View Full Version : Interest in Evil Fantasy Campaign

October 21st, 2011, 19:44
Seeing if there are any players interested in an evil-oriented fantasy campaign. If so, what system would you prefer?

By evil I do not mean the players want to kill everyone and take over the world(maybe they do?) but characters who have other motives than just doing the right thing.

October 21st, 2011, 21:05
Sure, it's been a while since I've played a nasty (other than NPCs in the games I GM). My personal history has been that it was hard to keep a party of evil players together - divergent agendas, backstabbing, etc.

October 21st, 2011, 21:40
Considered the Midnight setting for this? A Legate and party would be an ideal group.

October 21st, 2011, 23:43
The last time I played an evil campaign, it was set in the world of Harn - the kingdom of Rethem. That setting is ruthless; the strong dominate the weak. Early on, a farmer did not live to know you don't say no to a battle-ax wielding follower of Agrik. His widow and daughter got a "sampling" of Agrikans' tenderness...

Another nice "evil" campaign was using Call of Cthulhu set in Chicago in the early 1920's. We were a young gang of mobsters involved in the competitive war to own the local organized crime, before Capone took over everything. The Cthulhu insane cult backdrop added mood to it all!

Ah, the fond memories of playing without scrupules... ;)

October 22nd, 2011, 21:32
It's definately something I'd have interest in - I've done it before, though never really had it meet the potential was there - Evil campaigns allow you to view everything as a target, you're not limited to just killing the baddies. Wanna build up a cult? Sure. Wanna loot the nearby dungeon? Sure. That silver holy symbol on the wandering priest's neck is surely worth the trouble that a feeble old man like him offers...
I think it's a far more interesting prospect to play shameless, greedy, unscrupled characters than truly malevolent ones in most cases, as they can freely play both sides.. the truly evil are bound to a moral code just as much as the truly good. The truly self serving can go for what they want. Power. Money. The undeserved adoration of the ignorant masses.
I'd totally be in, depending on the system. My personal vote would be for ad&d 3.5, simply for the immense flexibility it offers in baddies, and I like the high fantasy backdrop for some antihero situations.

October 24th, 2011, 16:12
I'm in if we find a time I can play (GMT +1) ;)

I would play any system, even a new one, but I would prefer an urban setting, low or no magic.

nWOD fits quite good I think. The system provides a lot of evil creatures, but we could play humans and never meet any of them as well.

October 25th, 2011, 05:47
I would love to do this, it would be awesome if we could do 3.5 fantasy.

October 25th, 2011, 06:40
I've long thought it would be cool to have players create a collection of scum and sociopaths, assassins and war criminals. Their unity would come about somewhat reluctantly as they wage a campaign of terror and guerrilla tactics against an ostensibly greater evil. Considered setting it in the Star Wars Saga: Legacy era but it would work in any setting with an established ruling power of dubious aims. Think the "Secret Six" comic and the crew of "Mass Effect 2" with elements of "The Dirty Dozen" or "Inglourious Basterds" (anyone ever play "Jagged Alliance"?). So not so much evil-for-the-sake-of-evil as brutal / amoral / absolutely ruthless animals and anarchists pushed beyond their own limits. For me the interesting bit would be determining why these disparate misanthropes chose to join this fight and how they rationalize continuing against such overwhelming odds (revenge, money, thrills, bloodthirstiness, etc). Sometimes monsters can only be fought by monsters.

Anyhow, just thinking out loud (in type). Thought it might be a fun idea. Long-standing symbols of liberty should always include a roll of duct tape, a claw hammer, and a can of kerosene.

I'm Dr Babylon.
And I approve this message.

November 1st, 2011, 01:28
Depending on Day and time, I'm willing to give a shot in an evil campaign. My vote for the system is CoC or Savage worlds.

December 19th, 2011, 04:41
I would be in for something like this. If you end up running it, hit me up.

December 19th, 2011, 21:18
Sounds great I'd be interested as well, maybe pathfinder?

December 20th, 2011, 02:13
The person who was thinking of starting this game has been inactive for nearly two months... Unless someone else picks up the idea, I doubt it'll happen.

December 25th, 2011, 05:45
But on the bright side, Necromancy is generally considered evil, so you're in the right frame of mind for this game. 8)