View Full Version : Problem with desktop_dockitem template

November 14th, 2011, 15:59

I'm trying to modify the size of the sidebar buttons (story,maps, etc) in the 3.5E 2.8 ruleset. I've seen these are created from the desktop_dockitem template:

<template name="desktop_dockitem">
<nodrag />
<closetoggle />

as I want to change the size of the control I've changed the <bounds> properties, but it seems like FG ignores these parameters. I'm digging around with no success.

Any idea about this?

November 14th, 2011, 22:57
From memory of coding around these for Savage Worlds, I think they are dynamically sized to fit the sidebar. E.g. when I added a new dock tool too, everything got smaller to fit it into the dock.

Perhaps the bounds only serves as a maximum size ?

November 14th, 2011, 23:03
you must widen the panel to accommodate the template.
unfortunatly if you are makig the change in an EXT panels can not be over ridden from extensions.
you canfind the panels in desktop_panels.xml

November 15th, 2011, 07:55
well, it was only the first part of the problem. The second one was the following array in manager_desktop.lua:

dockiconsize = { 84, 80 };

it serves as a constant width-height reference value to the updateControls() function in order to dinamically resize, acomodate and stack all the controls within the shortcuts panel.

Thank you very much for your help.