View Full Version : 4e style Powers, Skill vs X

November 28th, 2011, 09:23
Hello, I've been meaning to ask this for a while now... Is there any way to refer to a character's skill modifier from the power description? For example something like... Stealth vs Will?

I have made changes to the base 4e ruleset trying to make (improve the existing) a SW Saga one, but at the core, it is still the basic 4e just with altered aesthetics.

I am not a huge noob when it comes to programming, but I need a place to start in the code when it comes to referencing the skills (I managed to understand how the windowclasses work, and somewhat the node structure, but this was due to the fact that I tried to make a new inventory frame inside the NPC vehicle type to act as a placeholder for the cargo in the ships)

Sorry for the wall of text, as I said, any way to reference a particular skill modifier in the power description? Similar to how Will or Ref are referenced in Will vs something?

November 28th, 2011, 17:48
Hello zardoz, I think the question can only be truly answered in full by JPG (moon_wizard) as only he probably knows the inner workings of the 4E ruleset and its mechanics implementation. ;)

However having said that, I do know that you may want to take a look at the following LUA scripts:

manager_rules.lua (RulesManager) implements all of the 4E specific actions, effect support, roll functions, damage application routines for the ruleset.
manager_powers.lua (PowersManager) contains all of the 4E power text parsing routines i.e. parseAttacks(words) which parses a table structure (containing the powers text) and returns the Attack elements.
manager_rolls.lua (RollsManager) contains the handlers for rolls e.g. attack, damage, heal, saving throw etc. etc.
manager_strings.lua (StringManager) provides helper functions for string manipulation and referencing.

I believe you will need to edit the first three scripts to add support for Skill vs Def parsing and roll handling. e.g. update PowersManager so that it looks for the Skill names vs Def strings and returns the appropriate elements, update RollsManager to handle attack rolls including Skills and update RulesManager (possibly) to update the standard actions (double click and drag attack actions) to again support Skill vs. Def.

Not an easy set of changes methinks but if you are up for it I hope the above helps.

November 28th, 2011, 19:44
Thx a lot DrZeuss, simply knowing in what class/script to look makes my job a lot easier. I'll have a go at understanding how the parsing works.