View Full Version : Child-like Innocence

September 1st, 2011, 19:07
Good day all!

I am looking at the possibility of running a World of Darkness Innocence game in a couple months. I have a few friends that would be playing from here, so I would be looking at probably 2-3 spots for additional folks.

There is of course a catch (as there is always). I want folks who understand they will be playing as children and as such, not try and power game or loophole the system.

The games I run tend to be more roleplay than combat, and this will be no exception. That being said, are there folks out there that would be interested in a game where the players are children in a world of darkness and shadow?

September 1st, 2011, 22:39
Never played World of Darkness, Does it have it's own rule set like CoC? Also do you have an ideal day you might want to run it as posible a time?

Lastly, how the story in terms? Seeing i've never played WoD, kinda picturing something of the "Super 8" Movie or perhaps abit more gritty.

September 2nd, 2011, 04:35
Have wanted to play a WoD (nWoD?) game for some time. Love the system and overall setting, simply have not yet had the chance. Would Innocents sorta essentially be along the lines of the kids/situation from "It"? 'Cause that would be terrific (except, of course for the ending...).

Anyway, I've got a screwy schedule but if it so happens the stars should align (and your sessions fit with a late-night EST timeline) I would love to contribute. I strongly prefer character exploration and interaction (why do they do what they do?) over combat and power-gaming. But I could rant for hours on that subject.

Either way, to you and yours, I wish all the very best.

Dr Babylon

edit: Did some reading. See it's more like "Coraline". Still very, very interested.

September 2nd, 2011, 07:35
I would love to play in a nWoD innocents game.

September 2nd, 2011, 16:18
Winner-Winner-Chicken-Dinner! Count me in! I am totally stoked for an Innocents game!

September 2nd, 2011, 16:30
I was thinking about starting it sometime in October. The game would be new world of darkness, specifically, the innocents setting with a few modifications. I will be taking the times folks can play into consideration.

World of Darkness is a game that uses d10s. Your stats, skills, etc, are represented by 'dots' with convert to a 1 for 1 for the number of dice you roll. It is a horror setting.

Lastly, I am planning the game to be something like 'It' (minus the ending), as well as all the children in supernatural horror situation movies. Dark Water, Don't be afraid of the dark, Puppet Master, Child's Play, etc. Please keep in mind that this will be a dark game, and the subject matter will be very grown up. :hurt:

September 2nd, 2011, 19:25
Hey what about the game "Little Fears: Nightmare Edition" it is pretty neat so far. Simpler system as compared to NWoD.

September 2nd, 2011, 23:53
I can game just about any time. My schedule is mostly wide open. I am not available from 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM or 2:30pm-3:30pm EST Monday - Friday. Beyond those 2 hourlong chunks of time I can play anytime.

September 4th, 2011, 23:37
The game is set up in the Game Calendar, but again, it will be a little bit before we start up.