View Full Version : Psionics ruleset

September 9th, 2011, 00:05
quite some time ago i purchased an addition that added all the psionic rules from 3.5 to a full rulesset.

Where do i get this again...i had a major system failure and am finally recovering to the point where i need my fg stuff again.


September 9th, 2011, 04:21
Try the "Store" link - previously purchased items should be available there via the "Order History" link (semi-hidden away at the bottom of the page !)

September 9th, 2011, 14:24
hmmm found it and got it thanks...i put it in my modules directory(its the csrd complete kit) but nothing shows up. Is it oudated?

September 9th, 2011, 14:56
hmmm found it and got it thanks...i put it in my modules directory(its the csrd complete kit) but nothing shows up. Is it oudated?

Start a new 3.5E campaign and it should be available under module activation as "Complete SRD Psionics".