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View Full Version : Looking for Planescape / GURPS Group

September 14th, 2011, 21:49

I am currently new to the boards and wanted to see what my chances were of finding a group before purchasing Fantasy Grounds. If all goes well, I would be more than happy to pay for the client.

My role-playing experience is limited, however I have always enjoyed reading over some of the campaign material. (Mostly Planescape, Forgotten Realms and some Space GURPS material) I also enjoy the idea of more story based role playing and less on number crunching and tactics. (I have board games for those!)

I am also hoping to get enough in game experience that I can understand the mechanics of a 'good' game session and try to DM myself. (Yes, practice makes perfect but typically players don't give you very many chances.)

As for the personal bits, I am in my mid 20's, married and work a 9-5.


Ram Tyr
September 14th, 2011, 22:51
Welcome. I'm sure you'll find others using Fantasy Grounds that share your interests. Just like when looking for a face to face game, it can take time to find a game to join. Similarly, the pay off can be great when you find one! I've been using FG for years now and it's probably the best money I've ever spent on software.

You may want to edit your post to refer to Fantasy Grounds. Looks like a copy/paste error that slipped through the cracks. = )

September 14th, 2011, 22:51
... before purchasing battlegrounds ...
Welcome to the boards, however, wrong VT! ;)

What timezone are you in?

September 15th, 2011, 01:57
Oh my, that is embarrassing. In any case, thank you for pointing out my mistake, it has been fixed...

I am -6:00 GMT (Central Standard Time)

September 16th, 2011, 00:01
I have a Friday night game looking for one or two more. We meet up at 9pm eastern, so 8pm your time if my math is correct (hard to subtract 1). We are currently doing "one offs" which simply mean that you are free to come and do a single adventure then move along, or do the next one off. I plan on starting a new campaign style game at the end of this one off though.

The rules are GURPS.. the story is that you are a company of new recruits in the Malazan Empire and on your first duty station... it is actually really cool (imo). PM me your email if you are interested and register on my calendar, though most of the communication is done via email.

September 16th, 2011, 16:49
sent a PM. thanks everyone for your help. :)