View Full Version : Code for dummies

December 13th, 2011, 23:32
A need a tutorials on creating datafields, sharing it amongst the client and host.

The more I delve into this area via the ruleset reference or atleast attempt to decipher someone else work on how they did it. I feel I am getting dumber not smarter.

Is there a simple tutorial in how to add a variables from the Host side that can publish or be check from the client side.

The reason I ask is I am trying to figure out how I can add the 'shared' functionality to the RMC ruleset. Currently the GM has to open the image and then share it, if they close the image it is closed on the client side. Not great for things like campaign maps or things i want to permanently share.

The way I understand it in 4e there is some code shares the items but I cannot pinpoint it, so any help on which part does would be great I know the campaign_list.lua functions are apart of it and the adventure_image.xml, but cannot see where the code is that puts in the S and make it clickable, or the code that creates the datafield in the first place.

I could ask out there for someone to do to for me but I really want to learn, so down the track I can add further functionality to the RMC ruleset and be a help to the community rather then a sponge.

So far I truly understand XML and how it is shaped as far as templates and aspects of code which are for mathematical calculations. But when it comes the adding new data fields to be shared from host to client I stare at the code reference for many hours with a voice in my head 'You are dumb!', normally I get these concepts pretty fast but the lack of context on a tutorial and the lack of code notes in the Lua scripts lead me to a lot of head scratching.

I hope someone can point me to a tut for dummies <smile> Well perhaps a little higher then dummies.