View Full Version : Creating New Critical Tables to Add to RMC

January 30th, 2012, 21:52
I am going to try to explain how to create a new Critical Table so that it will be available in the RMC ruleset. Some basic knowledge of XML and FG module creation will be helpful but hopefully not required since I will point out what you should read to get familiar even to make these crit table modules.

You will need to create a new module for your crit tables. A module is a ZIP file that has been renamed to have a .MOD extension instead of the normal .ZIP extension. More information on module creation can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12948. You won’t need to read the whole PDF that is attached but I would recommend at least understanding through section 3.1.

The attached ZIP file is a module containing the following 3 files:


The thumbnail.png is just the image that will show up when activating the module. Try to keep it around 100 pixels on the largest side.

Definition.xml is a short XML file that just specifies the name, author and ruleset of the module. The file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<name>MODULE NAME</name>
<author>AUTHOR NAME</author>

Put your module name in place of MODULE NAME which is between the name tags. Put the author name in place of AUTHOR NAME which is between the author tags. Leave the ruleset as RolemasterClassic without the space. This all all you need for the definition.xml file.

The db.xml file is where your critical table information will go. You can put more than one critical table in this file. Here is what the start and end of the file needs to look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root version="2.0" RMCVersion="0.35">
<RMTables static="true">



Your tables will go in the space between the 2 Tables tags (<Tables></Tables>) where the [TABLES GO HERE] message is. I’ve included a template table in the db.xml file that I will explain what you need to change to setup your own critical tables.

The table starts with the following line:


You will want to replace the AAA with an a short code that should probably match your source. Arms Law uses CT (I believe for Critical Table) and Spell Law uses SCT (Spell Critical Table). This code can be anything you like. The number after the dash is just a counter for your code so start it at 01 and increment it one as you add more tables with that same code. For example if I use the code AAA and want to add another table after the first the line would be:


Keep track of what the code and number are because you will need them in 2 more locations that we will get to later.

This next line doesn’t need to be changed:

<TableType type="string">Result</TableType>

The line after it has a possible change:

<Class type="string">Arms Criticals</Class>

This line can be Arms Criticals or Spells Criticals. It determines how the table will be categorized in the Table Manager. Just replace Arms with Spells if you want it to be a spell critical table.

This next line doesn’t need to be changed:

<SortOrder type="string">Ascending</SortOrder>

The next 4 lines will need to be changed:

<Name type="string">CRIT NAME</Name>
<Abbreviation type="string">X</Abbreviation>
<Source type="string">CRIT SOURCE NAME</Source>
<Id type="string">AAA-01</Id>

Your critical table name should go in place of CRIT NAME. An abbreviation for the critical table should replace the X (Puncture criticals use P). The critical table source name should replace CRIT SOURCE NAME. In the last of the 4 lines you should replace AAA-01 with your code from above.

After this is the <Columns> section. This section stores the Id and Title for each column of the critical table. For example the first entry is this:

<Id type="string">01</Id>
<Title type="string">A</Title>

You can see it has the Id set to 01 and the Title set to A. This is used for the A critical severity column. The other 4 entries in the Columns section are for B, C, D, and E. This section won’t need to be changed if it is a typical critical table with severities from A – E.

The <Degrees /> and <Criticals /> lines shouldn’t be changed.

The next section is the content of the chart. It is broken up by rows which represent the die roll for that column. There are usually 19 rows for a standard 1-100 critical table. Each row starts with an <id=#####> tag and ends with an </id=#####> that have matching numbers in place of the #####. The sample file has all 19 rows that a normal critical table would have but needs the appropriate information entered.

Each row starts with the Roll entry is where the roll numbers are stored. They look like this:

<Roll type="string">01-05</Roll>

This won’t need to be changed for a normal critical table.

The next section is the <Entries> tag which has an item for each column. These end up being the individual cells of the table for that row. You will notice they use the same <id-#####> tag identifier scheme starting with <id-00001> and going to <id-00005>.

The <Entries> section will start with the following:

<ColumnId type="string">03</ColumnId>

This specifies that it is the ColumnId = 03 which means that it is the 3rd column or a C critical.

The next section will be for the description Text of the cell:

<Text type="string"> DESCRIPTION</Text>

Just replace DESCRIPTION with the text description for the cell.

After this is an <Effects> section that looks like this:

<Hits type="number">3</Hits>

The example above specifies that the result is 3 Hits. The 3 could be replaced with how many Hits the critical does. The following are items that can be in the <Effects> section:

<Hits type="number">6</Hits>
<MustParry type="number">1</MustParry>
<Stun type="number">1</Stun>
<ParryPenalty type="number">-20</ParryPenalty>
<NoParry type="number">1</NoParry>
<Penalty type="number">-25</Penalty>
<PenaltyRounds type="number">3</PenaltyRounds>
<Bleeding type="number">1</Bleeding>

Most of these should be self explanatory if you are familiar with the Rolemaster critical tables. Here is an example entry an E critical or the following generic description “+20 hits and takes 2 hits/rnd. Opponent is stunned and unable to parry for 3 rounds and is at -25 for 6 rounds.”

<ColumnId type="string">05</ColumnId>
<Text type="string"> “+20 hits and takes 2 hits/rnd. Opponent is stunned and unable to parry for 3 rounds and is at -25 for 6 rounds.</Text>
<Hits type="number">20</Hits>
<Stun type="number">3</Stun>
<NoParry type="number">3</NoParry>
<Penalty type="number">-25</Penalty>
<PenaltyRounds type="number">6</PenaltyRounds>
<Bleeding type="number">1</Bleeding>

One thing to be aware of is the description is what shows up when you drag it to the chat. If you drag it to a combatant in the combat tracker it will use the values in the <Effects> section to filling in the effects to that combatant. This is where I’ve seen some issues with a few of the critical tables provided in Arms Law.

The one last thing you need to do is replace the </AAA-01> ending tag for the table with your code. Make sure to put the / in there so that it knows that it’s the end of your critical table.

The only thing left to do is save the files and rename the ZIP file to a MOD file with your own file name and save it in the Fantasy Grounds Modules directory.

I hope this helps people enter in their critical tables from the old Rolemaster Companions or another source. Please let me know if something isn’t clear.

January 31st, 2012, 01:49
Just started using your template. I'm following your instructions closely and I've nearly completed the first table. The only thing I'm unsure about is what this refers to specifically: "The critical table source name should replace CRIT SOURCE NAME"...what is the "critical table source name"? Is that like "Heat Critical" or "Spell Law" or something else entirely?

Aside from that, so far so good. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this together.

January 31st, 2012, 03:39
Your welcome.

The source is where you got the critical table from. Some examples would be Spell Law, Rolemaster Companion III, etc. It is mainly just informational from what I can tell.

Also if you put the template in your modules directory and rename it you will see that it shows up in your Rolemaster Modules and can be accessed in the table manager. It isn't very exciting because everything says DESCRIPTION and applies 3 hits to a combatant though ;).

January 31st, 2012, 04:26
The table works perfectly! I'll be working on translating a few of my companions this week for playtesting this weekend...very excited!

January 31st, 2012, 05:06
WOO HOO!!! Glad to hear it! I was hoping that I explained it well enough :). Hopefully you will get some use out of them with the additional criticals or you will feel comfortable enough to make your own attack tables from the companions. Eventually I will have to input the information from my companions also. I am just being lazy about it ;).

January 31st, 2012, 23:00
Very clear...the only thing that I'm unsure of is precisely what portion of the .mod-file's db.xml to copy and paste from in order to keep adding new crit tables to the same .mod file.

Thanks again!

January 31st, 2012, 23:10
My example used <AAA-01> and </AAA-01>. Those are the starting and ending tags for 1 table. If you copy that whole section out and into another db.xml then you will have the new table in it. So it should look like this shortened version:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root version="2.0" RMCVersion="0.35">
<Tables static="true">

Each individual tables information would go where the .... are. This example would have 3 tables in the db.xml. Hopefully that make sense. If not let me know and I will upload a new template with 2 tables in it.

February 1st, 2012, 12:10
Nope that's perfect. Closing in on completing my third table and I've had a quick look in FG to make sure that they work and they do!

Thanks again for the lessons.

February 1st, 2012, 19:06
Great to see this: I wish I could expand on the topic, but I am very rusty on it. Rep to Dakadin for this thread.

May 1st, 2013, 19:08
Can you use two characters in the Abbreviation IE ST (for stun) and will it get confused if I reuse a letter, like if I use S instead (if I can't use two characters) or is the Abbreviation only used in the active table (I can of course NOT use both S for stun and Slash on the same table).

<Name type="string">STUN</Name>
<Abbreviation type="string">ST</Abbreviation>


<Name type="string">STUN</Name>
<Abbreviation type="string">S</Abbreviation>

May 2nd, 2013, 03:19
You can't use 2 character abbreviations for the critical types because of the way the tables are being parsed by the ruleset.

You can reuse the same letter in different attack tables so S can be stun in one table and it can be slash in another table. It will use the <critical> section of the attack table to figure out which critical table to actually use.

And yes you are right that you can't use the same letter for different critical types within the same attack table. ;)

January 3rd, 2016, 05:33
OK Guys, this all sounds so good. Are any of you for hire? Can we organise a Spacemaster RMC Official Ruleset if ICE allows? Ballpark cost?

January 3rd, 2016, 08:04
I think ICE will allow it but we would need a mostly completed ruleset and some sample modules that could be used to demo it to them. I am working on the RMC CoreRPG conversion but that is going to take awhile because it is a lot of work and I can only work on it in my spare time.

April 8th, 2018, 17:48
Hello !
Sorry to bother but i'm a little lost.
I tried to make my own tables. However when I zip it and then change it in a .mod file FG doesn't recognize it. (It doesn't appear in the module selection once in the RMC campaign).
I guess I'm unpacking/zipping/renaming it it not properly because the "vanilla" RMC example.zip that Dakadin uploaded work fine if I just rename it as a .mod.
But as soon I unzip it to modify it. It stop appearing once repacked in the module list.
Is there a special protocol to follow to repack rename those file ?

April 8th, 2018, 17:54
Hello !
Sorry to bother but i'm a little lost.
I tried to make my own tables. However when I zip it and then change it in a .mod file FG doesn't recognize it. (It doesn't appear in the module selection once in the RMC campaign).
I guess I'm unpacking/zipping/renaming it it not properly because the "vanilla" RMC example.zip that Dakadin uploaded work fine if I just rename it as a .mod.
But as soon I unzip it to modify it. It stop appearing once repacked in the module list.
Is there a special protocol to follow to repack rename those file ?
Welcome to the forums!

Make sure you ZIP from within the directory structure - so you have the XML files etc. at the lowest level. Don't ZIP from outside the directory.

Also make sure you use ZIP compression, not RAR, tar or anything else.

April 8th, 2018, 19:47
Thank you ! That was the little trick I missed !
I made the RMU Slash Pierce and Krush table and continuing. I was so fed up of those old chart.

September 30th, 2018, 00:33
I was really hoping that adding critical damage tables (even just the ones from the variant rules) was going to be easy. I was so so wrong. That said, I'm hopeful that this guide is going to make the difference. Even if it doesn't work for me (or takes me until I give up and bang my head on the keyboard)... Dakadin thank you for this!!

September 30th, 2018, 01:06
If you have any issues just post them here so we can help you with them.

April 12th, 2020, 15:06
So last week I discovered they have this thing called Fantasy Games.. a week later, my first mod, a new critical table, all conceived and added in under a day thanks to the quality notes and process, thanks Dakadin, worked a treat, was worried about the 'Únity' bit and the age of the post but looks a treat... onto the next...

April 12th, 2020, 19:15

For RolemasterClassic v1.8, the <Tables> tags will continue to work. But for RolemasterClassic v2+ (in the test channel), the <Tables> tags will need to be changed to <RMTables>. It should only be two lines that need to be changed. This section should change from this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root version="2.0" RMCVersion="0.35">
<Tables static="true">



to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root version="2.0" RMCVersion="0.35">
<RMTables static="true">



I changed it so that the Rolemaster tables won't get mixed in with the CoreRPG tables which will cause errors in the ruleset. With the changes in v2+, you won't get errors but your tables won't show up in the table list until they are changed to the <RMTables> tag. Please let me know if you have any questions.


April 12th, 2020, 23:31
Thanks Dakadin, yep was reading about your new version so have already prepared a copy for there, just need to track down ''the test channel'' next and have a gander at what u have built. Love ya work!

April 13th, 2020, 05:35
You can get to the test channel by clicking on Settings after you start FG. The window that opens in FGC has Mode at the bottom. In FGU, you need to go to the Advanced tab and choose the Build Channel at the bottom.

I am finishing up some fixes for the RolemasterClassic v2 ruleset that I am hoping to turn over in the next day or 2 so it can be pushed to the test channel.

April 13th, 2020, 10:08
Beauty! will give it a bash, love ya work!

January 17th, 2021, 13:39
Fantastic tutorial and great template - came across as I found a need to add in one of the tables from RMC III, and was wondering how.

Quick question on other effects. Is there a command for any of the following crit outcomes that can be added to the XML template to add an appropriate effect?

a) "...he drops and dies after 3 more rounds."

b) "He is down and out for 20 rounds."

c) "Foe moves at -50...."

Thanks @Dakadin

January 17th, 2021, 20:26
Dakadin can correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to recall that the existing critical tables have something similar to your examples.

I believe it will say something like: dead in x rounds, or -50.

The system parses most of the effects automatically.

Just drag the critical result to the target.


You can see that it has gotten the Stun, Stun and unable to parry, and dying. It will automatically parse any negatives as well.

January 17th, 2021, 20:39
Hi mikegraf,

Here is a cheat sheet that I used when redoing the critical tables. It just has examples that I would copy in and make modifications to.

<TrueCondition type="string">Shield</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Helm</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Facial Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Neck Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Chest Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Abdominal Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Arm Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Wrist Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Leg Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Cloak</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Chest Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Leg Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Armor No Shield</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Arm and Chest Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Leather Helm</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Leather Chest Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Leather Leg Armor</TrueCondition>
<TrueCondition type="string">Hip Armor</TrueCondition>

<TrueCondition type="string">Metal Armor</TrueCondition>
<Hits type="number">20</Hits>

<NextRoll type="number">10</NextRoll>
<Wound type="string">Brain</Wound>

<NextRoll type="number">10</NextRoll>
<NextAttack type="number">10</NextAttack>

<Hits type="number">20</Hits>
<Bleeding type="number">3</Bleeding>
<MustParry type="number">2</MustParry>
<ParryPenalty type="number">-5</ParryPenalty>
<Stun type="number">2</Stun>
<NoParry type="number">2</NoParry>
<Penalty type="number">-50</Penalty>
<PenaltyRounds type="number">3</PenaltyRounds>

<Broken type="string">Shield</Broken>
<Broken type="string">Helm</Broken>
<Broken type="string">Torso Armor</Broken>
<Broken type="string">Leg Armor</Broken>
<Broken type="string">Boots</Broken>
<Wound type="string">Brain fried</Wound>
<StatDamage type="string">Pr:50%</StatDamage>
<StatDamage type="string">Pr:5</StatDamage>
<Effect type="string">Blinded</Effect>
<Effect type="string">Kneeling</Effect>
<Effect type="string">Paralyzed</Effect>
<Effect type="string">Prone</Effect>
<Effect type="string">Unconscious</Effect>
<Effect type="string">Dead</Effect>
<Wound type="string">Brain</Wound>
<Dying type="number">12</Dying>

A couple of them haven't been implemented in the code but I included them so I wouldn't have to go back through them again:


I will add those some time after adding the extra effects needed.

The rest should all be handled in the ruleset including the conditional criticals that you need to use the TrueCondition with and the ConditionalEffects. Here is an example from the Spell Law Cold D crit for 86-90:

<ColumnId type="string">04</ColumnId>
<Text type="string">Upper chest blast knocks foe down. If foe has chest armor, he is knocked out. If not, foe dies in 12 rnds due to a cold, cold heart.</Text>
<TrueCondition type="string">Chest Armor</TrueCondition>
<Stun type="number">3</Stun>
<Effect type="string">Prone</Effect>
<Effect2 type="string">Unconscious</Effect2>
<Effect type="string">Prone</Effect>
<Dying type="number">12</Dying>

Hopefully that helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


January 17th, 2021, 21:33
Dakadin can correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to recall that the existing critical tables have something similar to your examples.

I believe it will say something like: dead in x rounds, or -50.

The system parses most of the effects automatically.

Just drag the critical result to the target.


You can see that it has gotten the Stun, Stun and unable to parry, and dying. It will automatically parse any negatives as well.

Unfortunately, the RM critical tables aren't consistent enough to really use parsing to get the effects so they are added as XML entries.

January 17th, 2021, 22:10
Ah, I thought it was parsing things out, I have not looked at the crit tables as of yet, so I was not aware.

January 17th, 2021, 22:27
Perfect @Dakadin, thank you

January 17th, 2021, 23:24
One other thing that hasn't been coded for yet is the Broken element.

January 17th, 2021, 23:35
Any plans to implement something to reduce movement, in line with critical that states for example "Foe moves at -50...."?

Also can we apply a duration to when someone goes prone, to support critical result that states "Foe's chest is ruptured. He takes 6 hits per round and in 3 rounds he drops and dies after 3 more rounds." ?

January 17th, 2021, 23:54
Can you give me an example of the "Foe moves at -50...." because I don't remember seeing that in the Arms Law or Spell Law criticals?

I just use the dying for those so dying 6. You could also use the wound for a description to keep track of it.

The RM tables have so many one off effects and they aren't consistent that it makes it really hard to take everything into account especially for one possible result from all the tables.

January 17th, 2021, 23:58
Can you give me an example of the "Foe moves at -50...." because I don't remember seeing that in the Arms Law or Spell Law criticals?

It is from Disruptiuon critical table, Rolemaster Companion III (A Crit: 36-45).

Can be something manually managed, but since so much is so well automated I thought I would ask.

January 18th, 2021, 01:18
It is from Disruptiuon critical table, Rolemaster Companion III (A Crit: 36-45).

Can be something manually managed, but since so much is so well automated I thought I would ask.

Thanks for telling me where. I will add it to my list.

Be sure to add using the Wound element in the XML for the critical table so it shows up as an effect.

March 1st, 2021, 22:18
Thank you once more Dakadin, with your guide I created three additional crit tables from RoCo3. However there is a problem with one and only one of those (Acid).
It will not be opened from the table resolver when chosen to resolve the crit, neither as alternate nor as additional crit. No message in the console is provided. When I drag it manually into the resolver everything works fine with the table. When I open it from the tables window, everything is fine. Only when I want to apply the crit, I can choose the table and the resolver shows the correct name as tooltip, but nothing happens when clicked on Alternate or Additional Crit. No crit table is added at the bottom of the window. (no extensions, only Arms and Spell law as other loaded modules)
As the other two work fine I am a bit surprised.
Is there any way to get deeper debug info than console errors or do you/ does anyone have any idea where I could look?

March 1st, 2021, 22:55
One thing to check for is that the XML tag for the ID is unique otherwise FG won't load the duplicates. I showed <AAA-01> and <AAA-02> in the instructions. I would need to see the module XML to see if I can track down why it isn't loading. If it isn't the ID then send me a private message so we can troubleshoot the issue.

March 2nd, 2021, 22:12
Stanger things have happened but I am glad that it works now. After I just added some more crits to the db.xml file the resolver picked it up ok. :)

March 3rd, 2021, 01:35
I am glad it is working now. It might have been that the module needed to be reloaded to show the differences. When updating modules and checking as you go, you will want to unload it and load it back up.

April 2nd, 2021, 21:41
curiosity, is there code for 'foe loses initiative for X rounds'?

also, if i add the line <Text type="string"> you lose initiative</Text> in the effects section, does that add that line into the combat tracker when the result is drug over there or does that not do anything?

April 3rd, 2021, 00:42
Just put in INIT: -200

April 3rd, 2021, 04:18
curiosity, is there code for 'foe loses initiative for X rounds'?

also, if i add the line <Text type="string"> you lose initiative</Text> in the effects section, does that add that line into the combat tracker when the result is drug over there or does that not do anything?

There isn't any code yet for loses or gains initiative at this point. The main issue is RM doesn't really define what that means so every GM will interpret it differently. I would love to hear a few perspectives on how it is used in people's games though so I can see if there is anyway I can provide some options and add it as automation in the ruleset.

You can try using this in your critical table definition and it should drag over the text so you can keep track of it:
<Effect type="string">Loses initiative</Effect>

I haven't tested it but should show up in the combat tracker as an effect. Then you would just need to adjust the duration if it is for more than one round.

April 3rd, 2021, 06:11

April 3rd, 2021, 17:00
Another poster suggested 'INIT:-200' where i assume the 200 represents one round of initiative.

i'm not sure how the software keeps track of actual initiative. Does it utilize a timer of sorts where you can subtract a number from the timer and it simply moves on to the next person?

if true and -200 equals the loss of a round then i would just put in the duration (in rounds) after the effect is populated on the combat tracker, unless of course there is a way to code the number of rounds (duration) of the effect.

just curious since i am not familiar with the mechanics of the software.


April 3rd, 2021, 18:02
deleted original post because i answered my own question.

April 4th, 2021, 17:10
For anyone else reading, INIT: -200 simply applies a modifier of -200 to whatever you roll for initiative, pretty well guaranteeing you're going at the end of the round.

I've switched to Open Ended Up & Down initiative rolls, so the same 3 people don't always go 1st, and the same 3 people don't always go last... you can get some pretty high or low initiative rolls under this scheme which I personally like.

April 4th, 2021, 17:13
Ooooh.. that makes sense.

Thanks for the assistance.

CaMac Al Stac
April 17th, 2021, 07:18
Hi all - new to FGU but a Rolemaster fan for a long time. I followed the instructions in this thread to build the RMC V Disintegration Crit table (including the switch to <RMTables> for my player's Force Mage. The mod is recognized as a Mod, no process errors on load; but the table will not show under the RMC Tables or FG Tables. So, my question is...does this process work in FGU? After the Crits are ready, it will be on to the Attack Tables. Thanks

April 17th, 2021, 09:23
It definitely works in FGU. I've put a few tables together myself (as a complete novice to FG). If it's not showing up then there's probably something not quite right in the XML (I had issues relating back to the ocr of the table). It can be a bit frustrating or demoralising but stick with it.

I don't know if you've seen the Spacemaster Attack and Critical Table thread on here, but there's some useful stuff in there, including some python code put together by Strubbel which does a lot of the donkey work for critical tables.

CaMac Al Stac
April 17th, 2021, 17:39
Great, thanks for the note Quirky! That tells me I'm not wasting my time. I got worried last night when Dakadin's sample code did the same thing...could be loaded as a mod but would not show in the GUI as a selectable table. I removed all the other mods and extensions but still the same thing. I'll play with it some more today then.

April 17th, 2021, 18:51
Are you using anything to check your XML? Something like XML Marker can help flag up any issues with the structure (like a missing end tag) that could prevent it from working.

You shouldn't need to remove any other mods or extensions.

CaMac Al Stac
April 17th, 2021, 19:45
I figured it out - in the original instructions it said to replace "Arms" with "Spells" - turns out that should be "Spell" instead. This is why I couldn't get the sample to function after load either. Ha! I made so many changes, now...I'll have to go back and test the original one to see if that was the only problem. Anyway, thanks for the confirmation that it should work.

April 19th, 2021, 06:19
Great job figuring it out. I will double check the "Spells" vs "Spell" to see which it should be and update the original post in a couple days. Thanks for pointing that out.

June 13th, 2021, 20:51
OK. so i figured out how to load the xml file.. how to zip.. how to mod.. and it shows up in the list of modules. BUT.. it does not show up in the library.. or the list of tables... or when i click the Rolemaster Tables button top right.

i assume i have hosed something up. once you create the module. where is it supposed to actually appear once it is activated in the 'Data Module Activation' window? it seems like it would show up as one of the possible critical tables but i don't actually see it mentioned. Where is that actually encoded in the XML language?

June 13th, 2021, 21:19
They should show up in the Rolemaster Tables section. If not it can be for a few different reasons. One of the most common is the Zip file contains a folder within it that has the definition.xml file instead of in the root folder. The definition.xml file needs to be at the root of the Zip file.

June 14th, 2021, 17:44
<beats head against wall>

can someone take a quick look and see what i am missing here.

it doesn't seem like it should be this hard.

June 14th, 2021, 18:26
Hi Steff,

I found a couple things in the db.xml file. The <Tables static="true"> needs to change to <RMTables static="true> and the </Tables> needs to change to </RMTables>. This is because CoreRPG is using <Tables> so I needed to adjust it in the RMC ruleset so the RM tables could still work. I also change the <Class type="string">Spells Criticals</Class> to <Class type="string">Spell Criticals</Class> so it would show up in the Criticals - Spell Law section. Attached is the corrected db.xml file. Please let me know if you have any questions.


June 14th, 2021, 18:31
I also updated the first post to use <RMTables> instead of <Tables> and updated the sample file with those changes. This is likely why you were experiencing the issues, Steff. Sorry about that.

August 9th, 2021, 17:30
Hi Dakadin,

could u tell me how i can code this?

Minor disruption of foe's side.
+7 hits. Foe takes 2 hits per

<ColumnId type="string">02</ColumnId>
<Text type="string">Minor disruption of foe's side. +7 hits. Foe takes 2 hits per round.</Text>

<Hits type="number">7</Hits>

do those 2 hits per round stay until the end of the fight? 'cause in the crittable its not specified
RMC III - p92 "Disruption Critical strike table"

Atm i try to add it to a module. :)

CaMac Al Stac
August 9th, 2021, 18:24
See the very first post on this thread for examples. The one you want is:

<Bleeding type="number">2</Bleeding>

Oh, and I think it goes until the character does something to stop it (both in the rules and in FGU mechanics).

August 9th, 2021, 19:11
See the very first post on this thread for examples. The one you want is:

<Bleeding type="number">2</Bleeding>

Oh, and I think it goes until the character does something to stop it (both in the rules and in FGU mechanics).

in that case did i missundersstood the <Bleeding type="number">2</Bleeding> i thought it means bleeding for 2 rounds and not bleeding until stopped with 2 dmg/round.

thanks for clarification. in that case i guess i need to redo the table... damn

August 9th, 2021, 21:55
Yeah the Bleeding effect is the damage per round effect. The number is the amount of hits per round.

October 27th, 2021, 15:01
Hey Dakadin,
I'm making a subdual crit table and before I go much further, have a question. For the sake of speed, can I put all of the crit variables under each entry and leave the values empty, then fill in what is needed and leave empty what is not?
For example.

If the crit calls for stun 3 rounds, +2 hits

<Hits type="number">2</Hits>
<MustParry type="number"></MustParry>
<Stun type="number">3</Stun>
<ParryPenalty type="number"></ParryPenalty>
<NoParry type="number"></NoParry>
<Penalty type="number"></Penalty>
<PenaltyRounds type="number"></PenaltyRounds>
<Bleeding type="number"></Bleeding>

I was thinking this way I could paste the whole thing to each critical result section rapidly, then just fill in what is required. Or would that bloat the code?

October 27th, 2021, 17:28
Hi Mansquatch62,

You can do that to make it easier but I would remove the blanks afterwards. The extra entries will use more memory and take longer to process. Plus I am not sure how the ruleset will handle the blank values since I haven't tested it. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions.


December 23rd, 2021, 01:00
Has anyone made or know of any crit tables that can be downloaded or purchased? I doubt my "coding" skills would produce anything useful in the next 20 years....

December 23rd, 2021, 01:40
Has anyone made or know of any crit tables that can be downloaded or purchased? I doubt my "coding" skills would produce anything useful in the next 20 years....


I made one (Disruption critical table) by simply using a good XML/notepad editor (I use Notepad++) and following the great instructions and advice from Dakadin. Took some copying and pasting, and made lots of "typo" type errors that caused errors when loading into FGU, but it isn't hard, just very time consuming.

December 23rd, 2021, 10:33
Thanks Mike,

It's the time bit that worries me! But good to know the concept is simple at least.

On a related note, same question to the forum about building new attack tables? Can these be built and added in? Appreciate there may be another post on this which I haven't looked for yet :-)

I don't have anything specific in mind I'm looking for, just a general interest in rebuilding the old RM2 Companion volumes over time. Plus, I'm using simple black powder weapons in my game (which I emulate with the crossbow attack tables, change the ranges and reload times, and add an additional impact crit and OB bonus. Works pretty well)

Thanks all

December 23rd, 2021, 18:21
Attack tables are definitely possible - I'd say that they're more straightforward than critical tables since you don't have to worry about implementing the effects. I've successfully set some of my own up, but there will be a far better way to do them than what I currently do, but it works for me (I use a rather convoluted way using Excel, which just inserts the relevant values into a copy of the XML, which I can then copy and paste into the module - it was a pain in the backside to set up initially but it works well enough so I can't be bothered to change). I suspect that it should be reasonably easy for someone who knows what they're doing to create a script that'll put them together from a table.

Regarding critical tables, you could try looking at the Python script that Strubbel set up - linked on this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?18606-Spacemaster-Attack-and-Critical-Tables/page2 Depends how technically minded you are, but basically you need to install Python, tweak a couple of values in the code (like the filename of the csv file that has the raw data) then run the script from the same folder as the csv file. It populates a lot of the effects (bleeding, additional hits, stun etc.) though isn't perfect - it'll certainly get you most of the way there though.

I'm sure there are enough people on here who can give you some pointers for sorting out either.

For what it's worth, the question about whether we could legally share critical and attack tables was recently asked on the ICE Discord, but I don't think we got an answer.

December 25th, 2021, 02:47
Thanks Mike,

It's the time bit that worries me! But good to know the concept is simple at least.

On a related note, same question to the forum about building new attack tables? Can these be built and added in? Appreciate there may be another post on this which I haven't looked for yet :-)

I don't have anything specific in mind I'm looking for, just a general interest in rebuilding the old RM2 Companion volumes over time. Plus, I'm using simple black powder weapons in my game (which I emulate with the crossbow attack tables, change the ranges and reload times, and add an additional impact crit and OB bonus. Works pretty well)

Thanks all

Hi MikeRPG,

Yes, attack, critical and fumble tables can all be added to the ruleset but it is getting it into the right format in XML. I do recommend adding a critical table that you want first to see what it entails. It isn't really complicated but does take time. The important thing is to make sure things are in the right format. You can use Notepad++ with the XML Tools plugin and it will let you know if there is anything out of place when you save it. Please let us know if you encounter any difficulties.


December 27th, 2021, 17:32
Thanks everyone, very grateful for your comments. I'll give it a spin when I have a little time to dabble.

Great to hear this is intended to be within reach, anyway.

December 31st, 2021, 20:30
Hi, I am trying to add a custom module with an Acid Critical table. I downloaded the RMCExample, changed a few things and zipped the files up and renamed to .mod. I put the file in my \appdata\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\modules\ folder but it is not picking it up when I launch FG and go to "Modules". Any suggestions? Thanks.

January 1st, 2022, 00:04
Hi alloowishus,

Does the module show up when you go to the Modules section within FG to activate it? If not then it might have zipped it into a folder within the zip. The files need to be at the root of the zip and not in a folder within the zip.


January 1st, 2022, 01:07
I zipped the base files from the RMCExample.zip file. I did not zip a folder. I can't see it when I load modules, even when I exit and go back in.

January 1st, 2022, 01:18
Zip programs like to put things in a folder within the zip so check if you unzip it that it doesn't have a folder within the zip. You should see the definition.xml and db.xml files at the root. If it still doesn't show up then send me a private message and I can take a look at the file to see what might be happening.

January 1st, 2022, 02:22
Ok I figure out my problem, there was a type in one of the xml files, it now shows up under modules. Now if I load it, where should I look for it? Thanks.

January 1st, 2022, 03:33
Did you rename the file to .mod instead of .zip?

When I do that, it shows up in the Module Activation Window:


January 1st, 2022, 04:04
In addition to changing the file extension to .mod, you will want to change this

<Class type="string">Acid Criticals</Class>


<Class type="string">Spell Criticals</Class>

if you want it to show up in the Criticals - Spell Law section.

If you want them in there own section then you need to add a Sublists to the XML file with like this

<ListTitle type="string">Criticals - Spell Law</ListTitle>
<TableType type="string">Result</TableType>
<TableClass type="string">Spell Criticals</TableClass>

The ListTitle and TableClass can be changed to what you want them to be. The ListTitle will be the section it shows up in for the RM Tables. The TableClass needs to match your critical table's Class so it can figure out what section to put it in. Please let me know if you have any questions.


CaMac Al Stac
October 15th, 2022, 22:22
Hi all - I'm trying to add the Sparring Crit table from RM Companion VII. There are lots of random duration penalties. I tried to do something like:

<PenaltyRounds type="number">[10D10]</PenaltyRounds>

But that doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to get a random number of rounds result?


October 16th, 2022, 04:10
Unfortunately, no there isn't. When the critical tables were setup, it was only using the core critical tables and not some of the new ones in the Rolemaster Companions. I will add it to my list to add.

CaMac Al Stac
October 16th, 2022, 18:37
OK, thanks - not a big deal to do manually since this kind of combat is one on one.