View Full Version : Question about CT

November 27th, 2011, 02:31
Just bought BRP and I would like to congratulate the programmers on a job very well done.

I have a question about the CT though. Was it intentional to make it invisible to Players? And if so, is their an easy way to make it visible to them without having to change a 100 lines of code?

So you know my level of programming is amateur at the moment, so this layout with the extension was a great idea for people like me. But I'm getting better with hard coding every day.

November 27th, 2011, 08:09
I think it *is* visible to players, the GM just has to right-click and select "Share Sheet". The GM can also control how much info the players can see by choosing different options in the Prefs, under the "Combat" tab.

The attached screenshot shows the GM's view (in the background) and the Player's view (in the foreground).



November 27th, 2011, 22:30
Ok that makes sense. So it was programmed so that only the host can toggle the CT. I think having the option to let the clients see it would of been nice or just program it so that the clients have it like the other rulesets.

November 28th, 2011, 06:23
I think having the option to let the clients see it would of been nice or just program it so that the clients have it like the other rulesets.

BRP was an early adopter of the client-side combat tracker, so things may well have moved on. As far as I know, Rolemaster, Savage Worlds, World of Darkness and Classic Traveller use the same sharing approach as BRP, and Call of Cthulhu doesn't yet have a client-side tracker.

I guess "the other rulesets" are 4e and 3.5e?


November 28th, 2011, 13:50
That's correct.

February 23rd, 2012, 08:02
Hi, I've installed CT and I'm looking at doing some adventures but I've noticed a couple of things that don't seem to occur in other versions ie 4e. When I add a map it can't be increased in size when you're viewing it. You can hold down cntrl and move the sides and bottom in to make it smaller but you can't make it bigger. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me.
Also, can you add in guns and stuff so you don't have to type in all the details for every character? It gets a bit tedious adding an auto pistol into every character.


February 23rd, 2012, 09:28

Also, can you add in guns and stuff so you don't have to type in all the details for every character? It gets a bit tedious adding an auto pistol into every character.

I'm assuming that by CT you mean Classic Traveller? To get drag and drop lists you have to create a library module that contains the info you want to be able to drag and drop and make sure that the ruleset supports dragging and dropping of that particular type of information. The first part is pretty easy, you only need to know how to make a library module. The second can be a bit more tricky.

The BRP ruleset supports drag and drop lists for weapons, spells, equipment and possibly more.

March 1st, 2012, 23:18
Yes it is Classic Traveller. The issue isn't so much around getting drop and drag stuff to happen, thats all fine. Its about resizing the maps. When you add a map it is fairly small. In other versions you can resize it as large as your screens allow, but in the CT module you can only make it smaller not larger. Quite a pain.

March 7th, 2012, 18:41
This thread is related to the CT (Combat Tracker) in BRP... not CT (Classic Traveler).. which I think has some thread somewhere else... maybe in 'Other Game Systems' or something. So it's a bit confusing. :confused:

You might want to try reposting your query there... more folks who are interested in/knowledgeable about that ruleset might be looking there. :)