View Full Version : Ruleset Files location?

January 26th, 2012, 15:04
I purchased the BRP Ruleset the other day, and have been looking at the options available to change the character sheet and base settings (with the MyQuest files). One 'modification' I'd like to make is to set it so that it's possible to play RQ Legends with it, so the attributes on the character sheet have of course been of primary interest (at least at first) in changes.

However, I wanted to look at creating an entry for Combat Actions, and needed to look at an existing lua script on how the ruleset calculated some of the automatically calculated values (such as Agility, based on Dexterity). So I went to the Rulesets subfolder to check that out... only to find that the BRP ruleset doesn't exist within the Rulesets subfolder.

So - after hunting around in my FGII folder - I still haven't been able to locate it. Does it install itself somewhere else? Or is it not necessarily obvious where it's installed? I may have completely missed it, but I spend the better part of 30 minutes trying to find it with no luck.

January 26th, 2012, 21:34
Is it a .pak file in the program files folder?

Ram Tyr
January 26th, 2012, 21:52
Check out the Ruleset Modification Guide: Introduction (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/modguide/introduction.xcp). Note the locations for rulesets in the custom folders and for rulesets as pak files. The BRP ruleset should be one of those.

January 26th, 2012, 22:17
Have hacked at BRP in the past to try and play MRQ with it (which is pretty much the same as Legends).

You can get quite far (which I think is what your trying to get towards) but there was quite a lot of significant difference around combat that made me feel it was more than a "tweak on top of the BRP rules".

That said, I'd be interested to see how you go, as I'd be quite intrigued to get RQ working in FGII.

January 27th, 2012, 16:19
Have hacked at BRP in the past to try and play MRQ with it (which is pretty much the same as Legends).

You can get quite far (which I think is what your trying to get towards) but there was quite a lot of significant difference around combat that made me feel it was more than a "tweak on top of the BRP rules".

That said, I'd be interested to see how you go, as I'd be quite intrigued to get RQ working in FGII.

Well - don't get me wrong... lol - as much as I'd like to have a fully automated extension / modification of BRP for RQ Legends, I'm not really trying to get to that point. I'm just trying to get it to a point where it can be played, even if for some of the rule functions (i.e., combat) I have to manually do it.

January 28th, 2012, 00:55
Yeah, I thought that's what you were trying to do (very pragmatic) - it just might also offer some inspiration for taking on the bigger project at some point, as well as provide some interesting analysis on what's missing in BRP for it to be a good RQ ruleset.

February 2nd, 2012, 05:16
One of the things that bugs me in the base ruleset is that the stats don't link into the combat skills... they work on the skills tab but the combat items ignore stats. I have done a good bit of fiddling with this piece but my code for it is still a little buggy.

June 12th, 2015, 07:14
Apologies for the thread necomancy, but I recently bought the BRP ruleset and I've been wanting to tinker it to fit more with Magic World (which is BRP compatible) and I'm having the same problem as the OP. There is no such file/folder as "MyQuest" in either the installation directory or AppData folder that the "BRP for Fantasy Grounds" User Guide mentions in its "Adapting the Ruleset" section.

To clarify, I know where the "rulesets" sub-folder is located and it has half-a-dozen rulesets there with .pak extensions (including BRP) and I've even gone so far as to extract the BRP PAK to see if the sample extension was buried in there.

Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.

June 12th, 2015, 07:52
The whole ruleset is in the .pak file. It is basically just a zipped folder with the files in it. In that folder is a 'sample' folder.. in that folder a is 'MyQuest' folder that has the stuff you are looking for in it.

June 12th, 2015, 15:12
Actually I found it, but I figured I should post an update here, since the "BRP Sample Extension" folder is no longer stored inside the BRP.pak or under "rulesets" at all.

For those interested and having trouble like I did, you can find it in ..\Fantasy Grounds\docs

Not exactly sure how I missed it, since at some point I copied the BRP User's guide from that location and pasted it on my desktop, but there you have it. :P

June 12th, 2015, 15:29
Thanks for your help Blackfoot regardless. I've been lurking for a long time and if there's one thing I appreciate, it's how friendly and helpful people are around here.