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View Full Version : FYI: tricks & quirks RMC character sheet

October 5th, 2011, 16:20
These are not bugs per se, they are little quirks in the RMC character sheet that might make a new user think there are bugs. I'm posting them as info with tricks to go around them:

- when you have dragged in more skills on the skill tab that can fit in one window, you have to scroll up/down to view/manage the skills. Intuitively, many will use the mouse wheel to scroll, as it works in other FG windows. When the mouse wheel is over an editable numerical field, turning it up increments the value and down decrements it. Since much of the skills window is editable numerical fields, it looks like the character sheet is getting randomly corrupted. The safest way to go around this is to use the scroll icon in the lower left corner of the skills window.

- when you add a 4th language in the main tab of the character sheet, the scroll icon hides part of it. Just add an empty 5th language and use the scrolling icon to view the 4th language.

- the equipment and herbs windows on the inventory tab don't have the scroll icon when they get full. You can keep dragging equipment and herbs in these windows though. To see then, click on the description of the last visible item and then use the down arrow on the keyboard to scroll down the view of the equipment or herbs window.

Enjoy the RMC ruleset, it's a blessing to the RM enthusiast! (unless your enthusiasm was about flipping pages to find the right tables...)

November 9th, 2011, 05:29
I am completely new to this system setup and my character sheet is failing to record any type of bonus on stats after I input my Temp and Pot numbers and also I can not get the skills to drag onto my character sheet. Am I just daft or is there something I am missing?

November 9th, 2011, 13:52
I am completely new to this system setup and my character sheet is failing to record any type of bonus on stats after I input my Temp and Pot numbers and also I can not get the skills to drag onto my character sheet. Am I just daft or is there something I am missing?
It's a long time ago, but I remember having similar issues on my first attempt. I was using the Manage Characters options then. Create a campaign instead and then follow the step-by-step of the Character Creation Walkthrough link in the Character & Campaign Law book (second link from bottom).

November 11th, 2011, 02:32
That seems to do the trick.
All drag and drops work, and the stats auto fill properly when the character was created from inside a campaign.

Also, thanks for the tip about scrolling inside the windows. Not sure I would have picked up on that without the tip.

November 13th, 2011, 07:35
You can prevent accidently changing a value when trying to scroll. You can go to Preferences, General Options and set a Mouse Scroller Key to something other than None. Then it will only change the values if you hold down the key that you set it to.

November 13th, 2011, 08:58
Probably the biggest thing I found as an issue for my players (and myself at first) is knowing the steps to drag the information to the Character Sheet. Maybe not some much the steps themselves but you have to make sure you are dragging from the correct source document/screen to get it to carry over so it links correctly. The RoleMaster RS is pretty powerful but IMHO, it takes some getting used to before you really get the most out of it.

November 14th, 2011, 21:12
Agreed. Figuring out the little quirks takes a bit but that seems to be the case with each ruleset that has any sort of automation. They did get the most important parts handled which mainly includes the table look up features. I am really impressed with those features.

I was playing around with the resistance rolls and made this little extension. Basically if you double click a resistance roll total, then it will roll the resistance and add it to the chat window.

Removed the old extension. The new version can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15785.