View Full Version : encounter placement not works

September 11th, 2011, 08:22
I tried to place all the encounter tokens within the new functionality of 2.8 "encounter placement" by drag&drop the tokens from the encounter view into my map (which was just created by "maps & images" -> new, set a grid to 30pix).
On the DM site everything works fine, but not an the player site (i opened a second FG2 an my pc an connected localhost to the DM session).
On the player site you do not see any encounter tokens, also the map was shared, and all the NSCs were made "visible" in the combat tracker.
You can also see everything in the combat tracker on the PC site, but no tokens were shown on the map.

I created for that test a new campaign (4E) with no extensions and no mods aktivated with FG2 version 2.8.1 (linux compatible mode with latest codeweavers "wine" version). the NSC for the encounter were created manuelly and drag&drop'ed to the encounter setting. the tokens i used for the NSCs were in the "tokens/host" folder as PNG images.

September 11th, 2011, 08:32
If you toggle the visible/invisible off/on they will appear on the player side.

September 11th, 2011, 08:50
I toggled the "visible/invisible off/on" (in combat tracker on the DM side) but nothing appeared on the player side.

September 11th, 2011, 09:04
I toggled the "visible/invisible off/on" (in combat tracker on the DM side) but nothing appeared on the player side.

I see this when the map was shared before I place the NPCs from the encounter (press the down arrow in the encounter entry). Re-share the map to the players shows all the NPC tokens for me.

September 11th, 2011, 09:06
Thanks Trenloe, that was it !

Is it feature or a bug ?


September 11th, 2011, 11:53
I see this when the map was shared before I place the NPCs from the encounter (press the down arrow in the encounter entry). Re-share the map to the players shows all the NPC tokens for me.

This, of course, is what I meant to say. :)

I'd say it's a feature, because you don't always want the players to see everything pop up at once. (e.g. some may be hiding and whatnot)

Moon Wizard
September 11th, 2011, 18:17
I'm not sure if this is related, but I thought I would add a little detail.

When you place the tokens from the encounter window, the tokens on the map are just placeholders and not linked to anything. When the encounter window is closed, the tokens will go away.

The link between the tokens on the map and the combat tracker is not created until you use the Add to Combat Tracker button in the Encounter window. At that time, it creates the combat tracker entry for each combatant, creates a new token instance, links it to the combat tracker and places the token on the map.

If you place the tokens on the map after you add to the combat tracker, they will not be linked.
