View Full Version : Combat tracker changes?

January 8th, 2012, 22:49
Hey guys, I just got back into FG's the other day. Been gone for about a year. I remember the old combat tracker allowed me to expand certain encounters or open them up and leave others closed so they didn't show up in the initiative etc. I was looking through my old chronicle and can't seem to do that now. Any advice? Has this been changed or did I just forget how to do it? Heh, thanks.

And if for some reason it has been changed, is there another way to set up combat based on "encounters" rather than just having every monster in the dungeon on there at one time? Its kinda nice to set up encounters that can be expanded, I can't seem to wrap my head around having hundreds of monsters in the tracker and no way to sort them other than initiative. Perhaps my FG's isn't updating right from the old version? Either way any insight would be nice and thanks again.

January 9th, 2012, 00:20
What ruleset are you using?