View Full Version : Image sharing and closing

September 6th, 2011, 12:31
Hi guys,

Have noticed the 4E ruleset allows the GM to share images, and then close the image independently of the players. This allows players to choose when they close images - surely good for letting players feel empowered about controlling there desktop real estate.

I pushed this functionality into SWEX for the upcoming (no date yet...) version and kinda liked it. But then there are times when I want to flash up an image and take it down again - it feels more like I'm directing the movie experience knowing I can remove it.

So I guess I'm kind of missing the CONTROL of being able to close images for all players, rather than leaving them to close the images.

What do other GMs, and more importantly players, think of this ? I am tempted to allow both "close" and "close for all", but the radial menu for images is a little overcrowded already...

Ben (-PW-)

September 6th, 2011, 12:45
I would like the ability to close images for all players.

More than once in the past I have accidentally shared an image when intending to pre-cache it.

SO far I have not had this problem since I started testing SWEX 3.2, but it has been on my mind :)

September 6th, 2011, 13:02
I (like you) like the ability to reshare and hence refocus the Players attention on an image/story frame.

I've also been in the same situation as Doswelk, frantically clicking on close for a wrongly shared image!

September 6th, 2011, 13:08
in 4E/3.5E mechanism (which I have also stolen for the next release of C&C), if you have implemented it all, should allow you do do what you want

closing the hosts image window as you say closes it for you but leaves it available to the players. but in the image window list an "s" icon appears as soon as you share an image. Clicking on this icon closes for all.

infact the 4E system is built so that the players also have a windowlist icon in the sidebar and can reference the images by opening and closing them whenever they want. Unless you click on the "S" icon to remove it from their list.

This is pretty useful for player handouts that they might need to reference in ongoing seasions.

September 7th, 2011, 03:15
Ah ha ! Sounds good.

Was hoping to not take on too much more, and get SWEX 3.2 out of the door, but from Doswelk and MurghBpurn's mutual feedback, it looks like SOMETHING needs to be done before release, so I'll see if I can push this forward (rather than backwards).