View Full Version : This will probably get locked

October 17th, 2011, 09:42
It's been bothering me, so I decided to make an account. This seems like an interesting community, but I really don't know what it is to be honest. I've always been a fan of D&D, but never truly gotten to ever play it (Due to living in the boonies of civilization), so I've been looking up ways on how to play it On-line. Low and behold, "Fantasy Grounds."

Now, I'm a complete and utter newbie to all of this. Everything, really. From D&D to whatever the heck this program is, I'm confused as heck. I'm honestly not the brightest light-bulb around, but that won't stop me. I really want to get into this...The video tutorials don't exactly seem to explain how this works. I just want to get in a game and play with people...Any tips on how to do so?

Please treat me kindly! Thank you for your time, and patronage, at StupidNewbie.inc.

October 17th, 2011, 12:38
Why would this get locked?

Fantasy Grounds is what is known as a virtual tabletop (VTT). It's an online equivalent of the table you gather around to play pen-and-paper roleplaying games. It's one of many different tools on the market (Maptool, Battlegrounds, Infrno, iTabletop being others). I happen to think it's the best around, but I'm biased :)

What the VTT isn't is a separate game. The VTT is only a tool to help a GM running the game over the internet. Think of it as a glorified GM screen :)

The new version of the tool allows a demo using the unregistered full download. The separate demo is a little dated now, being a number of versions behind. I'd suggest downloading and installing the software and giving it a go. You will need to open up port 1802 in order to play over the internet if you have a network router.

I'd also have a look at the user guide in the Library. Go through the user guide with the software in front of you. It'll make sense eventually :) It's not actually too complicated. The developers have made it fairly intuitive, once you know where things like the character sheet are. Right-clicking opens up a context menu, displaying in a radial form rather than the Windows rectangle.

If all else fails, there's a number of us with the Ultimate license. Keep an eye out for a one-shot from one of us, then come and join in. The Guild House is the place to look.

October 17th, 2011, 20:11
Why would this get locked?

Fantasy Grounds is what is known as a virtual tabletop (VTT). It's an online equivalent of the table you gather around to play pen-and-paper roleplaying games. It's one of many different tools on the market (Maptool, Battlegrounds, Infrno, iTabletop being others). I happen to think it's the best around, but I'm biased :)

What the VTT isn't is a separate game. The VTT is only a tool to help a GM running the game over the internet. Think of it as a glorified GM screen :)

The new version of the tool allows a demo using the unregistered full download. The separate demo is a little dated now, being a number of versions behind. I'd suggest downloading and installing the software and giving it a go. You will need to open up port 1802 in order to play over the internet if you have a network router.

I'd also have a look at the user guide in the Library. Go through the user guide with the software in front of you. It'll make sense eventually :) It's not actually too complicated. The developers have made it fairly intuitive, once you know where things like the character sheet are. Right-clicking opens up a context menu, displaying in a radial form rather than the Windows rectangle.

If all else fails, there's a number of us with the Ultimate license. Keep an eye out for a one-shot from one of us, then come and join in. The Guild House is the place to look.

Ah! Thank you, yes, exactly! Just the answer I was looking for. I played around with the program, so it is as you said. I didn't think it was a game, so thank you for confirming my suspicions! It'd be nice to play a game, so I will keep an eye out. I...Don't exactly know what a port is, but I'll set onto that. For now I'm going to be celebrating victory with a mug of hot cocoa!

I ask of you, one last question, if I may: Would a newbie to D&D be able to play one of the hosted-GM games using this program? Or should I try and get some actual experience on the subject? (I've read lots about D&D, but for honest to got experience I have none...) Sorry for asking so many question! I really do appreciate it.

Oh, and I figured that it would be locked because, y'know, forums tend not to be nice to newbies. I was banned on a gaming forum for asking how to launch the client...So I tend to take things with a grain (or cup) of salt.

October 17th, 2011, 20:23
You can play using an unregistered version only if the GM has the Ultimate license. Otherwise, at least a Lite license is needed to play. The majority of GMs will have the Full version. Not all of us play D&D (3.5/Pathfinder/4e). I don't. I'm sure if you keep an eye on the Guild House, you'll find something though. I'm sure someone starting up a level 1 game wouldn't mind a newbie in the mix.

The thing to remember is that you're acting a part in a story. The GM has the plot and an outline, but you're then making up the story as you go. A good GM will be taking leads from the players, instead of railroading a plotline. Each player plays a single lead character in the story, with the GM taking all the incidental parts and the part of the narrator (filling in description etc.). A good player will play an active role, while also giving the other players their chance to make their character shine.

If you're only looking to play, then you don't need to worry about the technical aspects (like opening ports). Only the GM needs to do that. This is because the software runs on the GM's machine and the other players connect to it.

October 17th, 2011, 20:31
This post may interest you:

or this:

October 17th, 2011, 23:42
Thanks, Valarian! I'll make sure to check out those links once I can, much appreciated! I'm glad to know that this whole process seems simple enough, I'm not too good with computers.

I'm a good roleplayer, if a bit of a quiet one. I've read dozens upon dozens of fantasy stories, so I'm pretty good with the whole "Goblin, Dwarf, Elf, ETC" setting. Not so much with anything that strays out of that grouping though!

I have work right now, so sorry for the short post. I'll be back although! Your help is appreciated!

October 18th, 2011, 00:52
Hey Shadesttone, welcome. The interwebs are indeed full of forums that are full of very unfriendly people... this aint one of 'em! This forum is the only one where I have honestly not run into a jerk yet - quite the opposite. Many folks up here have bent over backwards to help me out and give pointers when I've needed them. Don't be afraid to ask questions here.

Personally, if I had an ultimate license, I'd be dying to run you in a game. My most vivid memories of fun games were ones where I wasn't sure what was going to happen, or how tough an opponent was. "There's a skelleton creeping towards me from out of the shadows? With no jaw? And he's got an iron mace with spikes all over it? That sounds frightening!" I know the game pretty well by now and still love playing, but can be harder to get that same sense of apprehension once you know the stats well... it tends to become a bit more about weighing stats and probabilities, whether one likes it or not.

Anyway, being new to the game is a feature, not a bug as far as I'm concerned. If you're looking for an old west game to play in a few weeks down the road, I have a thread about it here:


I'm sure you'll find a good playing group for you - lotsa great folks here.

October 18th, 2011, 01:35
Hey Shadesttone, welcome. The interwebs are indeed full of forums that are full of very unfriendly people... this aint one of 'em! This forum is the only one where I have honestly not run into a jerk yet - quite the opposite. Many folks up here have bent over backwards to help me out and give pointers when I've needed them. Don't be afraid to ask questions here.

Personally, if I had an ultimate license, I'd be dying to run you in a game. My most vivid memories of fun games were ones where I wasn't sure what was going to happen, or how tough an opponent was. "There's a skelleton creeping towards me from out of the shadows? With no jaw? And he's got an iron mace with spikes all over it? That sounds frightening!" I know the game pretty well by now and still love playing, but can be harder to get that same sense of apprehension once you know the stats well... it tends to become a bit more about weighing stats and probabilities, whether one likes it or not.

Anyway, being new to the game is a feature, not a bug as far as I'm concerned. If you're looking for an old west game to play in a few weeks down the road, I have a thread about it here:


I'm sure you'll find a good playing group for you - lotsa great folks here.

Hah, thanks! I'm glad to know that the community here is good. It's quite rare to find such a hidden gem on the internet! I look forwards to my time here. I personally love when a game (Of any type) is completely random. I've never enjoyed playing scripted games, which is probably why I hate most "Adventure" or "Shooting" games. Which probably leads to my love of RPGs and RTS's.

A game in a few weeks, eh...I wouldn't know, that's almost impossible to tell. I could be gone for a month tomorrow, or stay home for a few weeks. I tend to lead a hectic life, so long-term planning isn't usually in my books...Thanks for the offer although! I guess I'll just explore the forums for a while, see if I can meld with the community.

October 18th, 2011, 01:45
That's a good thing to communicate to a game master when you talk to them. Some games seem to be pretty regular, and some seem to be played in bursts of activity. I think with some games it's totally cool to miss sessions when you want, and some people are looking for more of a time commitment. Also, some games only last a few sessions - most people around here seem to call them "one shots" or "one offs". Make sure that the folks know your schedule can sometimes be up in the air so there aren't any surprises down the road. There should still be oppotunities to play.

October 21st, 2011, 23:51
Also I'd suggest dropping by the chatroom it is generally a good place to find a game or some friendly advice.

https://fg2.rpg-vault.net <--- Chatroom

- Obe