View Full Version : LFG Weekday, Daytime Game, 3.5 or?

February 1st, 2012, 20:16
Good afternoon everyone. The title pretty much says it all. I have my regular TT game Sat nights, a FG game on Monday nights. I am looking for a group (new campaign or not) to get a weekday game rolling.

If you're interested as a player, shoot me a message.

If you're a DM, I already love you... Please feel free to contact me through PM or (better option) at Me@JonathanJMcKeecom. I will try to remember to check the forum messages often but my business mail I check at least once a day.

Mon, Wed, Fri, daytimes would be best for me. I am EST and on those three days from 10:30 am until 4 or 5 would be free. Alternatively, on Tues and Thurs I would be available from 12-3pm.

Games? I would prefer 3.5 or WoD as a second but I am open to just about any game and have played a good number of them.

I look forward to hearing from you.


February 2nd, 2012, 08:06
Depending on the time of day you are looking at, the actual day, and the timezone.. I'd be interested in getting into a game. System is not that big of a deal, as long as it is not 4e. I have a lot of books on obscure systems that looked interesting but could never find a local group.

I have been toying with the idea of being a DM, but I don't have the time to actually sit down and write what I want to do. I have the ideas for a setting and story, but, alas, time is my limiting factor.

February 2nd, 2012, 08:08
Wow... how did that double post...

February 2nd, 2012, 11:50
Thank you for the insight Blahness. I revised the original post to show the time zone (est) and the days and times (Mon, Wed, Fri, daytimes would be best for me. I am EST and on those three days from 10:30 am until 4 or 5 would be free. Alternatively, on Tues and Thurs I would be available from 12-3pm.).

A little about myself, 32. I started playing 2nd ed. when I was 12. Played up through 3.5. I switched over to WoD games (notable Vampire and Mage) until they came out with the new edition. I am currently playing in 2 3.5 games. One TT doing the Dungeon of Graves and the other FG old school Forgotten Realms. I have played in a good random variety of rpg's and I am always willing to play another.

February 10th, 2012, 19:59
I have a game set up here. planning to start next week, feel free to join

February 11th, 2012, 03:20

Depending on when the games were, I would be interested in joining up. Let me know if it is a set schedule or random times..

February 14th, 2012, 00:38
Hello Dwarflord, I signed up on calender. Have you set days/times yet? Thank you.