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View Full Version : Savage Worlds Interest Check: Hellfrost vs. Space 1889

Stan Shinn
September 20th, 2011, 03:13
I've got both the Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games https://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php) and Space 1889: Red Sands (Peginc, https://www.peginc.com/Art/Articles/Space1889/Space1889.html) materials and I'm giving thought to firing up a campaign of about 12 games in one of these systems (would be a few weeks away before I start though).

Which setting -- Hellfrost vs. Space 1889 -- would you be more interested in playing?

I'm asking in advance as I'm also going to run this game in my Face to Face group, and buy miniatures, etc., but I don't want to invest in running a system in my FtF group for which there is no appetite in the FGII landscape.

Days and times TBD, but probably on the weekend, and depending partly on when folks who are interested are available.