
Key Family / Relatives: N/A
Relationship with Friends: N/A
Key Friends:
Key Enemies:
Educational History: tutored by various personages during vagrancy
Work History: general sword for hire
Phobias / Fears:
Bad Habits / Vices: nymphomaniac
Quirks: has a tendency to whistle, and is otherwise quiet
Best Qualities: Attention to detail and deductive reasoning
Worst Qualities:
Key Childhood Experiences:
Key Teenage Experiences:
Key Adult Experiences:
Sexual Background: promiscuous, hederosexual
Favorites (food, clothing, art, music, TV show, movie, book, etc.)
Personal Goals: figure out early years
Professional Goals:
Morality / Ethics:
Style of Speech:
Commonly Used Words / Slang / Jargon:
Lies / Misinformation:
Other Important Details:

not totally fleshed out but some

February 13th, 2012, 19:07
This is about as fleshed out as he is going to get with out knowing all of the details about the world. Luckily I'm good at making things up as I go.

Character Name / Nicknames / Aliases: Alekk Fal Esh
Birth Date: 3 days, 4 months and 30 years ago
Place of Birth: City of Glass
Residence: Monastery
Height:6 foot 10 inches
Weight:252 Lbs.
Clothing Sizes / Styles: Loose fitting monk robes, many brown colors.
Hair Color: Light brown
Hair Length: Medium-Long
Eye Color: Very light hazel bordering on grey
Handedness: Left
General Appearance: Wears short Brown hooded sleeveless monk robes. His hair is generally in a pony tail. Often light stubble covers his face.
Relationship with Family: Fine
Key Family / Relatives: Entirety of the family are petty aristocrats
Relationship with Friends: Fine
Key Friends: Mentor at the monastery
Key Enemies: None so far
Educational History: Educated at the monastery
Work History: None
Skills: Nothing special
Phobias / Fears: Losing his perfection
Bad Habits / Vices: None
Quirks: None
Best Qualities: Dependable, Calm, Reasonable, Polite
Worst Qualities: Arrogant, Stubborn, Hard to get to know or to like
Key Childhood Experiences: None to speak of, had a normal childhood for aristocracy.
Key Teenage Experiences: Joining the monastery in pursuit of perfection.
Key Adult Experiences: Finishing his education at the monastery.
Sexual Background:Hetero, Reserved
Favorites (food, clothing, art, music, TV show, movie, book, etc.): Venison and Coney. Silken clothing. Skarn music and art.
Personal Goals: Achieving complete perfection
Professional Goals:None
Morality / Ethics:Lawful, avoids harming innocents unless absolutely necessary.
Style of Speech:Clam, polite.
Commonly Used Words / Slang / Jargon: "Skarn are perfection, or as close as this world is going to get to it.", "Don't worry, I'm perfect remember? So I'll be fine."
Lies / Misinformation:
Other Important Details:

February 16th, 2012, 21:51
Already talked to BB, but I thought I'd at least give a reference to my character as well to let any others at least get a feel for him.

Grasping the final boulder in his sun darkened arms, Gruk grudgingly trudges to the far side of the rock strewn pen. Placing it atop the mound of other similar stones, he pauses briefly to wipe the rivulets of dusty sweat from his face. Staring up into the sun far overhead, he grunts with effort and the stone finally settles into place. Of course, +he knows that he will soon be put to work again, and he reflects on his change in station, and the hatred in his hear begins to swell once again.

Not long ago, he would be the one at the side of the pit, laughing at the slaves below. Of course, now it was he that faced the jeers of what once was his tribe. The faces of those above just added to his anger now. . .their taunts and sneers undeserved and unwelcome though now a familiar thing. He couldn't really blame them for their actions, though of course he did anyway. They would pay some day. . .visions of blood and battle danced in his minds eye and a grim smile crossed his face.

His father had been foolish enough, weak enough, to be deposed as chief, and this was an all too familiar consequence of that circumstance. The new Chief had killed all his blood but he and his brothers immediately, only giving them respite in the form of enforced labor and slavery. Both Grezt and Regk had already succumbed to the desert heat and pointless labor enforced on them. Grezt had died in an ill-timed escape attempt, and Regks feeble mind had broken under the strain shortly there after. The last he had seen of him had been weeks past. He'd actually been weeping at the feet of the Chief that day, and as far as he was concerned , he should have chosen the death of a true warrior over the shame of that moment. Grezt at least took a few of these sand lice to the afterlife with him, as was only befitting his blood. Last he had heard of Regk, he was toadying to one of the Chiefs lieutenants, publicly debasing himself for the amusement of others.

The lash of a whip snapped across a cheek drawing Gruk back from his reverie, and the leering slavemaster once again directed him to begin moving the mound of boulders. . .back to their original location. Grimacing, he once again laid his gnarled hands on the large stones and began to haul them back across the sandy pit.

They would pay. . .oh yes. . .pay indeed. . .

February 16th, 2012, 22:04
this sounds like fun

February 17th, 2012, 02:11
It may well be. The backstory seems like it has good potential, and I've always liked BBs games. With any luck, nothing catastrophic will happen to any of the players and we can get this puppy on the road, so to speak.

February 17th, 2012, 15:27
i have a tendency to kill BBs campaigns >< fingers crossed i dont do it again.