View Full Version : Copy and paste module text

November 13th, 2011, 16:06
What resources are people using to build modules now from pdf files - specifically with regard to removing line breaks when pasting text into FG. Also - building a 3.5 mod. I've been using text fixer at https://www.textfixer.com/tools/remove-line-breaks.php - but its slow going....hoping theres something faster. I thought of Dr. Z's tool, but thought that was limited to 4e?

November 15th, 2011, 22:13
This would certainly make my life just a ton easier.

November 15th, 2011, 22:59
What resources are people using to build modules now from pdf files - specifically with regard to removing line breaks when pasting text into FG. Also - building a 3.5 mod. I've been using text fixer at https://www.textfixer.com/tools/remove-line-breaks.php - but its slow going....hoping theres something faster. I thought of Dr. Z's tool, but thought that was limited to 4e?

The 4E Module Workshop tool was written to specifically shorten the time it takes to prepare 4E adventure modules although it can be used to prepare generic formattedtext for any ruleset quite quickly. Some of its functions (F1-F4) are specific to 4E, the rest are generic.

Just select and Control-C text from the PDF and then hit any of the following keys:

F5 - Header text (<h></h>)
F6 - Paragraph Text (<p></p>) - note text preceding a : character will be bolded
F7 - Raw text (no tags)
F8 - Bold text (<b></b>) - note Alt F8 outputs <p><b></b></p>
F9 - Italic text (<i></i>) - note Alt F9 outputs <p><i></i></p>
F10 - Frame Text (<frame></frame>) - opens a dialog prompting for a speaker name (if any)
F11 - List (<list><li></li></list>) - will detect multiple bullet lines in selected text
F12 - Table (<table> ...) - opens a dialog allowing for creating of multi row/column tables

The selected text is then sent to the module workshop text editor window pre-wrapped with the appropriate tags (as above).

The tool was designed so that the PDF reader window can maintain focus saving the user from having to switch between the workshop and the PDF.

November 16th, 2011, 01:51
Wow, that sounds very useful! Thanks!

November 18th, 2011, 01:21
Sorry for the basic question, BUT....

Once I have the text in the Workshop with the tags...how do I copy it into a story entry so that say, the bold text shows as bold and not as works with bold tags?

November 18th, 2011, 01:42
I am sure DrZeuss has a better way but you could always copy it to a word process then just replace the <p> and </p> tags with no text before copying it to your campaign.

November 18th, 2011, 07:46
Sorry for the basic question, BUT....

Once I have the text in the Workshop with the tags...how do I copy it into a story entry so that say, the bold text shows as bold and not as works with bold tags?

Talen the tool outputs raw formattedtext tags; the resulting output can either be passed to the 4EParser for parsing the final module or can be copied directly into the module's XML file.

The tool was not designed so that the output could be passed directly into FGII's GUI interface for creating story entries etc.