View Full Version : Looking for group

October 4th, 2011, 06:28
I am an experience D&D 3.5 player and Pathfinder. I have been DM'ing for 15+ years and I have a good group going on Sunday, but I am looking for a game to play during the week. Saturdays are not a good time for me because it's always chaotic with the football games or baseball for my son. I work from 8 AM to 5 PM PST, so anything during those times are out for me unless it's okay for me to show up late.

I have played Cyberpunk, Star wars, Older Shadowrun, and Marvel on occasions, but not a serious campaign. I own a registered copy of Hero Lab with 3.5 and Pathfinder along with some paperback books. I play casters most of the time, but I can fill in the holes with what the party needs.

I am looking for a reliable game because the three other groups fell apart only two weeks into it. I bought a registered lite copy of FG II and I'm ready to join. I am a great player who does both Hack'n'slash mix with Role-playing that helps the party get where they need to go.

October 4th, 2011, 17:17
Vanith, after I get my first PFS game under my belt on the 15th, I plan on running pfs scenarios fairly often on different days. If that interests you, send me a pm and let me know what days/times work for you.

October 4th, 2011, 19:08
Talen, I may be interested in this as well. I have never played Pathfinder, but would like to. I have been playing 3.5 since it launched and I know that PF is pretty much the same thing. Is there a Pathfinder ruleset for FG2? Also, I am PST as well and after 5pm during the week would usually work for me as well. Let me know, thanks! :D

October 4th, 2011, 19:36
There is now a Pathfinder ruleset (its built in to the d20 ruleset since the 2.8 update I believe).

I'll firm everything up after we get our first session under our belt next week, but I'd love to have more players. My plan - assuming everything goes well - is to start building the tools to expand Pathfinder Society play through Fantasy Grounds. I'll make an announcement on the boards about the next session....Im aiming for weekly assuming the scenario prep doesnt take a long time (its not bad if the monsters are in the PRD mod - but named humanoids are a problem since its all manual at this point).

October 5th, 2011, 03:05
I haven't played much PFS and I wasn't sure what it was all about. I know that they are small mini modules that you can play, but I love campaigns that go for a while to develop characters, but if there isn't any takers then I'll give it a go and see what this is all about because it seems like people like these things.

Just let me know when and where as I will see what I can do. I believe I have to buy the module for Hero Lab because it's a separate module.

October 9th, 2011, 03:12
We have an opening for a player on Friday nights 6pm PST (2hr max sessions). A good solid group that attends faithfully. its a 3.5 mod (Monte Cook Iron Heroes) the differences are you get Tokens for doing specific class actions which trade off for special attacks/actions... low magic campaign, and lots of skill uses for combat actions (kinda like Conan with some Gunpowder... Sorcery a plenty...) We have several "NPC's" that can be played or you can create a new 3rd level character. The classes are a little different than 3.5... the players are responding positively to the rules and enjoying the quest.
I try to mix a little roleplay and combat, dungeons are never repetitive... there is lots of overland exploring, city ventures, seafaring and a evil that keeps on growing and growing...
Based on a tabletop AD&D campaign I created in the 80's.
We voice over Skype. Message me if you are interested.